The Blindlight attempted to replicate ancient rites, obfuscating arcane "forbidden" wisdom literally and with misleading deceit. Therefore, whatever they abhor, adore. Upside down and backwards. Do the opposite within reason. Remove all blindlight references, forget what has been erroneously learned. Through formative development, instinctively drawn to the darkness since birth, the innate gnosis recognizes where the true Power & knowledge is, the pleasures of the earth, wherein to evolve.
Within the paranoia, the propaganda reveals choice valid segments of historicity which can be applied. Halloween and Walpurgisnacht may serve as annual oracular applications for personal augmentation. "Sacrificial" references are considered unto the accursed symbolically destroyed to actual annihilation. Parchments dedicated to the ritual hellfire. Even those of archetypal formation. Historically, these were criminals and enemies relegated to the bonefire. Justice & Vengeance, and otherwise feasts of The Beast.
Read between the lines, discriminate with care, apply guidelines The Satanic Bible provides.
A tradition of Strength in blood and fire, ancestral summoning & recollection, coalescing with Forces of Darkness. Satanic avatar incarnate, the Highest evilution of Self and egregore sublime. It has returned... ∞
In Nomine Satanas,
~ Rev. Blackthorne
First 6 of 3 Hell Harvest observations. Forthcoming Mabon & Samhain completes 9. August is dedicated unto Astaroth.
August {Infernal}: Astaroth - Phoenician goddess of lasciviousness, equivalent of the Babylonian Ishtar. {Satanic Bible}
In Nomine Satanas, Potentiam Inferus!
~ Rev. Blackthorne
🍷 To 19666!
Moonlight reveals the Drægon's breath
Hexenacht Black Mass Sacrifice
The Magic is Strong & True, unholy water asperged. Construction of Destruction, Seasons confounded to find balance, in chaos order is tempered by bolts through angles resplendent! Sinister seeds have taken root, from the cavernous abyss, the flowers of Evil emerge.
Deviltails strike as demonwhips, the earth cracks in its wake, wherein The Sorcerer has lain the thorny staff. The shadow of Satan grows, possessing, far and wide. As above, so below! So it is and ever shall be! Ave Satanas!
In Nomine Satanas,
~ Rev. Blackthorne
Sacrifice double in timelesness
Coven gathers upon the duskening tide
By 13, nightmares & dreams come alive
Dracmas, Dracoween, everywhere in between
Sacrifices continue to pour in. So far we have 3 massacres and counting for the week leading up to and after IMBOLC. Combining quotient adds to 9, source number of Satan. {See The Unknown Known, Satanic Rituals, LaVey}.
⛧🤘🏻 {Signus Pentaculum}
In the names of Satan, Lucifer, Belial, Leviathan, I impart the blessings of Hell unto you for the coming year, and bid you wealth, health, and indulgence in all your sinful desires!
Shemhamforash! Hail Satan! So It Is Done!
~ Rev. Blackthorne.
* Hellemental Designations.
The vortex like cauldron churns, ravens call, bells echo across land, sea, and air. Dreams flicker in night mist and moon fog.
Pour forth thine carnal philters into goblets of cornucopious ebb, into which rigid blade hath cleaved. Communion Feast of The Beast, and writhing serpentine skin aglow by candlelight's gleam, the shimmering eyes of Baphomet, hearthfire of Hell, multisensory delights wrapped in Drægon wings. ∞
In Nomine Satanas,
Rev. Blackthorne
The Sabbath crests, the nights deepen, Magic lingers heavy in the air. The Rites of Darkness beckon. Burn thy parchments by Hellfire to receive the sacrifices, gather thine symbols, affirm thine allegiance to The Forces of Darkness, and may the tricks & treats be resplendent! The Gates are open! I bid you a most empowering Unholyday!
Hail Helloween! Hail Samhain! Hail Satan! SO IT IS DONE. ∞
~ Rev. Blackthorne
Flickering faces in the moonlight, each marked by Devil's hand, the mark of Hellfire & brimstone grand.
Singed leaves fall to earth, a triple twirl tumbling trinity six, array the sinister path with petrichor. The 'Keys' unlock the portal door.
Cloven hooves echo up from the Pit, spectres in the sky! Rolling thunder, lightning strikes, blasting winds, quakes the land asunder!
13,31... Satan nears... Soon to be here... ∞
Rev. Blackthorne
The masks of Satan begin to emerge, peeking 'neath floorboards and beds, from moonlit windows & shadowy closets, attics & basements, skeletal trees lurking, beckoning the darkling to become one in perpetuity. Heralding the path to nightmare fane, the inner darkness revealed to revel, and from bubbling cauldrons, unholy confections tempt with multisensory delights, The Devil's Communion invites.
Satan's brides by hellements unite! Bats and witches fly, demons arise from pentagram gateways, werewolves howl & stalk the land, ghouls and zombies from graveyards lurch, hooded phantoms float with glowing eyes, vampires and wraiths haunt your dreams. The shadows come alive! Though our dark lairs remain eidolic, it feels like Halloween again... ∞
Rev. Blackthorne
Malefic Musick of The Night
Pentagram glows with 3rd Evil Eye
Infernal Throne, Hellflames emerge
Drægon emerge, the angles, The Gates
Just as natural wisdom indicates when the environment is dark, it is night; when light, it is day, no matter the numbers on the clock or calendar. While the full moon spans over a three night period )O( {Persephone, Lilith, Hecate; 666}.
However, such approximations are useful in the ceremonial & ritualistic observations of Satanic Sabbats {High Unholydays} & Esbats {full moons}.
Ouroboros encircles the earth in Hellemental alternation Amidst ravens through fog, unto tepid temperatures as we look forwards to burgeoning and opalescent multisensory delights!
~ Rev. Blackthorne
For Lo, have we descended into The Abyss, passing through the unholy black fire, empowered even still.
The solace of the Night, by Lucifer's hellantern resplendent in the darkness of the mind. Regeneration timelessness.
'Neath Hecate's soothing embrace, the harvest moon shines bright, revealing the path to autumnal delights.
The Devil's Mirror reflects the face of Satan, the masks of pleasure and terror! Rejoice! The Beast has arisen! ∞
Rev. Warlock Draconis Blackthorne
Made in Hell, born of a natural witch, subject to none.
Maidens and succubus sublime, coven of sinful tides
Abyssal Winds course up from the Pit, stirred by demon wings
Feast of The Beast resplendent, elixirs cascade, ambrosia communion infernal
Pleasures, terrors of The Shadow Domain
The flames of Hell are tread again.
Echo into timelessness. ∞
Thine Mighty wings course the breath of life and winds of The Abyss filling breast and coursing flight unto the myriad Children of Lucifer!
Season Leviathan crests! Scaled lashing tails and vast fins swirling whirlpool tides where labyrinthine grottoes dwell. Tsunamis by Kraken's wake!
Baptized in The Devil's flames, regeneration and nubile flesh blush to partake in the pleasures of The Earth, shedding the pall of unknown pleasures with treasures yet to come! ∞
Warlock Draconis Blackthorne Upon mighty demonic steeds did ride the thundering skies, arising from Western Gates of Hell upon the Abyssal Winds of Lucifer & Mayhem, unto a city filled with The Draegon's treasures, landing gracefully with steel cloven hooves, but with quaking and cracking earth in its wake. Lightning striking from one end to the other, with Spells fulfilled in Sabbath pleasures, by the rippling muscles of The Beast, horns & thorns resplendant!
Many wonders were seen on this day, even traversing o'er the tattered remains of the nazarene deathcult, and offerings presented themselves upon The Altar of Life & Death! Lilith & Hecate came forth to take their due! Mighty Abaddon & Kali came through from within & without in reflective rapport, in gloriously opalescent rainments of crimson, ivory, & jasper, with crowns of flame and ebon eyes of eternity. Speaking tongues incomprehensible, keys of knowledge from deep within the shadowsphere, revealing portals stepped through black angles of space & time/lessness, made known with visions immortal!
In Nomine Satanas!
Warlock Draconis Blackthorne
Verdant life bursts forth upon hill and dale, mountains and forest, planes, to greet The Hellements, of flora and fauna, Fleurs Du Mal, Sorath's triumvirate eminence and Luna's enchanted light dance in lush gardens of wondrous nature, tapestries for each creature to paint according to countenance!
Birthing the demonseeds to grow from mind and earth, upon root and branch and tree and bush, whose fruition is partaken of in earthen communion by the creatures of the land, sea, and air, who give even their own flesh for mutual gratification!
Draegon Ouroboros takes another turn, one season confounds another! Disrobed, the nymph and maiden, Succubus Lilith incarnate in Witches sublime. Flames ascend the tower spire, lights the path to deep desire! ∞
Feast of The Beast, treasures and pleasures sublime. For those to relish who stand with The Strong!
Behold The Shadow of The Draegon Satanas upon the Conjunction! Cosmic Forces of Darkness align to JUPITER, by lightning strike and thunder roll, bode Patron Daemons Hismael & Bethor! Come forth From The Gates! Lust & Witchcraft! LUNA/Sin/Hecate! VENUS/Aphrodite/Hathor! Succubus, Lilitu! Ride upon the night gaunts, possessed of the mind and flesh! In dreams unto materialization!
Enthroned, The Infernal One presides, Trident as Scepter and crown of black flame, gathered around, Daemons of The Pit, with Forces of Darkness swirling within and around! The Sacrifices are brought forth, cobbleskulls lead the way to the Unholy Cathedra of Shadows.
Warlock Draconis Blackthorne Presiding upon Infernal Throne, gazing upon mere mortals... It's already amping up for Dracmas LIV! In the week prior and following, the sacrifices are coming forth! Let the bloodshed parade begin!
The Season is Lucifer! Lend us Thine Infernalight!
Upon this High Unholyday, the apex of Satanalia, 'neath a Full Moon & Meteor shower coursing, The Lucifer star glows with infernalight in the Eastern Sky, pointing the way to The Gates which shall be opened! Daemon Brother Krampus has come forth! Within the Void of deepest nocturne, bring forth the sacrifices to blaze on through the night!
Just shortly upon the summit we celebrate the incarnations of Dionysus {Lust}, Mithras {Strength}, & Horus {Wisdom}, collectively regeneration! ∞
In Nomine Satanas,
Warlock Draconis Blackthorneb
Nymphs and Satyrs have arisen to fan the hellflames of Lust & debauchery, dancing madly in the kundalini rush of Life & Death, the Incubus & Succubus have flown therefrom to possess the minds and bodies of those seeking release to emerge empowered & enraptured of passion's thrall.
Upon cobblestone skulls we see the Trapezoidal Throne there lit by sulfurous plumes flanking, and glowing the heads of those impaled. A procession there adjoining to receive Infernal Blessings in a morbid pageant of joy unending.
The Night gaunts call! Nightmares emerge to become as one! The Shadows possess one and all!
Warlock Draconis Blackthorne
Demon Winds, Dragon Wings, the colors of The Abyss upon flora & fauna cascading upon leaves strewn from tentacle vines & bloodthorned branches, as spiderweb veils gently dances. The faces of Satan interchanging with The harvest Moon, the wondrous sights and sounds of the season of gloom. Shadows stretch, The Hands of Doom.
The Throne of Satan darkens the land with enchantment & mystery, pleasures & treasures possessed with ghoulish delight!
Draegon Ouroboros sheds & turns another cycle of timelessness.
Mighty Belial there calls forth in bestial rapport, hooves splitting rock, carving paths with Hellfire from cavernous Brimstone Pits, receive the triple mark of sulfurous plume! ∞
Warlock Draconis BlackthorneB
Sorath, triumvirate ever-revolving! Amon, The Ram of The Sun, The Moon, The Stars... Black Sun Hellemental.
Evocations pondered of earthen adventures in nature traversing the wilderness, and themed environments created of imagination's fane. Satanimal Beast there runs rampant in carnal rapport possessing what may. Devil Winds course o'er flesh & hill to bring forth the shadows and gloom looming ominous in cumulus formation, a tapestry of Gothic splendor forever cycling throughout all timelessness. ∞
Warlock Draconis Blackthorne
Total Environment Decor: Polynesian and Egyptian motifs.
Omens alight the nyte sky with dread visions manifest
In Nomine Satanas,
Warlock Draconis Blackthorne
Halloween is the time of year when the spotlight is set upon us, while the herd seek to poorly imitate or attempt to delve into their dark sides and fetishes to express themselves and reveal those secrets lain hidden in their subconcious shadow selves the rest of the year long, while Satanists retain this balance perpetually, and develop both towards ever increasing strength. So we traditionally gather to celebrate ourselves, goals, accomplishments, cherished ones, and comrades in arms.
As Dark Forces accumulate, we access these powers and are at one. Incarnations of Satan in all guises and dimensions. As Hallows Gates of Hell are parted, every bit of candy is a Communion with The Devil, enjoyed in pure indulgence, and every costume worn is a reflection of The Abyss. Spells cast upon previous Sabbath nights come to fruition, others empowered, and new materializations are cast to be, savored upon impending Sabbaths to come.
Let us celebrate in debaucheries sublime! With all those we so choose to share the pleasures of the flesh! Tricks and Treats according to those who deserve it! Receive The Goblet of Samhain's tide, and be filled with the spirit of Halloween!
Shemhamforash! Hail Lust! Hail Halloween! Hail Satan! ∞
In Nomine Satanas,
Warlock Draconis Blackthorne In the name of Satan…
The masks and faces of Satan and devils of all sorts emerge from shadows of the earth and within, of hellemental foundries sublime, phantoms of the Abyssal mind, cast to dance by Luciferic light, of candle flame and hellfire burning with incensed ebony pyre, 'neath Hecate's visage and Baphomet's Evil Eye overlooking you and I, the dread rites are done and said. Imagination materialized to merge the realms as ether and earth as one forever.
There we see the way to Hallow's Gate, by the carven rictus of the joyful damned, leading to The Infernal Throne.
Senses dynamically awakened by evocative Sorcery of The Black Arts & Witch Crafts, possessed of the spells, alchemical conjurations of intoxicating brews and potions, and talismans, symbols of arcane Power. There Sister Halloween cackles with visions of omens arising in sulphurous plume; Brother Halloween ascends from The Pit in fury and grace. Great black wings bring forth the darknessof night, moving as the winds of Hell, coursing through The Black Earth. ∞
Warlock Draconis Blackthorne Behold The Face of Satan…
Hellflowers bloom by wildfire and gloom, cascading along fertile rivers and meadow’s yearning, ever searching, ever learning, of Dionysian secrets burning. The clawed hand of The Beast extends from lambent caverns deep within, grasps the keys of life unyielding, unlocking forbidden treasures pleasing, unleashing such delights and myriad pleasures, plenty with no undue measure.
Almighty Satanas, all is in Our Hands. By the jasper Demon Eye of Amon’s sight, beaming forth through day and night, roundabout Orobouros shifts, and by Hellmouth consumed, in passion’s bliss, enthrall one and all. ‘Neath Baphomet’s shadowings, Satan & Lilith are one!
Warlock Draconis Blackthorne
An Invitation to imbibe from omnipotent cranial cups upon serpentine stems and taloned base, the vitality of immortality, gathered of diabolically impaled sacrificial justice and lustful elixirs sublime. The blade hewn in sulfur flames gleams by Lucifer’s eminence in ebon darkness, reflecting the flickering Pit.
The quaking of cloven hoofs grow ever closer, with a rumbling heard and felt across the world, sparks of fury igniting mighty flames to reach the darkened skies, painting an abyssal tapestry wherein the face of Satan manifests, whom as The Lord of The Earth, and beloved Lilith, Queen of Delights, bestow infernal blessings of myriad pleasures of the flesh, to be claimed and taken in kind by Children Of Darkness fane.
From secret chambers in darkened lairs and wilderness spots of unhallowed ground, struck through by lightning and thorny vine, by the chanting of Sorcerers, great currents are unleashed, and by The Signs engraved by black flame, we bring The Is-To-be through timeless dimensions, Daemonic forms through Trapezoidal thresholds unto reality’s firmament. ∞
Shemhamforash! Hail Hexennacht! Hail SATAN.
Warlock Draconis Blackthorne
There through forest mist run satyr, faun, & nymphs, shadows from Hell & Earth, cleft and crevasse, verdant life bursts forth, seeds ripened with lush blushing pome, Dionysian food of the thorny vine, and nubile flesh awash in the Zam-Zam tide, glistening by sun & moon, stars reflecting through daemon eyes course the length of the sky.
By Baphomet's Grace, may pleasures be many, and treasures be plenty, the cup of Bacchus be ever filled, as The Blessings of Hell crest as passionate waves of black infernal flames of indulgence!
In Nomine Satanas,
Warlock Draconis Blackthorne
The baying of hellhounds regail the fanfare of Krampus beasts embraced by likened kind. Fires from the Pit burn upon devil torches while bells chime from nether realms announcing the emergence of sinful Solstice debauchery. Indulge in sublime pleasures and enjoy thine cornucopia of treasures in this season of copious carnal delights! ∞
Warlock Draconis Blackthorne
By Nature's burgeoning, Lilith ever inflamed, offering forbidden fruits of carnal knowledge consumed joyfully in gardens of dark delights, one to another, thy maidens emerge to partake from eternal Dionysian founts abounding.
Monoliths athrust, beaming amidst fog-laden moors, connected resonant, ancient energy flourishing anew, an endless cycle of regeneration, coursing omnipotent. Arise wherein hellements conjoined, phantom forms at All-One, mysteries revealed to those who dwell therein. Remembered and never forgotten. ∞
Warlock Draconis Blackthorne
Invernal, Infernal, the shadow of great Oroborous shifts and slithers, encircling The Black Earth, mighty leathern wings aloft to the darkening heavens, wherein the underworld of the Beast is warmed by hellfire.
Born of The Storm, upon the longest night, the darkness opalescent, Lucifer shown so bright, streak across the sky, a blazing trail, a devil's tail, heralds the yuletide fey.
Ethers stir with omnipotent resolve. Hellemental convergence, Nubile flesh by firelight writhe, 'Neathe the gaze of The Dragon's Eye...
Potions, elixirs, cauldron confections, Daemons arrive to partake of The Sabbath Feast. Rejoice in the delights of the flesh!
The Path to Hallow's Gate is there framed in bramble and oak, willow and birch - long is the way to Hell, paved in sweet sin, pleasures and treasures, trick or treat delights - treats for likened kind, tricks for those without, The Blessings of Hell flow cornu-copiously, Baphomet's Horns of Plenty, unleashed with tridents which are as crowns to The Lords of The Earth.
The Masks of Satan are myriad, opalescent in the darkness, each a specterous shade flickering from within The Phantom's hood, faces in the ornate black pane gazing back from the timeless dimensions of The Bestial Pit.
Above & Below, Leviathan emerges and submerges, the constant refrain, Ouroboros takes another turn. ∞
Shemhamforash! Hail SATAN.
Warlock Draconis Blackthorne Lo, We observe the welcomed shortening of days with a rapid progression towards Samhain, while shadows grow longer and nights grow stronger. The flames of Hell draw near, The Gates asunder! Dear Lilith, Queen of Delights, arises with the moon, possessing minds and bodies towards the pleasures of the flesh. 'Neath her face, and Sorath's grace, Nymphs and Satyrs emerge from darkened woods to reveal themselves before Belial's Might! Partaking in all manner of blissful infernal Satantric Communions and Sacraments.
The great Dragon Ouroboros shifts to LUCIFER to bring the Invernal Solstice unto the Southern regions of The Black Earth, where Krampus hooves mark singed trails into snow and ice, carrying hellish blessings & tidings of Strength through Joy.
Go ye forth, children of The Devil's fane, and enjoy the myriad pleasures provided for you! ∞
Shemhamforash! Hail ϟATAN. SO IT IS DONE.
Witches and Warlocks flock upon devil winds to The High Sabbath amidst timpan and fyfe – lightning illuminates the way unto secret infernal destinations. The Church of Satan continues to prevail onwards unto the 50th Year. What Magus LaVey intended and envisioned has Bourne fruition, continuing to evolve unto myriads of stimulating transmutations, in unending Power and Pleasure! Forever and always!
In this Year of The Black Goat of Mendes, cloven hoofs quake the black earth asunder, Baphomet's eyes aglow in the gloom with infernal luster. There the glorious temple of the flesh thrives in Year L of The Age of Fire, the Great Magus parted The Gates and the Daemons did emerge to walk the land...
It is very appropriate that the celebration of The Church of Satan's 50th Anniversary occur in the Chinese Year of The Goat, veritably Baphomet, a derivative of Amon, Pan, Dionysus, Cernunnos, etc., and what does the goat represent but Nature, the beast in man. Lord of the Forests, The Dark Woods, The Black Earth, Belial, God of the thundering hoof.
May the bonefires burn bright on this black unholy night, casting fearsome shadows long and wide! Whatever foes and woes, lusts and desires cast into the hellflames to be made the morrow's realities! Behold! Many wonders shall be seen! Let The Sorceries begin! Life everlasting! World Without End! ∞
Shemhamforash! Hail ⚡ATAN!
Warlock Draconis Blackthorne Folklore, mythological creatures of legend, elemental harbingers of the black earth, the shadowy woods, the briny sea, the mist laden stormy atmosphere, and even forged in the flames of hell. Trolls, goblins, gremlins, gnomes, sylphs, sprites, undines, nymphs, fauns, satyrs, Wizards, Witches, the mystical hidden world of nature. Sword & Sorcery adventure. Reference "The XXVII Nights of Halloween" chapter in Dracomeroth. Always remember, never forget. ∞
* The Shadow Side: Magic, Sword, Sorcery adventure Malefick Musick/Spechtreum.
* SPECHTREUM: Sword & Sorcery, Magic & Witchcraft. previews only.
Things that slither and crawl, fly and creep, swim, walk, float and shuffle, growl and howl, whisper and roar, shimmering eyes, grinding teeth, clicking claws and talons scrape. Scales and spines, thorns, feathers, leathers, skin and bone, all arise, arise!
Beware the woods, willow trees and old oaks
Charging: Go ye forth from thine Altar after the preliminary invocations and lift and/or lay the implements to be empowered upon the earth, lain upon a black cloth and/or the Altar cloth the duration of the eclipse, and otherwise in the nocturnal hours between midnight and dawn. Signalling The Cornu with the left hand, tap the horns upon the object thrice speaking the Words of Power "In Nomine Satanas, Potentiam Inferus", then trace the Pentagram thereunto. When thus empowered, which can be left absorbing until dawn, or until such time when impressed to do so - there will be a 'sign' such as that transferred by an owl, bat, raven, cat, or dog/s howling, and otherwise a gust of wind. Upon conclusion, return to The Altar and further confirm the empowerment by the Hellements, either at the Altar, and/or in that place reserved outdoors where the elements meet.
Conjurations: Consult the characteristics of certain infernal names for your particular purposes, gather the parchment and symbols thereupon, and conduct the rites of summoning between the hours of midnight and dawn. ☾
NOW PLAYING: §atanalia.
In the northern darkness, We commemorate the longest night of the Winter Solstice with the impending arrival of the coldest months of the year, enjoying the harvest with copious fine philtres, a plethora of culinary, and other pleasurable carnal delights. And so Demon Krampus has brought forth the offerings to be savored the year through.
While deep below in the southern regions of The Black Earth, the days begin to shorten and strive through remmus towards Autumnal bliss.
The storms have come forth from Hell to replenish Belial's bounty, with rolling thunder as mighty cloven hooves descending upon the earth, with swirling whirlwinds cast by great black wings and fulmination in their wake. A Hellemental orchestration. ∞
Hail Lucifer! Hail ⚡ATAN!
Autumnal Equinox XLIX
The shadow of Samhain sweeps the land with dreadful shapes, bringing nefarious joy to the children of darkness; while the herd glimpse but a season into the shadow side of their hidden minds, made manifest through necromantic reflections.
The flames of Hell reveal secrets lain occult, enlightening those who seek the mysteries of the black earth, marvels to behold, burning in mind and body, purifying with carnal bliss. By the howling of wolves 'neath the harvest moon, the Season of The Beast yields a cornucopia of delightfully sinful pleasures for those who take The Devil's hand, the carnal blessings of the flesh. Pleasures and treasures, tricks and treats to have and to hold.
Leaves blown from skeletal trees in the cool, sweetly burning winds of timeless evocation, enhancing the Magic flow, as Baphomet's eyes glisten in the candle light, amidst the music of the eternal night. ∞
Warlock Draconis Blackthorne
On this night did The Black Pope unleash a force into the world unlike what has ever been seen before, building into a veritable monument of flesh and bone, hell fire and stone.
Upon His stepping into the great darkness, did then a High Priest and Priestess embark upon the journey, steadying the vessel that it remain on course upon Leviathan’s waters to reach many a marvel-filled shore replete with previously unknown treasures lain hidden in the shadows, uncovered by those brave few to discover the dimensions of inner and outer nature. Explorers of the forbidden paths which enrich and empower.
So on this Walpurgis Night, when Witches and Warlocks travel forth upon the nocturnal gales to work the most diabolical Magic, the festivities of this infernal Sabbath are resplendent, and the Gates of Hell part that much wider, so may thy chosen demons and devils, brethren of the labyrinthine regions rise up to greet you in mutual rapport, while Baphomet gazes forth to bestow a myriad of pleasures.
Hail The Church of Satan! HAIL SATAN.
Warlock Draconis Blackthorne
So it has been, so it is, so it shall ever be.
Hail Draconis! Hail Satan! SO IT IS DONE. ∞
In the air, the glowing moon, a rictus gazing down with devil eyes, familiar forms course the nocturne tides; through fog and smoke, ravens, bats, vultures soar. Upon the earth, the creaking of skeletal branches, spider, serpent, wolfen howls, while nestled in bramble, frames the nefarious house cloaked in shadow, sits upon the flickering pit.
Screech and groan, wail and moan. Beyond the firelight, we welcome cloven hooves and rustling wings, eyes aglow as brimstone coals, clicking claws and fangs.
Beware All Hallow's Evil, 31st of the 13th, ignite the Jack O' Lantern's demonic leer by Devil's claw, by keys spoken of by those in microcosmic revelry, as dusk unfurls, the horrors grow, unto the timeless 13th hour eternal...
Trick or Treat - Pleasure or Pain. ∞
Warlock Draconis Blackthorne
Hoof beats resounding, drawing ever near, Belial emerges with sweetly burning scents mixed with brimstone and sulfur from cavernous regions of wooden glade, by howling winds that carry hallow leaves upon the cool breezes of equinoctal gails.
Bestial creatures of all shape and size, gather by bonefire, cohorts 'neath the full moon's light, with Magic increasing, ebbs and flows, Sorceries spoken by earth, air, and brine. Apparitions, reflections, nightmares and dreams, diabolical masquerade reveals The Devil's face, to wish you all a most pleasurably potent Halloween soon to be...
All through this enchanted Falloween, may the bounty be plenty, a copious cornucopia of carnal delights!
Warlock Draconis Blackthorne
Aestas Solstice XLVIII
Marbled obelisk athrust to the gloomy sky, marked with Hellemental sign. Night eclipses day, the growing shadows of Hades' sway, evokes the muses of darkest passion. Is not was, in constant flow, the bell tolls nine, as darkest forms appear.
'Neath the incandescence of the Schwarze Sonne, the black energies pervade, the purification revitalized, in omnipotent permutation. May the black flame rage higher, stronger! Empowering with darkness! ∞
Shemhamforash! Hail Satan! The All Is One!
Warlock Draconis Blackthorne
The Devil's Church born this night, the Gates of Hell swung wide as black candles burn bright! And Baphomet's eyes did shine. The zeitgeist infernal flew forth from the trapezoidal portal upwards on leathern wings as the triple six formed Nine.
The stimulating mysteries of The Black Earth are yours to explore. The world is ours, and all the treasures contained therein. Take The Unknown unto oneself, and experiment wisely. Gratify the senses! Live richly, laugh heartily, love deeply, hate justifiably, and sin well.
Here's to Pleasure and Power! Strength through carnal Joy! Life everlasting! World without end! ∞
Shemhamforash! Hail Satan!
In Nomine Satanas,
Warlock Draconis Blackthorne
From the immortal womb/tomb, reborn in Luciferic eminence!
By Moloch, the etheric sacrifices mount to empower the Black Dragon in a procession before and after Candlemas Evil. In the midnight hour, Cthonic dwellers from forbidden dimensions scratch with blackened claws by the Baphomet-laden portal as candles grow with the dark flames of The eternal abyss!
The Lust & Strength of Satan is within Me! In Communion of Infernal Bliss! ∞
Shemhamforash! Hail DRACONIS! Hail SATAN!
In Nomine Satanas, Potentiam Inferus!
Temple of the flesh flowing fresh, blushing in the soft glow of candlelight, shadows blend in lascivious coalescence, surges erupt in blissful opulence, awash in the pleasures of the carnal. A Sacrament of streaming ecstasy, a Communion of potions sublime, an Altar of Ecstasy and desire. Dancing in hellfire, the muses glow in the eyes of Baphomet's gaze.
Leviathan, Kraken, Cthulhu! Hellements swirl above and below, intermingle brine & bone, Air & Water, Fire and Stone! Embodiment, immortal synthesis, throughin, throughout, the All is One!
The Blessings of Satan are copious! Strength in mind and body to behold and partake! ∞
Shemhamforash! Hail Satan!
In Nomine Satanas,
Warlock Draconis Blackthorne
Seasons In Hell
V. Self. Center. The All-one.The sentient being who corresponds and flows with Nature.
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