Banners: Three banners added.
The Black Earth/Hell's Bar & Grill: Return to Lucifer's Pizza.
Seasons In Hell: Some 'Demonological' notes, suggestions, & musings added. [Psychodrama]
Quotaions: On Zeno's Paradox "What happens when an unstoppable force meets an immovable object?"
The Black Earth/Hell's Bar & Grill: Snackrifices!
VI/VI: Day of Observation/Remembrance
6/6/6 Satanic High Mass Ritual Anniversary.
VI/I: 'Reign In Hell'.
The Blackthorne Chronicles: An Architect of Hell.
IV/XXX: Walpurgisnacht
Seasons In Hell: It is gratifying to witness the sublime evilutions of The Church of Satan since inception in this Age of Fire, stronger than ever growing ever more potent with each High Holiday. What Magus LaVey put into motion continues to thrive, to evolve into perpetually intriguing transmutations, as carnal devils arise from the black flames of this Cabal, burning fierce in brain and body, passionate and mighty.
On this night did The Black Pope unleash a force into the world unlike what has ever been seen before, building into a veritable monument of flesh and bone, hell fire and stone.
Upon His stepping into the great darkness, did then a High Priest and Priestess embark upon the journey, steadying the vessel that it remain on course upon Leviathan’s waters to reach many a marvel-filled shore replete with previously unknown treasures lain hidden in the shadows, uncovered by those brave few to discover the dimensions of inner and outer nature. Explorers of the forbidden paths which enrich and empower.
So on this Walpurgis Night, when Witches and Warlocks travel forth upon the nocturnal gales to work the most diabolical Magic, the festivities of this infernal Sabbath are resplendent, and the Gates of Hell part that much wider, so may thy chosen demons and devils, brethren of the labyrinthine regions rise up to greet you in mutual rapport, while Baphomet gazes forth to bestow a myriad of pleasures.
Hail The Church of Satan! HAIL SATAN.
Warlock Draconis Blackthorne
The Haunted Noctuary
Walpurgisnacht, XLIX Anno Satanas
Blackthorne Productions/The Devil's Diary: Wicked Walpurgisnacht of XLIX A.S.: The Gates of Hell open again with this issue, featuring the undefiled wisdom of the Magus LaVey interview from Seconds magazine; Sergeant Daemon offers insight into various recent Satanic Panic cases; Dracommendations reveals some vampire secrets; a recent Sasquatch hoax, & misanthropic commentary on TBN's Paul Crouch.
As the black candles slowly illuminate, The Shadow Gallery displays the diabolical art of Horror Artist Tony Karnes and the infernal sculptural expertise of Baird Lee.
Noctuariuum sections feature a plethora of horror movie reviews, including Hell Night, The Unseen, Silver Bullet, & others; Malefick Musick features the orchestrations of Nox Arcana & Crimson Winter; top secret 'Knight Files' opened; The Black Earth plunges into various nefarious evocations & evilutions; all while enjoying some indulgent Autumnal confections at Hell's Bar & Grill.
Hail Satan!
IV/XI: Day of Observation - Magus LaVey Nativity.
Magus LaVey Archives: Seconds Magazine Interview.
The Black Earth/Attractions II: Devin Black Haunts.
Hell's Kitchen: Drac's Autumn Chips.
Shadow Gallery: Capricorn.

May The Devil's carnal delights bring myriad ecstasies & indulgence sublime...
May philtres be plentiful, cups filled to the brim
May confections be bountiful, hearty and with favorite treats
May favored minstrels and spectacles gratify thy senses
Thy Lair filled with the pleasures and treasures of your chosen kind
May allies be loyal, potent comrades-in-arms, with detractors smitten, doing no harm
May you grow in strength, wisdom, knowledge, and Power, every night, every hour
By black candle's flame, may thy wishes come true, savored in decadence all the year through
In prolific continuance, may thy imagination ever flow, forging reality to and fro
As the phoenix rises, and the serpent sheds, so The Black Dragon is reborn in unending Might!
So it has been, so it is, so it shall ever be.
Hail Draconis! Hail Satan! SO IT IS DONE. ∞

