In The name of Satan! Ave Satanas! Rege Satanas! HAIL SATAN!
This \,,/icked \|/alpurgisnacht issue brings forth Hellish offerings from Below... Behold! As we travel upon this Root of All Evil, witness an interview on Comparative Religions to accompany the previous in The Black Dragon Speaks, a second part of Daemonocracy; Into the shadows of Memento Vivendi Mori rebirth, Satanic Meditation, realizing, projecting, & incarnating the lycanthropic ghoul oneself in the darkness, a resurrection & preservation of artifice & infernal evocative playthings & locations; when & where to apply the lesser Magical principles of black humor; Shadow Gallery features The Root of All Evil
The Book of Blindlight reveals the ongoing results the christinsanity of fundamentalist foolosophies; then we plunge down deeper into The Noctuarium's multimedia sections of Malefick Musick, Spechtreum, Hellmouth Snackrifice offerings, and a return to The Black Earth. ∞

This issue comprises hellements of Helloween, Winter Solstice Satanalia, with observations throughout The Seasons In Hell, Friday the 13th & Fangsgiving, Nefarious News, Noctuarium Satan's Scroll, Malefick Musick, Spechtreum, The Black Earth, Snackrifices. Plus Satanic Serenades and The Shadow Gallery. ∞
icked Winds have brought forth another issue for your rumination & contemplation, fanning the hellfires to rage ever higher! In this stygian subterranean labyrinthine Grotto, The Draegon there leers from the gloom, black flames purifying all but the most potent, forging stronger still, with illuminating parchment scrolls unfolding by abyssal lantern’s glow. There writ by sanguineous stain and impressed with dread symbols, wrought by daemon hand & devil quill, words spark aflame by the mention of Infernal Names, as those who have flown forth on leathern wings across The Black Earth, return triumphantly bearing foreboding tidings and forbidden works, to be cast upon the shadowsphere…
Presented are offerings from Barry Mac, David Padgett, and others. Subject matter ranges from an observation of misandry & misogyny, a primordial forest myth resurrected as the evocative Pipi Longstocking, the biblical anomaly of Horny Moses!, salaciously pleasureful rites of the flesh, & amusing psychological manipulations; plus Diabolically Hellmarked Greetings through Seasons In Hell, Satanic Serenades, plunge the netherealms of Gotham in The Shadow Gallery, Noctuarium multimedia reviews featuring The Black Earth adventures, Satan’s Scroll, Spechtreum oracle visualizations, the Magic & Mystery of Tales From The Shadowside, blasphemous elucidations from The Book of Blindlight, misanthropic contemptlations from Nefarious News. Also featured are those brave empowered souls who have dared possess The Black Arts & Witch Crafts.
Through barbed gates & trapezoid towers, unto darkened heavens and phantom clouds, may these pages be thy wings into the deepest shadowside of the swirling Abyss.
THE DEVIL'S DIARY XXVI: WALPURGISNACHT LI A.S.In Sinister Celebration of The Church of Satan's 50th Anniversary, The Black Earth courses through the Seasons In Hell; by the hell fire side, Satanic Serenades features magnificent odes to Magus LaVey, the misanthropic contempt-lations of Nefarious News, the infernal revelations of Dractionary, the paranormal anomalies of The Black Book of Shadows, & Greater Magical experimentations yielding Power & perception. Resonance, reflection, vibration.
The Circus Maximus opens with The Book of Blindlight, plunge deep below for a glimpse into the Stygian depths within The Shadow Gallery's framed monsterpieces, featuring the Horrerotic art of Tony Karnes, immortal memento vivendis in Reign In Hell. Political observations, social commentary, erotic fiction by Hydra M. Star & Phillip Harkenn. Plus the multi-sensory media reviews & experiences of Noctuarium.
From darkest shadows, inner daemons manifest, Devils of all shapes and sizes gather 'round the flames of The Pit, to cavort wildly in grace, lust, & wrath.
Demon winds stir as the air bristles with Magic... travel along the infernal path lit by Jack O' Lanterns who light the way to Hell, through Hallow's Gate & beyond...
Dare approach The Haunted Noctuary to receive and possess this extensive Grimoire Issue part II, containing such diabolical offerings as Seasons In Hell, Lycanthropic Seasonal Submersion, Gesticulations & Enunciations of Potency, Hellemental Communion, Fangsgiving misgivings, 8th Statement, Sabbaths, Devil's Blood & Environmental Energy, The 4th Sense, Fun With Proles 2, Dogym, A Moss To The Flame, Magus Gilmore Hellday, Marvel 4 Crown Princes of Hell, The Knight Files, Desalination Plants, Pentrapion, Daemonicromnium, and several unexpected surprises, which may be tricks and/or treats to the reader.
Plus The Shadow Gallery, Satanic Panic Archives, Nefarious News, NOCTUARIUM Satan's Scroll, Malefick Musick, Spechtreum, The Black Earth, Reign In Hell, & sacrifices in The Book of Blindlight. Madness in sanity, let the Sin begin! ∞
Witches & Warlocks crest upon devil winds, illuminated by lightning and hellfire to gather at Sabbaths dire, for Pleasure and Power! By the gloom of candle light's flicker, and the duskening horizon, turn these arcane pages filled with forbidden undefiled knowledge, Magic & Sorcery...
This grimoire issue materializes through darksome portals of diabolical thought to bring forth essays on sinful unholydays of Friday the 13th, Loki Day, Mardi Gras; Seasons In Hell activities, I-Theistic contemplations, theories on Witch Jayne Mansfield, spontaneous human combustion; plus Reign In Hell, misanthropic observations, Satanic Serenades, The Black Earth, the strange Tales From The Shadowside, Nefarious News, Malefick Musick, The Shadow Gallery, plus many more secrets & mysteries arising from the shadows. ∞
* 8.5X11, 64 pp.
Seasons turn in shadows of The Abyss to let loose the daemons of the intellect & imagination in this most wondrous time of year, filled with mystery & enchantment galore. Take an invigorating stroll through Draconia to experience marvels & nightmares that please the senses; feast mind & body upon bountiful delights & ruminations. Enter The Shadow Gallery to witness dark manifestations straight from Hell.
A compendium of Samhain revelry, herein is a bountiful cornucopia of Tricks & Treats awaiting throughout this infernal issue, featuring Satanic Serenades poetry, Black Earth activities, recipes for your cruelinary pleasure, Shadow Gallery artistry, misanthropic essays & diabolical observations on the nature of Black Masses, demonic statues, & thoughts on the preservation of the artistic, deadly martial disciplines. An architect of Hell is honored, along with the Noctuarium section of multimedia reviews, plus several surprises along the way.
Welcome to The Carn-Evil! Please sign in, & expect the unexpected! ∞
THE DEVIL'S DIARY XXII: Walpurgisnacht XLIX A.S.Wicked Walpurgisnacht of XLIX A.S.: The Gates of Hell open again with this issue, featuring the undefiled wisdom of the Magus LaVey interview from Seconds magazine; Sergeant Daemon offers insight into various recent Satanic Panic cases; Dracommendations reveals some vampire secrets; a recent Sasquatch hoax, & misanthropic commentary on TBN's Paul Crouch.
As the black candles slowly illuminate, The Shadow Gallery displays the diabolical art of Horror Artist Tony Karnes and the infernal sculptural expertise of Baird Lee.
Noctuarium sections feature a plethora of horror movie reviews, including Hell Night, The Unseen, Silver Bullet, & more; Malefick Musick features the orchestrations of Nox Arcana & Crimson Winter; top secret 'Knight Files' opened; The Black Earth plunges into various nefarious evocations & evilutions; all while enjoying some indulgent Autumnal confections at Hell's Bar & Grill. Hail Satan!
* Print:
* E-Book:
Warlocks and Witches, Daemons and creatures from The Pit arise!
A Cornucopia of diabolical Tricks & Treats abound in this Halloween issue, featuring Seasons In Hell, essays on the plasma sphere as representative of the black flame of Satan, On Relevance by Lamar Gabriel, Dr. Dracenstein offers alternative methods of muscular stimulation and development, a misanthropological analysis on a 'hexcavation' discovery, while 'Reign In Hell' spotlights several individuals recently gone to The Abyss.
The Noctuarium section filled with multimedia reviews from Malefic Musick, a plethora of Spechtreum horror films, Possessions, musickal literature, and retrospective preservation propositions for past orthodoxies and total environments.
The Shadow Gallery features the sinister horror artistry of Tony Karnes and Matt Stolzenberg; and Satanic Serenades features an ode to Halloween; plus a Blackthorne Productions 'Testimonials' feature! ∞
May the Jack O' Lanterns burn bright! Casting wicked shadows deep into the night!
A Daemonic manifestation unleashed from The Pit of Hell...
NOW AVAILABLE: This Wicked Walpurgisnacht release includes Seasons In Hell, rare selections of Magus LaVey interviews from various occult publications; essays on diabolical nomenclatures 'Which Witch Is Which?', True Satanism, politics - 'The 22nd Amendment', & An Amazin' Tribute To Huell Howser.
Satanic Serenades poetry from Robert Leuthold, James Geary III, & features XIII Floors.
The Black Earth / Tales From The Shadow Side ventures to the deadly & haunted Hotel Cecil, the evils of Candlemas, with cover art & Shadow Gallery inclusions from Horror Artist Tony Karnes {Goatwhore, Ghost, Skeletonwitch}.
Noctuarium includes Satan's Scroll reviews of The Cloven Hoof, Malefick Musick reviews Nox Arcana, Satan Is Alive! A Tribute To Mercyful Fate, Spechtreum reviews Poor Devil, Blood Bath, Prime Evil, The Witches' Mountain, Sinemaerotica reviews Satanic Sickies 1, Possessions reviews Coffin Rust Halloween print, Den of Iniquity / We Are Legion by ASP Apparel, The Satanic Panic Archives, Infernal Empire Devilutions & more.
- ebook Download onto your computer or portable device [front & back cover art also included].
The Devil's Diary XIX: Halloween/Yule XLVII A.S.
The Devil's Diary XIX 'Apocalypse Issue' features The 3rd Degree interview with Prometheus of VASCA Radio by Warlock Tier Instinct, The Devil In Gotham City, Seasons In Hell, Halloween Rite, Lycanthropic Weight-Training {a werewolf perspective}, Skeletal Orchestra {Ossuary instruments}.
Satanic Serenades features poetry from Robert Leuthold & James M. Geary III, with horror anthology 'Devil's Gate'. The Shadow Gallery presents "Death Vacation" sculpture by artist Bruce Baird.
Noctuarium multimedia reviews include Dark Shadows, Mockingbird Lane, more; Satanic Panic Archive; Scroll book reviews 'No One Makes It Out Alive', 'In The World of Madness', 'Ghosts'; Malefick Musick review of 'Seduction Through Witchcraft'.
The Black Earth features 'Hollyween' excursions to cemeteries Hollywood Forever, Evergreen, Forest Lawn, a visit with Elvira, a Vampira exhibit, Renaissance Pleasure Faire, haunted Mulholland Drive, Devil's Gate dam, more. Possessions feature the Coffin Rust Halloween print, LaVey sigil pin, along with restaurant reviews and much more. ∞
The Devil's Diary XVIII: Halloween XLVI A.S.
This isuue features interviews with Church of Satan High Priest Magus Peter H. Gilmore, Musician Warlock Zoth Ommog, an essay from Warlock Darren Deicide, seasonal greetings, along with Nocturarium multimedia reviews, & Satanic Serenades poetry from various contributors.
Cover Art: River God by Magus Gilmore.
The Devil's Diary XVII: Walpurgisnacht XLVI A.S.
This musickal edition features interviews with musicians Citizen Prometheus & Lord of Syn, along with essays on Total Environments, Greater Magic, physical superiority, & the difference between Satanism & devil worship. Participants include Warlock Tier Instinct, Dorian Grey, Robert Leuthold, G. A. Morgan, & others. Also features Satanic Serenades poetry, The Shadow Gallery, quotations, Noctuarium multimedia reviews, The Satanic Panic Archives, & more!
THE DEVIL'S DIARY 16: Halloween XLV A.S.The poetry issue features interviews with Reverend U.V. Ray, Warlock Sonny Bellavance, Satanic Serenades, a poetic horror anthology The Legend of Devil Lake, with essays on Time Travel, technology, science, and Cereal Killers! plus multimedia reviews in the Noctuarium section, The Devil's Web, & more!
THE DEVIL'S DIARY 15: Walpurgisnacht XLV A.S.
The Art Issue! This edition features interviews with Les Hernandez of The Quintessentials, & Musician Chris Menta, with essays from Paul Hill, Adan Flores, & Draconis Blackthorne. Satanic Serenades features poetry from Tier Instinct, Blackthorne, & Kathryn Paul. The Shadow Gallery featured artists include Jason Leach & Matt Stolzenburg.
The Devil's Diary III: Walpurgisnacht XXXVII A.S.
Includes New Age of The Clones, Churches of Satan? False
Satanism, No Mercy, Orgasms, Cigarettes, and Longevity, Colours Ov
Satan, Belial's Gem: The Jewel of Satan, A Piece of Peace, Monotheistic
Cult Warning, Circumcision & Satanism, An Oxymoron, The Truth About
The World Trade Center Attacks, Holycaust, plus blasphemous humour, and
The Devil's Web.
* Front Cover Image: "Walpurgisnacht Tribute" by Draconis Blackthorne.
The Devil's Diary IV: Halloween XXXVII A.S.
In this issue by various Draconians, "Aristotle: The
Satanic Philosopher", "christinsanity 2002", "Confessions of The
Vampires", "The Satanic Vampire-Werewolf", plus interviews with David
'Nightmare' Powers of LUCIFER , Adel 156 of TIMESCAPE ZERO , & John
D. Partin , author of 'A View From A Roadside Madhouse', to name but a
few of the items contained in these rich tomes of Satanic thought and
artistic expression.
* Front Cover Image: "Drac O' Lantern" by Draconis Blackthorne.
The Devil's Diary V: Walpurgisnacht XXXVIII A.S.
This issue contains 63 pages of essays by various
authors on Satanosophical commentary, Radionics/Psionics Technomancy,
the Iraq conflict, a total dining experience, a misanthropic analysis
on linguistics, and more; 2 rituals, remarkable artistry on front and
back covers, interviews with Draconis Blackthorne, and Vincent Crowley
of Acheron, where he discusses the band, philosophy, and The Church of
Satan ; poetry, and many multimedia reviews and recommendations.
* Front Cover Image: "Into The Infernal Regions" by Tim Bishop.
The Devil's Diary VI: Halloween/Solstice XXXVIII A.S.
At One With The Infernal Majesty, Fun With Proles, Why
Satan? America: From The Land of Milk & Honey to The Land of
Degradation, The Satanic Rosary, Satan's Ten Enlightenments, Pipe
Magic, Our Good Friends The Wiccans, and much more, with cover artwork
by Tim Bishop. Includes Noctuarium Multimedia reviews Satan's Scroll,
Spechtreum, The Black Earth, & Malefik Musick.
* Front Cover Image: "Communion With An Undead God" by Tim Bishop.
* Back Cover Image: "The Lie Exposed and Condemned" by Tim Bishop.
The Devil's Diary VII: Halloween/Winter Solstice XXXIX A.S.
What Makes Satanism So Different? Jesus Christ Must Be
The Devil; The Infernal Orchestra; Freedom of Choice, Hot Seat with
Wally George, A Eulogy; Is Little Caesar's Satanic? Plus Noctuarium
Multi-Media reviews: The Black Earth, Satan's Scroll, Spechtreum,
Malefik Musick, and Black Heart Poetry.
* Front Cover image: "Lovecraftian Orgy" by Tim Bishop.
* Back Cover image: "Precious Lifeforce" by K. Nosifer.
The Devil's Diary VIII: Halloween XL Anno SatanasAutumn
Equinox XL Greetings, Monetary Mechanisms by Jan Welke, Lace &
Whiskey {An Homage to Distilled Entities} by Behemoth, The Church of
Satan & What It Means To Me by Kyle Whittaker, Daemonic Magic by
Paul Hill, Satanic Devotional by Draconis Blackthorne, The Black Earth,
NOCTUARIUM, Black Heart Poetry, A Dark Flame In Time by Keith
Shillingberg, The Devil Believes In Me by Michael J. DeLuca.
* Front Cover Art by Michael K. Silva.
* Back Cover Art by Zoth-Ommog.
The Devil's Diary No. 9: Walpurgisnacht XLI Anno SatanasWalpurgisnacht
Greetings, The Immortal Legend by Draconis Blackthorne {Dr. LaVey
Tribute}, What Makes Satanism So Different? by Paul Hill, Knowledge
& Power by Jan Welke, Never Judge A Grimoire By Its Cover by Dark
Adept {Social Commentary}, The Glorification of Damien by Zoth-Ommog
{Satanic Baptism}, Self-Deification Rite by Draconis Blackthorne
{Ritual}, NOCTUARIUM {Multimedia reviews}, Cult Leader Nabs Town Chef!
By Lady Blackthorne {Comedy}, Black Heart Poetry, Reservoir Punishment
by Jan Welke, The 13 MySpace & Live Journal Protocols by Draconis
Blackthorne {The Internet}, What Lurks Within� by Robert Reynoso
{fiction}, The Clock Is Ticking by Jan Welke.
* Front Cover Art: "Hellmouth".
* Back Cover Art: "Cthulhu's New Home" by D.P. Cativou.
The Devil's Diary X: Halloween XLI A.S.
Available October 13th, XLI A.S.: This issue features an interview with Citizen Chadwick Hardy of Predatory Mindset, Only One Satanism by Bill M., Sigil of Baphomet by Paul Hill, Halloween, The Herd, & The Satanist by Draconis Blackthorne, The Intrinsic Decadence by Michael D. Walach, The Laughter of Azathoth by Michael DeLuca, It's Halloween! by Kyle Whittaker, plus The Manifesto of The Beast, and a review of the 666 Sintennial Events. Noctuarium multimedia reviews, The Black Earth, and Black Heart Poetry.
* Front Cover Art: "The Devil is A Gentleman".
* Back Cover Art: "Halloween Baphomet" by Draconis Blackthorne.
The Devil's Diary 11: Walpurgisnacht XLII A.S.Black & White Magic: The Stupidity Continues... by Paul Hill, Interview with Artist Emage Diakon, Interview with Zoth-Ommog of GrotesquEuphoria, Schrott by Jan Welke {Linguistics}, Name Manipulation by Tier Instinct & Jan Welke {Lesser Magic}, Recipes From Hell by Michael J. DeLuca Jr. {Ghoulinary}, Apportation by Draconis Blackthorne {Greater Magic}, plus Noctuarium Multi-Media reviews, Black Heart Poetry, and The Black Earth reviews.
* Cover Art: "Dreifaltigkeit" by Emage Diakon.
Contents include: Pro Wrestling: The Modern Day Psychodrama by Kyle Whittaker, Nocturnal Reflections by Michael D. Walach, Invoking Satanic Justice by Paul Hill, Kookie Kutter Kapos by Adan Flores, Let's Roll For Real! by Citizen Promethius, The Nine 'I' Statements by Kyle Whittaker, The Animal Asylum, Stages of The Pentagram; plus Noctuarium multimedia reviews, Black Heart Poetry, and much more!
* Cover Art features "God Is Dead" by Jeff Avila.
* Back cover Art features 'Halloween Unleashed' by Draconis Blackthorne.
* 3 original copies available.
THE DEVIL'S DIARY 13: Walpurgisnacht XLIII Anno SatanasContents
by various outstanding Satanists include: Interview with Reverend Chris
Redstar, essays on ritual experiences within and outside the Chamber,
indulgent existence, omnivorous contemplations, a time travel ritual
experience, digital to material total environments, black heart poetry,
and an observation on nordic traditions. Also included is the
Noctuarium multi-media section analyzing presentation recommendations
of an eccentric and darkened nature.
* Cover Art: The Immortal Legend by Draconis Blackthorne.
[1 original copy available]

[new lulu version]
The Devil's Diary XIV: Halloween XLIII Anno Satanas
Superb inclusions by various Satanists: Satanism Through
The Ages, The Haunted House Files, The Power of A Black Mass, Y2k? II,
How To Spot An Enemy. Noctuarium Multi-Media reviews, Satanic Serenades, The Black Earth, plus much more!
* Front Cover Art: The Sabbatic Baphomet of Mendes.
* Back Cover Art: Pentabaphomet.