
 I N T R O D V C T I O N
  nfernal Salutations, welcome to the realm of THE SHADOWMANTIUM...Feel
free to walk through the Corridors of Darkness at your leisure. There
will be abominations of all sorts 'round every corner. The Darkside of
your own mind will be revealed. Three times shall you go 'round The
Herein, you may find ecstasy,
or pain...& perhaps to you, you will find that one often
interchanges with the other...All that is conjured forth herein WILL
effect you in one form or another...depending upon wherefore you come,
& what constructs your constitution...
you Children of Darkness, whether realized or not, you will find
ambrosia for thy dark soul... to you others, the misdirected masochists
who sought this dimension, you will find much more than you bargained
for, nor ever imagined... there will be pain here, but of the sort you
will NOT enjoy...
The Gates of Hell have been opened, the abominations are loosed, feel the extent of the thrall of Power & ageless wisdom!
Allow Me to direct you while here. Behold the wonders & terrors within... their influence shall linger long after your departure, beckoning your return...
You will either learn to climb
the heights & plunge the depths of The Abyss, or become entangled
by your own ignorance, cowardice, misunderstanding, & prejudice.
You will be exposed to all manner of vice & horror. So remember,
you were warned. Your sanity WILL be tested, & only the strongest
will survive intact, & be made stronger still.
Stand or fall - depending upon your countenance, you will be numbered either
amongst the weak slaves of the blindlight, or the predators of SATAN.
Herein you will find fantasy & reality. The lines between both will
be obscured by the profane, & be as sustenance to the Children of
Lucifer. Pass through the black flames, & be either purified, or
In Nomine Satanas,

Sensei Dr. Rev. Draconis Blackthorne, Marq.
Warlock II°/Priest III°, Church of Satan.
The Haunted Noctuary, Infernal Empire
Halloween, XXXI-LV Anno Satanas

E-Mail box: WarlockBlackthorne@yahoo.com
[Dossier: Book signings, interviews, multimedia promotion, Acting {Villain}, Vocal {Operatic, Goth, Rock, Metal}, Narration; Poetry, Lyrical, Art commission {pen & ink, painting, sculpture}, Tarot, Spellwork]
[Shadowmantium]|[Blackthorne Productions]|[The Devil's Harem]|[Malefick Musick]
Among many other subjects, you will find correspondence with the so-called "7 Deadly Sins", which are actually completely natural motivations:
Lucifer: Pride (superbia): The contemplation of merited ego gratification.
Mammon: Greed (avaritia): The natural inclination to gain material possessions, enhance and facilitate indulgence, & the primary instinct for survival.
Asmodeus: Lust (luxuria): The appreciation of erotica, & the natural desire for the mutual pleasures of the flesh with lovers of ones preference.
Leviathan: Envy (invidia): The natural desire to gain similar possessions from others by ones own merit.
Beelzebub: Gluttony (gula or gullia): The natural indulgence of celebratory libations, in luscious philtres & confections for gratification.
Satan/Amon: Wrath (ira): The natural inclination for revenge, & the gaining of Justice towards those who may have wronged one, and the celebration of their punishment. Lex Talionis.
Belphegor: Sloth (acedia): Well-deserved recreational activities with a contemplation of accomplishment.
The Shadowmantium was founded amidst the Autumnal winds on Halloween XXXI A.S. by Draconis Blackthorne. Copyright XXXI-LIX A.S. ∞
Devilutions: Updates on 1, 6, 9, 13, 18, 27, Friday 13, Halloween, Walpurgisnacht, Equinoxes, Solstices, Dracmas, & certain other dates of particular diabolical significance. ∞
This is a personal site containing polemic & metaphor, in aesthetic & literary form, illustrating Satanic philosophy in a horror~oriented style.
All content herein is property of The Author and may not be reproduced unless given permission, and otherwise a source link is provided.
SHADOWMANTIUM is created with a Mac Infernal Machine, & is best experienced using Firefox browser; optimized for 1280 X 1024, 60 Hz.
The Shadowmantium uses Old English Text MT, BernhardMod BT, CaslonOpnface BT, Copperplate Gothic Bold, Copperplate Gothic Light, Curlz MT, Desdemona, Engravers MT, EngraversGothic BT, French Script MT, Goudy Old Style, Harrington, Imprint MT Shadow, Lucida Calligraphy, Lucida Handwriting, Matisse ITC, Mead Bold, Mercurius Script MT Bold, Onyx BT, OzHandicraft BT, Ribbon131 Bd BT, ShelleyVolante BT, Times New Roman, Viner Hand ITC fonts.
Satanic Credits & Infernal Hails: SATAN, in all manifestations throughout the ages, who has been an inspiration; Devil-Father & Mentor The Black Pope I - Dr. Anton Szandor LaVey; Magistra Blanche Barton, High Priest Peter H. Gilmore, High Priestess Peggy Nadramia {The Black Flame / HKP}, Antonio Damasio {DeCarte's Error}, Rev. Andre Schlesinger, Dorian Grey, Gina Ambrosio, Mortis, Thomas Thorn {EHC}, King Diamond, Vincent Crowley {Acheron}, Rex Hickok, Deathbangers, Walt Disney, Charles Addams, "God-Father" Joseph Campbell, Charles Darwin, Jim Henson, Arthur Lyons {'Satan Wants You'}, Burton H. Wolfe, Giger, Salvador Dali, George Lucas, Roger Corman, Tim Burton, The Knights Templar, The Hellfire Club, The Yezidis, Grigori Efimovich Rasputin, Basil Zaharoff, Cheiro, Benjamin Franklin, Albert Einstein, Ben Hecht, Jack London, Edgar Allan Poe, W. Somerset Maugham, Frederich Nietzsche, H.P. Lovecraft, Dante Alighieri, Milton, Ragnar Redbeard {Might Is Right!}, Anne Rice, Bram Stoker, Mary Shelley, Vlad Tepes Dracula, Countess Elizabeth Bathory, Leilah Wendell, Caesar, Nero, Pontius Pilate, Judas Iscariot, The Sanhedrin, Genghis Khan, Kublai Khan, Hannibal, Taras Bulba, Stephen King, John Carpenter, Francis Ford Coppola {Dracula}, Robert Fuest {The Devil's Rain}, Ira Levin {Rosemary's Baby}, Jack Nicholson, Jonathan {Barnabas} Frid, Bela Lugosi, Boris Karloff, Felix Murnau & Max Schreck {Nosferatu}, Dr. FuManchu, Richard {Night Stalker} Ramirez, Aleister Crowley {Prince Chioa Khan}, The Kama Sutra, The Marquis DeSade, Caligula, Casanova, Don Juan, Zorro, The Phantom of The Opera, Batman, Vincent Price, Steve Jobs {Technomancer Primus}, Nikola Tesla, Thomas Edison, Alexander Graham Bell, The Wright Brothers, Marco Polo, P.T. Barnum, 'The Gatekeeper', Cryptorkyd, Dr. James F. Skalicky {Psychology of Religion}, Dr. Robert H. Evans {Humanities}, Maia Cunningham {Anthropology}, Tim Bishop {Blood Ritual}, Fenris Wolf, Elvira, Vampira, Morticia, Lily Munster, Ivonna Cadaver, Darth Vader, Darth Sidious, Ipso Facto {Terri Kennedy}, Necromance, Occultic Haven, The Private Eye, Tower Records, Licorice Pizza, Auditory Odyssey, Dark Realms, hearses, brie, steak tar-tar, Au-jeu sauce, fondu. TLC's "Mysterious Worlds" {Pact With The Devil}, The Undertaker. Horror, Occult movies, documentaries, criminology.
The Vanguard: Sensei Ken Nagayama {Tae Kwon Do, Hapkido, Aikido}, Mr. Bill Ryusaki {Ryu-Dojo, Judo, Kendo, Aikido}, Sensei Shidoshi Frank W. Dux {Ninjutsu}, Bruce Lee, Arnold Schwarzenegger. Kung Fu, The Master, Highlander, Karate Kid, Bloodsport, Best of The Best.
Coven: Succubi, maidens, witches... Olivia, Lerue {Ali}, Macabra, Sataina, Ronna, Mystique, Faun, Karri, Pandora/Sinthea, Syrah {Kitty}, Lora, Lily, Dementia, Luna, Arius, Violet, Princess Vampyress, Mikki {Halloween girl}, Countess Beckula, S. Moon, Destiny, Shannon, Phoebe, Magenta Manifesto, Cassie & Erika {Citrus}, {Bathory; remmuschool girlfriends} Gina, Erica, Lita, Terri, Zeena, Karla, Brenda {Stryper}, Jasmine, Aurora {Y}, Olga, Nguyen sisters, Cynthia, Alana, Madeleine; SCB: (Laurie, Michelle), (Katie, Cristina, Lisa), Francia, Judith, Alexandra, Andrea, Antionette.
Echoes from The Pit: Draconian Conception - Kernos {The Devil In Metal}, Necromancer, Ritual, Black Messiah, Impaler, Nightstalker, Shadowmancer, Drakthorn, Blackthrone; Nox Arcana, Midnight Syndicate, Shadow's Symphony, King Diamond, Mercyful Fate, Non, The Electric Hellfire Club, Venom, Possessed, Bathory, Celtic Frost, Infernal Majesty {None Shall Defy}, Exorcist {Nightmare Theatre}, Manowar, Leatherstrip {Serenade For The Dead}, Danzig, Switchblade Symphony, London After Midnight, Rasputina, Eva O, Shadow Project, christian death, Deicide, Morbid Angel, Iron Maiden, Judas Priest, Black Sabbath, Ozzy Osbourne, Kilar, Danny Elfman, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Richard Wagner, Bach, Grieg, Scarlatti, Stravinski, Vivaldi, Tchaikovsky, Rimsey-Korsikov, Andrew Lloyd Webber, Type O Negative, Candlemass, Cradle of Filth, Sarah Brightman, Tori Amos, Enya, Loreena McKennit.
Dracling {JDC Empire}: Shogun Warriors {Mazinga, Raideen, Gaiking, Dragun, Daimos, Godzilla, Rodan}, MOTU, Mego {Marvel, DC, KISS}, Knight Rider, ROM Space Knight, 2-XL, Stretch Monster, Star Wars, Battlestar Galactica, Evel Knievel, Bionic Man, Alien. D&D, Comic books. Satanimation: Batman, Beetlejuice, Addams Family, Ghostbusters, MOTU, Thundercats, Gargoyles, Hulk, Conan The Adventurer, Spiderman, X-Men.
Dubious Thanks: Sgt. Randy {Satan-Sleuth / Occult Cop} Emon, Halstead, Fr. Zugelter, Clarke Rowe {Ewor}, Inside Edition, Pacesetters, June Caine Miller, Bob Larson, Pagan Invasion {Doorways To Satan}, America's Best Kept Secret {A Look At Modern Day Satanism}, Kids & The Occult, Turmoil In The Toybox.