Aesthetic Crystallization Inertia. The period in one's life where the
image of a villain, hero, or an otherwise character visually influences
a person to adopt a similar visage. Also refers to the preference of
certain environments. Some people may develop several in their
lifetime. It is commonly referred to as a "type".
This perception was influenced by Dr. Anton LaVey's codification of an E.C.I. {Erotic Crystalization Inertia}.
ALEXITHYMICON: The Blindlight Bible with its deranged, Thanatos-obsessed, illusory mythology.
ARCHETYPAL EGREGORE: Anthropomorphic thoughtform projection of the Ego & Id. Apropos for the "what is god or The Devil?" question.
Id: the part of the mind in which innate instinctive impulses and primary processes are manifest.
Ego: a person's sense of self-esteem or self-importance. Pride.
Archetype: statement, pattern of behavior, prototype, "1st" form, or main model that these copy, emulate, or "merge" into.
Egregore: an entity that arises from a collective group or individual; æthyric projection.
ASSIMILATES: In the sense that these
types are capable of imitating the Satanic state of being, and attempt
to be "made, not born", becoming familiar with the jargon and going
through the motions, but are ultimately false to the core, many times
cribbing from an actual Satanist's personality. Whereupon exposure,
and/or separation from the Satanist's presence, revert to their true
non-Satanic dispositions, most times containing some variation of
blindlight self-deceit.
The pseudo-"science" which dictates orders masked in blindlight
rhetoric, subjugating the simple-minded & co-dependent, thus
feeding their stuporstitious delusions.
ATMOSFEAR: 1. The eerie sensation of dread indicative of the paranormal, creating a conducive atmosfear for manifestation; 2. the impression of an evil 'presence', formed or formless {many times experienced through ritual & conducting occult oracles}, may derive from an object, location, or individual; 3. Feeling derived from the reading, telling, viewing and/or listening to frightful presentations; 4. Societal hysteria like Satanic Panic mentality.
BLACK LIGHT: 1. Satanic gnosis, undefiled wisdom. 2. Symbolic of The Black Flame; 3. reminiscent of translucent electro-plasmatic spheres. Antonyms: Blindlight, whitelight.
BLASPHEMISM [n]; Blasphemist [v]: 1. A dualistic mentality of anti-christian obsession. 2. A Satanist will shed any blindight influence with evolution and expressions of truly Satanic endeavors, while a blasphemist may persist countering within the Judeo-Islamic-Christian paradigm. 3. While a Satanist may engage in periodic blasphemy or sacrilege to express a larger point or for pure amusement, and otherwise manipulations towards certain ends, the psyche has been purged by Le Messe Noir in early formative development after infernal realization of one's true nature has been traversed. 4. With very few exceptions, a Blasphemist may not even be as sophisticated as a Devil Worshipper, in that no concentrated study or practice of any worthwhile sort is endeavored, but is pre-occupied by intoxication. 5. A dabbler whose mental development goes no further than adolescent rebellious expressions, and may even persist at that level for life. 6. While other religions hold no bearing on Satanism, blasphemism is dependent upon the religions continuously lampooned.
- Demonicense {Dee-moni-sens}: Dæmonic benecense.
- Demonidiction {Dee-moni-diction}: Dæmonic benediction.
- Lucificense {Loo-sif-ifens}: Lucifer benecense. {1
7th Key}.
- Satanidiction: Satanic benediction.
BLINDLIGHT: Judeo-xian, Muslim, Buddhist, Jewish, Weaka, "New-Age", & other white-light religions. (noun - Blindlighters).
Devil-worshipers who remain under the subjection of xian mythology.
May be outwardly black, but ultimately, are part of the herd.
'BORN WITH THE HORNS': Descriptive phrase used to denote the axiom "Satanists are born, not made", meaning the acceptance and practice of one's natural dispositions {usually towards the carnal, arcane, morbid, bizarre, & occult}, as resonant with true Satanic philosophy as outlined in The Satanic Bible. Derivation: "horn born".
CODEX GYGAX: Alternate name for the fantasy board game known as "Dungeons & Dragons", named after co-creator Ernest Gary Gygax. May also refer to the 'Dungeon Master's Manual' in particular.
CRUSADER SYNDROME: The affliction of annoying & presumptuous Blindlight pests seeking to convert & evangelize everyone in sight.
DÆMONOCRACY: 1. A governmental system that employs Lex Talionis / Lex Satanicus / Legis Draconum; A system of stratification employed for the genius, iconoclast in their chosen fields of endeavour, especially in the Arts. Classified as "madness". 2. The Legalization of Euthanasia, Narcotics, Prostitution, & the return of The Circus Maximus, in which destructive organisms will be executed, with viewing availability for public access; when people will not be protected from their own stupidity.
DÆMONEIRIC: 1. The process of visualization while lucid dreaming to assume a lycanthropic, anthropomorphic, and/or zoomorphic form of one's preference. 2. Assuming the form of a totem archetype for the purpose of traveling forth in the dream state to subconsciously influence an intended target and/or situation; sometimes to extract information. 3. Etheric predation as a principle of Vampirism. (Der. dæmon = genius; god / oneiric = pertaining to dreams).
DEMONIMATION: 1. Devil-worship within the judeo-xian paradigm might as well just be a blasphemous xian denomination, thus the double-entendre'. 2. May also refer to pseudo-satanic detractors attempting to coat-tail ride on The Church of Satan. Thus the anti-xian play on words for "denomination".
DÆMONBULACRUM: 1. The Wicked Walk, Walk of The Wicked; 2. Constitutional. 3. May also refer to The Necromancer's Path [see Dracomeroth]; Dæmon's Path. "deambulacrum" [lat] + dæmon [gk]
DARKETYPE: Archetypal iconography of a darkened nature in either aesthetics , and/or symbolic, or philosophical form.
DARKITECTURE: Iconic architecture of darkened fane, like haunted houses, mansions, The Black House {Hellhouse}, Gothic castles, lighthouses, towers, structures displaying trapezoidal angles and classic darketypal iconography. May also include vehicles.
DE-EVOLUTIONIST: 1. The likes of Diogenes and the nazarene, who would be the patron archetypal "gods" of this type. Find ways to justify pain, suffering, misery through philosophies of weakness and servility. Manifest in peasant religions. 2. Propagate uncivility, mediocrity, cultural stupidity, victim mentality, persecution complex; 3. lack of discipline, control, education, training, æsthetics; an overall de-evolution of intellect, behavior, species. 4. Untermensch. 5. Low on the stratification p/role. 6. Those of low character and quality. Thrive on misery. 7. Gratuitously prefers the "hard way", even though it may be unnecessary, or an easier option is available.* 8. Display hypocritically selfish pretentions at "humanitarianism".
* 3rd Side option is the smart way.
DEMONSTER: "Demon Monster" (e.g., demon + monster = demonster). 1. Typically huge, menacing representations of demonic beasts (ex. Abaddon, Leviathan, Cthulhu, etc.) / "Beast of The Apocalypse" (der. j/c mythology). 2. Technically, the Krampus would also qualify as a "demonster". 3. Kaiju monsters (Godzilla, Rodan, Mothra, Hydra, etc.); 4. Dracling terminology refers to those woolly horned characters from various presentations. Ex. The Wild Things, "Sweetums" (muppets).
DOGYM: [dO-jim]: Dojo + Gymnasium; Part dojo, part gym. Also define backwards to determine propensities. Remember, xianity & Martial Arts do not mix.
DRACOMNIUM: The merging of the bestial and the civil in the humanimal for a balanced state of being; e.g., 'Satanic Grace'. Symbolically exemplified in the archetypes of Lucifer {dark angel} & Satan {devil/demon} combined into the All-One, The Third Side, the center stanchion of the pitchfork, the trinary perfection of 666; and such characteristics displayed in The Sabbatic Baphomet.
DRACONIAN: Satanic; of Satan; of The Devil; of The Dragon {Dracul / Satan}.
DRÆGON (drAgon): 1. Dæmon + Dragon = Drægon. 2. Satanic, Dæmonic Dragon, such as The Shadow Dragon seen here; & Tiamat. 3. Symbolically, Drægon collectively represents The Four Crown Princes of Hell. 4. The hellements represented as dragons, synonymous with Satan. 5. Another name for Satan.
* Plural: Drægons (devils, dæmons). * Descriptive: Drægonic: Satanic, of The Devil (equiv. Draconian).
DIOJENESIS: [diogenes+jesus] Combination of similar characteristics exemplifying traits from the same general source. Does the 'wine' also derive from the same barrel?
Diogenes the vagrant philosopher who justified his wretchedness with minimalist preferences, resulting in de-evolution. Sans pride, dignity, or honor, manners, hygiene, lack of aesthetics. It is for the humanimal to adjust and seek comfort, intellectually evolve, instead of stagnate.
The folkloric nazarene stated the so-called "'son of man' has no place to lay his head." Roaming from place to place spreading a slave cult mentality with unrealistic egalitarian anthropic notions and mythical meandering. Resulting in suicide later exploited by the Catholic Church.
Both classified as mentally ill with a fetish for suffering, and compulsions towards misery.
DUSKENING [noun/verb.]: 1. Dusk as the sun sinks into Hell in The West. 2. The meditative practice of contemplating the beauty of sunset. 3. The absorption of earthly energy to enhance one's overall Magical being.
EARSORE: 1. Like an eyesore, except on a sonic level. 2. Voluminous audial impositions of a decidedly unpleasant nature. 3. The "blare" part of the BUGS of the Lightmare; 4. Also indicative of "Car Wars" - that is to say, flatulent reverberations deriving from automotive stereophonic sources.
EPINOX: Epic Night.
True Satanic Love; A Love enforced towards personal evilution,
ego-fulfillment, & erotic satisfaction; The balance between romantic
love, & sensual indulgence.
The evolving Satanist, as he/she reaches their goals, & improves
their earthly & Magical skills, talents, & perceptions.
FALLOWEEN: Beginning on the Autumnal Equinox, when all the evocative imagery begins manifesting in society, Falloween comprises the entirety of Autumn {Season Belial}, with October 31st being Halloween's 'Birthday' {iconographic representations with the various "Masks of Satan" and Samhain, the "spirit of Halloween"; and/or "Cousin Shy" as presented by The Addams Family series}, wherein a Halloween cake is prepared in honor of this wonderful holiday. Being that many of the elements of Halloween are in de-facto the year through, its symbolic & aesthetic appreciation is enhanced with this observation.
1. When Halloween decorations begin permeating society, usually beginning about September 1st, continuing through Halloween until Winter Solstice. Varies according to weather & environment. 2. The enchanting onset of the Autumn season. Cooler climes, brown, orange, red hues. 3. In certain senses, the Macrocosmic reflection of the Lair. ∞
F.C.I. {Acronym: Fear Crystallization Inertia}:
1. The point in time when one develops a phobia. 2. A phobia stemming
from an experience in which a particular situation, object, or creature
impresses upon the mind in a negative or frightful manner. May be
perceived as either delusional, or actual in origin.
Egalitarianism; The focus on quantity rather than quality; The desire
to elevate the inferior untermenscht to the ranks of the Ubermenscht;
The denial of the Natural stratification between the Master & the
slave, the prey & the Predator; "Equalitarianism"; Blindlight
Aesthetically-devoid pseudo-"feminists" & weaka types who have an
aversion, or no concept of the flattery & accentuation of the
female form, or the charm & the application of glamour; many are
Fecalitarians; Aesthetic Nihilism.
In their attempts
to promote womens's rights, they have instead denied a woman's prime
Natural source of manipulation - CHARM & GLAMOUR.
FOOLOSOPHY: Blindlight religions' dogma that only serves to stifle the superior person's evilution.
GENERICS: Referring to the slob herd, who
display minimal to no genuine aesthetic or mental character except that
programmed for them by the media's characters and mode of sub-dress.
These exhibit redundant cliche's in both physical appearance and
fabricated "opinions". For all of the various labels, they all end up
looking and sounding the same of whatever genre, ergo, becoming
GORROR: To differentiate between the horror classifications of "gore", which are typified by 'slasher films', gratuitous carnage, the over-abundance of bloodshed, and psychological horror, thrillers, etc., which may contain some bloodshed, but whose theme is more psychodramatic in nature.
HELL BELL: 1. A tritone resonance / dissonance produced utilizing a combination of the ritual bell and a tuning fork; 2. The intonation of The Devil's Tritone {"Diabolus In Musica"} utilized for Satanic Ritual; proposing an intensification in the psychodramatic effect when utilized to begin & conclude the ritual / ceremony, all to stir the daemons within, opening the Gates of Hell of the subconscious Abyss, The Shadow Side activated, enhancing the atmosphere to further stimulate the bio-adrenal energies to flow that much more potently.
UPDATE: Upon further experimentation, acquiring a tuning fork {also diabolically, aesthetically inspirational}, in conjunction with the tone of the bell, produces a most suitable tritone resonance, thus psychologically empowering the omnipotent mind to emit higher levels of bio-adrenal/electrical energy into the atmosphere for an even more effective working! A personal recommendation to those so inclined.
HELLEGANCE: The Aesthetics of Evil indeed do have nascent forms of symmetry {sometimes purposeful asymmetry}, while being Gloriously Gothic & Magnificently Malefick. A Darksome Hellegance unmatched by any perfidious garishness.
HELLEMENTAL: The representative multicultural archetypes which comprise The Infernal Names. Plural: Hellementals.
HELLEMENT: The manifestations of Nature
comprised in the weather and the elements of fire, water, earth, and
air, ascribed to The Four-Crown Princes of Hell. Plural: Hellements.
HELLOWEEN: The notion to preserve Halloween as a fearsome holiday {or "helliday"}, when it is scary, distinct & not watered-down into some goofy, bland, common herd holiday. Maybe appropriate for little children, otherwise the application of Horror to this Sabbat, as in "Horrorween", just as well. Ergo, "Put the HELL in Halloween", & "Horrorween".
HELLTANE: 'Mayday', modified to include Satanic sensibilities. Aknowledged meditation & practice upon unexpurgated Lust and sexual symbolism, such as the maypole {phallus of Baphomet, Satan}, Male/Female attributes. Orgiastic pleasures, debauchery, fetishistic indulgence.
HELLVEN [Hell + "heaven"]: It has been said that 'it is better to rule in Hell than serve in heaven', which is inexorably true. Better to be one's own ruler, than to be ruled. One man's Hell may be another's paradise. All dependent upon personal specifications, æsthetically and as a state of being.
Ergo, “The mind is its own place, and in itself can make a heaven of hell, a hell of heaven.” - John Milton, Paradise Lost.
Therefore, for the Satanically inclined, it would make perfect etymological sense to ascribe this darkly descriptive, confirming term to one's vocabulary. From where one was truly spawned, and adjectively applicable as "Hellvenly".
HINDIAN: 1. Hindu+Indian. 2. Term used to denote the difference between Americanatives & "Indian", or "dot" & "feather". 3. Correcting xopher columbus' misnomer of indigenous civilizations of The American continents, and the indigenous people of the country of India.
HORNS TO THE BRIMSTONE: 1. Doing The Devil's Work. 2. Responsibility to the responsible. 3. Initiate progress, productivity, & evolution.
Used in a sentence: "Time to put the horns to the brimstone!"
HUMANIMAL: Humankind. {See Satanic Statement # VII / The Satanic Bible}.
HYPOCHRIST: Blindlighters; Hypocrites.
HYPNOCHRIST: 1. Preachers who hypnotize their congregations into dispensing with funds, & engendering placebos.
2. The Letharginator / TV as the new religion of the masses.
:I: The international symbol of the Internet. The colons indicate data introduced and emitted. "I" is also the 9th letter in the alphabet, which actually resonates with "www", Hebraically representing '666', which of course, adds to '9' [6+6+6=18/1+8=9]. See The Devil's Scroll; Satanic Numerology
Incompetent, Neurotic, Ridiculous, Idiotology. 2. The Roman initials
crowning the nazarene's cross, said to have originally meant "jesus
christ, king of the jews".
IDIOTOLOGY: So-called "ideologies" of blindlighters; Foolosophies.
INFERNAL BLISS: A.K.A., "Satanic Bliss". The sensation of euphoria derived from profoundly experiencing music, art, literature of a darkened nature, otherwise personally-gratifying diabolical activity, or during participation in ritual; sometimes resembling "possession".
IRONIC [Self-Disclosure] PROJECTION: Methinks thou doth protest too much! When the herd expose their own proclivities and character flaws by projecting onto someone else, far better than they. Due to intimidation, jealousy, envy, or sometimes even repressed sexual proclivities. Whether by insult, pretentiousness, cowardliness, or pure ignorance expressed as petty gossip and/or baiting, of the true nature of the object of their misdirected [misperceived] fixation.
The type often exhibit these traits in combination with the reverse theremin effect. Often run & hide and otherwise clam up in the presence of the object of their obsession. ∞
IRRELATIVE: So-called "relatives" in name only, who because it is not merited, or only opportunistic, or parasitic, any association is irrelevant in regards to family; or only utilizing the "family card" unessesarily or insincerely, in order to manipulate. Therefore, uncharacteristic of a functional, cooperative unit.
True family is earned, not automatically conferred, defined by truth and honor. It is mutually complementary, supportive, not at odds, nor detrimental. Therefore, it is not relative; ergo, "Irrelative". Also, The Irrelative Effect is evident in the sensation that one had always felt like a veritable orphan, feeling little to nothing in common with siblings, parents, or physical relatives.
Television with its mind-numbing effects, & stasis-inducing
hypnosis; The New God of the subhuman herd which dictates trends of
thinking, looking, acting, & even "feeling"; Hypnochrist.
"Let go my ego"; The thought pattern of the intimidated mortals when in
the presence of a Satanist, which leads to demonstrations of
mis-perceived effrontery on their part, while the Satanist could care
less. The herd then begins to reveal signs of their intimidation, all
of which is amusing to the Satanist.
Proliferous blare, ugliness, glare, & stare {B.U.G.S., or "bugs" /
Verb - "Bugging"}, either from solar radiation, &/or excessive
atmospheric pollutants, &/or monotonous tonalities, all of which
promotes overall desensitization.
Or, what do you call a Vampire's bad dream?
MARÆICHOR: The scent of the ocean, 'briny', marine layer.
Pronounced 'merekor', 'muraykor'}; etymology: "mar/mer" {lat. 'sea'}, ichor {'scent' in this context}.
In this context, 1. the application of Shadowmancy in the understanding
and manipulation of numerological superstition to one's benefit; 2. the
recognition of certain patterns of diabolical machination, usually in
multiples of nine in timelessness {see The Unknown Known, The Satanic Rituals}.
MALLEUS SATANICUS: Satan's Hammer; The Devil's Hammer.
MASOCHRIST: To make a differentiation between realized masochists who find fetishistic pleasure in pain play & submission, versus truly miserable misdirected masochists who are antagonizers and disturbers, resonating with the crucified nazarene icon of weakness, misery, & forced servility.
The MORTICIA EFFECT: Nomatter how frumpy, a female's appearance can be greatly accentuated by dressing the subject up like Morticia, Elvira, witch, etc., which will significantly elevate her attractiveness at least three or more points. [The irony lies in that her maidename is "frump", though she's anything but!]
MUCK-RAKERS: Refers to pretentious poseurs and
devil-worshiper-types who scoop up the dross which The Church of Satan
rejects. They serve as a gutter channel to filter undesirables away
from us.
MYTHAPHOR: A Mythological metaphor often misconstrued by blindlighters & taken as literal.
MYTHEOLOGY: A mythology that has taken root in a culture & regarded as truth.
NAZARENE WEATHER: Hot, oppressive, desert-like weather, from whence the folklore originates. Contains much of the Lightmare's BUGS elements, but specifically concentrating on the weather.
AESTHETICS: nazarene [land], [environment]. Ergo, "Nothing 'good' ever came out of the desert!" {not counting Egypt}; clothes = rags, generic, common, ill-fitting, filthy or peasant-like. Architecture: minimal craft, design, decoration, simplistic, or shoddy.
{Be it known, that artistry created in the name of blindlight churches were commissioned from artisans that were so-called "christian" in name only, while cardinal application was always for self-interest, and may have actually been de-facto diabolists & actual occultists}.
NECROPHONY: 1. A cacophony of discarnate voices sounding as if in a crowd. 2. A plethora of voices intermingled with spray and water, like a whole civilization speaking their minds and socializing together.
Explanation: The discarnate utilize the elements to sound out, by the sounds of rain, wind {which becomes as "voices" {as the air are like lungs}; to fog, smoke, which can possibly reveal forms, certain lighting, reflections in mirrors, windows, and shadows which may gain the observer certain impressions reverberating in the atmosphere.
Used in a sentence: "It was like a cavalcade of voices all speaking at the same time, likened another world and civilization living their lives and expressing thoughts as done in former incarnations." ∞
NOCTUARY: Satanic Lair &/or Ritual Chambre.
NOCTUARIUM: Abode of the Night; Place of Twilight.
In the sense of the Creator being the center of Imagination, while
others {the neutrons, protons, electrons} buzz about them to manifest
the Idea unto materialization. A Writer, Artist, Musician, Inventor,
OMNISM:Utilizing iconography, metaphor, and customs from a plethora of religious traditions to complement Magical practices.
Symbolized by The Omnigram, featuring combined upturned and inversed pentagrams, also depicted with the 3rd Eye {Wisdom, perception, pineal gland}; &/or infinity symbol.
Term 1st used for the book "The Omnis", invented by the author. c. XXIII A.S. The book would later evolve to Dracomeroth.
Some have posited that this may be the "Antichrist" world religion.
PAGANIST: 1. Pre-Church of Satan de-facto Satanist. 2. Those who were born before the foundation of The Church of Satan and The Age of Fire; and speaks to "Born, not made". Primal Pagan fits most descriptive. 3. Those attracted to a more arcanely Pagan expression in expression and aesthetics.
PEDANTICS [Pedantic+antics]: 1. Exaggerations of petty matters by those of likewise quality; 2. Nitpicking; 3. The observation or study of those who exhibit lower, lesser behavioral traits such as hysterics, being sneaky, spying, thievery {taking without asking}, lying, denial, ingratitude, pretentiousness. Overall dishonorable behavior. | Common parlance: “douchebaggery”.
POPOSER: When it is seemingly popular to consciously be a poser on purpose; to be a lame poptardouchebag with little to no substance; merely "talking the talk" without "walking the walk".
These are prevalent in current culture right now, who demonstrate psychophantic "yes man" tendencies, even donning traditional-appearing attire, markings, and certain misapplied lingo, pretending at experience without earned actuality.
The Satanic War against stupidity, mediocrity, & repression; The
exposure of the subhuman stupidity of the herd; anti-proletarian;
anti-stasis-quo; anti-conformity.
christianity. Especially typified by the "born-again" variety of
christian. {Definition derived from Pollyanna - a person who achieves
erstwhile "happiness" by deluding themselves, refusing to see that bad
things can & do happen. A Pollyanna is someone who is naively
optimistic or excessively cheerful.}
PLATY-PUSS: The so-called "duck face", or "trout pout" exhibited by various pop tarts and their assimilates. Seems that in most instances, particularly in Caucasian females, in order to appear that they have fuller lips, these herdlings assume the laughable bloated oraphice visage {which in many instances actually resembles anal distention} for the approval of others with the same general lesser aesthetic perspective.
It has always been known that such a face is called the "sour-puss", and is indicative of sucking a lemon, ugliness, or idiocy. Seems like a joke gone wrong.
While the platypus is actually a rather adorable creature, and most capable in its element, in fact, an evolutionary remarkability, these sub-human drones are hardly even a fraction of their worth to the environment & overall existence.
In any case, since all this emphasis is being placed upon lip tension, might as well put it to good use! In fact, frictional activity enhances the tissues for such a socially-proposed desirable swelling effect.
PRÆY [pray+prey=præy]: The dynamic of predation among blindlighter subcultures, wherein the white wolves feed upon their flocks, in what amounts to "pay to pray".
PLUVICITY: For the pluviophile, emerging forth to enjoy the rain. Travelling in the storm. Brings scenes of playing, walking, jogging, running, dancing in the rain.
PSITHURHYTHM [psithur+rhythm; si-ther-ith-im]: 1. the contemplative, haunting sound / venticity of wind through treeleaves; 2. ominous visual impression, i.e., "something wicked this way comes"; 3. overall graceful placidity of flowing movement of flora & fauna.
{play on word "psithurism" [Gk. whisper]; wind through trees.
PSYCHOPHANT [syko-fant]: A misdirected masochist-type who thrives on negative attention from the object of their fetish.
Unlike the sycophant {a parasitic 'yes-man'; sicko-fant}, the psychophant
seeks to be a persistent 'shit-disturber' creating antagonistic
situations by aggravating those who are inherently superior, in hopes
of experiencing interaction, sometimes by fabricating fictional
scenarios as a means of baiting; and/or irrelevant claims, often-times
based upon ignorance. Also known for uncredited imitation of the
original source on one hand, while exhibiting the said rotten
personality traits thereunto on the other.
From experience, the best way to deal with these
types is by completely ignoring them, thus not granting them their
parasitic stimulation, nor wasting one's time and energy, otherwise it
would be solipsistic.
{ ~ Also synonymous with 'psychic vampire' as defined by Magus Anton LaVey from The Satanic Bible.}
PUT THE 'EVIL' IN 'DEVIL': Satanism With Horns. The preservation of the mystery, Magic, awe, psychodrama, & fearsomeness of Satanism, enhancing The Shadow Side from The Abyss within. Regarded in the Jungian sense, while preserving the Nietzschean perspective of "Beyond Good & Evil". {Elaboration in "The Demystification of Satanism"; Dracomeroth}. Lest Satanism become watered-down or whitewashed, there certainly is a healthy fear to be engendered in the herd, while stimulating to those who resonate with the philosophy.
RETROVOLUTION: 1. The application of past orthodoxy aesthetics to practical usage combined with technological advancements, be it appliances, architecture, couture, automobiles {e.g., looks like it's from the mid to early 20th century, and even prior, with modern features contained therein}; otherwise the collection and functional preservation of items from historical eras. 2. The preservation and recreation of evocative environments {e.g., "Evocative & historic locations should be fixed, repaired, not demolished or replaced."} 3. In multimedia entertainment fare, the preservation and availability of superior evocative presentations, with any new variations held to high standards of creativity and production.
Combination of the words "retro" and "evolution". The example of the wheel when rotating forwards, appears as if it is rotating counter-clockwise, yet still moves forwards. The mass fear, obsession, and trepidation exuded by the herd for the superstitious "apocalyptic" 12.21.12 date marked not physical annihilation, but psychological modification, a return to superior past-orthodoxies. Whereas "Y2K" sadly marked a de-evolution in character and quality, may this "Apocalypse" mark a purification, with aspirations unto the higher. The ethereal ligature stretched to the limit, with a recoiling motion, thus initiating a favorable momentum towards timelessness.
REVERSE THEREMIN EFFECT: The amusing cowardly dynamic exhibited by some members of the herd who quiet from their petty gossip as the Satanist nears, while becoming louder the further the Satanist departs. An obvious result of intimidation and passive-aggressive reactions, by displaying their true natures while in the immediate presence of The Satanist, who takes the wind out of their sails, whose pretentious "opinions" results to nothing more than veritable farts in the wind.
ROCKULT: I. Occult-related rock musick, presented in a horror theatrical style; also includes Heavy Metal {Black, Death, Doom, etc.}, and Goth. II. Musick that gives The Devil His due. [alt. spelling "rockult"] ∞
The Equilibrium between the bestial & the civil; The reconnection
of one's primal animal nature; The Superior Humanimal; The Satanist.
SATANIMATION: Animations that depict Satanic aesthetics &/or philosophies, & Total Environments.
SATANTRA: The Satanic Art of Sensuality; Diabolic variations on The Kama Sutra; Satanic Erotica.
SATANISTIC - Devil-worship folklore. Not actual Satanism, but resembling Satanism in some respects, particularly aesthetics.
- Urban Legends & fictions of devil-worship developed by the media & christian propagandists. Many times primarily based on Necronomicon.
SATANIVERSE: 1. In the Satanist's subjective universe, there is only Satan, and always was. The Satanic ideal and archetype may vary culturally, but those who evolve unto the highest echelons of carnal, psychological, and psychodramatic development realize that Satan is the All-one, as symbolized in the Sabbatic Baphomet {without blindlight corruption}. 2. That all things are contained within the Satanic psychological mindset {'microcosm'}, and all things move in accordance with The Dark Force in Nature {'macrocosm'}, interacting with the reflective qualities and the exertion of The Will. 3. When The Satanist raises The Will to meet The ethers, The Universe, Magic {concentrated imagination, symbolism, desire, emotion}, in combination with psychological engineering, forging reality to one's preference, thus The Sataniverse. 4. The construction of one's own total environment, and elements therein preserved to personal specification; either past-orthodoxies and/or imagined materializations.
SATANNIVERSARY: Refers to an anniversary of any particular nefarious date, like birthdays. Originally signifies the 666 High Mass.
SCHADENFREUNDE: 1. False "friend"; 2. One who derives petty, cheap thrills from those they claim pretentious 'friendship' misfortune, often those who are better than they are, and reacting according to their actions, existing in a vicarious shadow of the object of their subconscious fetish. 3. "Friend" in name only, though do not embody that position in actuality; 4. Relative to the psychic vampire; 5. Negative acquaintance {worse than an honest enemy}. 6. May sometimes be a backstabber, gossiper, or traitor; 7. A leak in privacy from a formerly trusted source, breaching unnecessary disclosure.
Characterization: Smile up front, knife behind back. Magus LaVey's warning to "Beware of those who bow the lowest, they may be reaching for the carpet."
Etymology: A combination of the words schadenfreude {noun: "pleasure derived by someone from another person's misfortune"} and freunde {"friend"; Ger.}.
SCHMENDRICK: schmendricks, plural.
1. Occultniks, blindlighters. 2. incompetent and/or pretentious
"magic(k)ians"; 3. Poseurs pretending to be adepts, wanna'-be 'witches'
and 'warlocks'; 4. black sheep devil-worshippers. {Etymology: Refers to a bumbling character from the film 'The Last Unicorn'}.
SINPOSIUM:: Originally "symposium", where Olde
World philosophers would gather to drink wine and philosophize;
modified slightly here to refer to a Dionysian Bacchanal, inclusive of
Satanic Intellectual Discussion.
SINEMAEROTICA: Erotic filmography.
SHADOWMANCY: 1. The Satanic Art of Psychological manipulation; Occultic Science; Satanic Magic. 2. In the practice of Greater Magic, the emergence of enemies' fears to consume them; i.e., "May their nightmares take them." 3. Surfacing the Jungian internal ideal of the individual Satanist unto materialization; embodying the Shadow Self in balanced realization.
Also, the ritualistic processes of the manifestation of Shadow Forces to gratify the Magician's Will.
SHADOWMANTIUM: Abode of Darkness; Noctuary.
SHAMPIRE: 1. Poser types attempting to infiltrate the Goth scene with a visceral weekend attitude, who have no idea what real Goth music is. These can be identified as either goofballs in chintzy attire {probably collected from Halloween}, or brats donning the latest Hot Topic fashions; usually displaying exaggerated mannerisms to either extreme; sheep in wolve's clothing within the goth genre. 2. "Twilight" worshippers. These are completely different cinematic creatures altogether which should not be considered within the 'vampiric' characterization. 3. In a 'lifestyle' context, parasitic ingestion of the blood fluid, instead of the recognition that the desired energy is actually collected from auric expenditure.
{shil-gnee or shil-gnay}. So-called Backward-masking. Backward speech.
Originally propagated by xian propagandists during the SRA hysteria.
music which bestows a sensation of euphoria to the listener; also, the
sudden & graceful rising & falling of chords, from a major to a
minor key, & vice-versa.
SOULICITOR {n}: 1. Religious zealots peddling bibles, propaganda; 2. Any sort of religious salesmen selling a pitch, from door-to-door, televangelists, to tent show preachers; 3. The Jesus racket, or "jeezbiz". Verb: 'Soulicitation'.
STUPORSTITION: Blindlight mythologies; especially the empty promises of "heaven" &
the threat of "hell"; blindlighter habits & compulsions, such as
"prayer" & "confession".
SUNBRELLA: An umbrella used like a parasol to block the burning rays of the sun. An umbrella used in this manner is a sunbrella. These do resemble bat or dragon wings, as well as a spider web, thus adding a Gothic aesthetic effect upon the viewer, while complementing the user with elegance. ∞
SYRENÆA: 1. The hypnogogic sensation caused by a cherubic choral voice upon the listener, especially that of an aria and/or lullaby*, resembling temporary paralysis and/or dormancy; can also be initiated by soft and/or distant church bells; 2. Syrenæde.
* Theory: Subconscious childhood recollection, evocation, recycling playback. If the cerebrum is primarily focused upon the opposing characterization, leaving the remaining mental resource untapped, the exact extreme may cause a veritable shock to the senses, lulling unto reconnection.
* Description: Related to "Musick has charms to soothe a savage breast" [q. Congreve], although it could also be 'Beast' as well.
* Etymology: Derives from siren creatures and their mesmerizing song.
* Syrenæde examples: "Pie jesu" {Sarah Brightman, Paul-Miles Kingston}; All Through The Night {Welsh Lullaby}.
TECHNOMANCY: The application of technological skills employed for the advancement of Satanism.
TECHNOMANCER: One who creates technological manifestations for the advancement of Oneself, & humanimality.
THE 666th SENSE: The realization that one's
intuition/s and occult perception derives from one's primal humanimal
nature within, developed through evolution, adherence, and practice
from the dark subconscious mind, sometimes stimulated and sharpened by
the psychodramatic experience {as in ritual / ceremony}, and the
concentration upon iconography to manifest the emotional response; not
by any conscious external origin. Not a "gift" from any "god", but an
inlain, inherent ability nascent within The Self, and is part of the
Nature of The Beast.
THE COFFIN EFFECT: 1. The practice of settling into an enclosed space for deep relaxation, invigoration, and regeneration. Either in a artistic coffin-like enclosure, canopy bed, and/or wrapping sheets and blankets around the body likened mummification. 2. Like a womb/tomb effect in silent darkness, voluntary or instinctual sensory deprivation, conducive to clairvoyant etheric travel, predation, & lucid dreaming. 3. "Undead" life affirmation whereupon conscious awakening/"resurrection", one is enhanced.
Most humanimals engage in sleep by submerging beneath sheets and blankets, tucked in for best recuperation., whereas others in the animal kingdom tend to prefer snug areas like nests, caves, holes, trees, logs, etc.
THE DEVIL'S INERTIA: Can also be applied to the gait of one's walk, to general movements. It could be said that a 'creepy' atmosphere and eerie events may occur by replication. In other words, "Creepy things happen by doing creepy things", like a domino effect, upon which one & environment becomes a veritable magnet to likened activity, which activates an inertia demonstrating a cumulative effect, which develops its own malefick momentum.
Exercise: Place an object upon a surface, and retrieve it the you suppose a phantom would. Also refer to the scene from Bram Stoker's Dracula wherein D meets Harker with the shifting shadows, in an almost floating effect. Done correctly, the movement should frighten, disturb, and otherwise cause uneasiness in the observer.
THE DEVIL'S WHISPER: Along with The Dragon's Roar [see 'Tricks & Treats'; Dracomeroth], is veritably Satan Speaks, as it were, or The Devil's Whisper, wherein that certain low, sustained voicetone, likened morbid winds eerily gailing to initiate dread, or ghostly wailing.
Exercise: Speak in various lower tones in a sustained hum, like pushing forwards eith the breath. Practice until a sensation of dread is experienced. Consult certain Halloween albums for wind effects to match voice replication.
THE MOLDY BABBLE: The Blindlight Bible; Alexithymicon.
1. The Process by which an object, person, structure, image, or sound
stands apart in an environment, as in the influence a Dominant Mass has
on its surroundings. 2. Objects, images, people, or edifices which inspire either compassion, lust, or fear. 3. What activates The Command To Look.
1. A lone instrument sounds amidst frenetic noise.
2. A Person who stands out in a crowd by virtue of their very presence, &/or attire.
3. A house or building which looms ominously amidst & apart from common domiciles.
4. An automobile which stands apart from the common commercialized models.
5. A natural formation that dominates its surroundings.
Definition derived from the solitary vigilance of the lighthouse.
THE-RAPISTS {"Therapists"}: Psychologists who
victimize their own "patients" {victims} by imposing their own neuroses
and nightmarish fantasies, particularly with the SRA {Satanic Ritual
Abuse} delusion, which was subsequently debunked by the FBI, for
personal sexual gratification by their own repressed psyches.
1. Metaphor for a verbal stratification device of discipline. E.g.,
"He/she needs a good dose of the Satan Stick!". Applied when someone
demonstrates stupidity or appalling ignorance. When stupidity is made to
truly hurt those that deserve it. 2. A teacher of lessons through pain.
THIRTEEN O' CLOCK: 13 o'clock. Euphemism refers to the "Magic time" of ritual, and otherwise from midnight to dawn.
U.F.O.: 1.
Useless F'n Obsession. 2. The cycling replacement of fearful delusions.
The new stuporstitious characters added to the herd's consciousness.
Along with little impish demons {arcane depictions}, "satanic
conspiracies" {christian propaganda}, now there are "alien
conspiracies" & "government cover-ups". Maybe, maybe not. 3. This is not to
discount the sincere efforts put forth by Scientists & Astronomers
to search for life on other planets. For such is the process of
epistemology - to seek that which is unknown & hypothetical to
either prove or disprove theories, based upon experimentation &
investigation. This definition refers to the herd's faddist compulsions. The Satanic stance
on extra-terrestrial life is based upon what is, & can be proven,
as the Satanic & the Scientific is largely interchangeable. 4. This also does
not discount the marvelous artistry & fictional novels produced in
the Sci-Fi genre, which has, from time to time, inspired technological
advancements. 5. Christians
believe "aliens" are actually demons out to deceive the world, as they
continually strive to devolve mankind back to their mythology. 6. Ironically, Setians worship an "alien" god named Set.
VENTICITY: The enjoyment of the wind. Running through the hair and upon the body.
WEAKA/WEAKANS: 1. "wicca" / "wiccans";
neo-paganized xianity. Bead-wearing, crystal-gripping, watered-down
pop-culture pseudo-occultnik hippies, or "wippies"; 2. xians in black,
or 'sheep in wolf's clothing'.
WHITE PLAGUE: Blindlight religions, particularly xianity, which, since the Reformation, has spread like a pox across the planet.
Preachers; blindlight evangelists; blindlight sheepherders who
victimize their own subhuman flocks / congregations; Hypnochrists.
WITCH HAT AS DUNCE CAP: Phrase used to denote the pretentiousness of erstwhile 'magicians' who erroneously attempt to take credit for an event that would have occurred anyway whether or not they even existed. {special note: in order to truly decipher a personal manifestation, it is recommended one chronologue the date of a working, and its subsequent fulfillment}.
The prototypal "road to nowhere"; the figurative path of the weak
sheeple and herd zombies who grope for the blindlight and celestial
delusions. Inspired by a literal road by Death Valley, CA which leads
to a dumping ground, with an evangelical history of a defunct christian

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