I n t e r v i e w
From "Burnt Valhalla". Interviewer: Fenris Wolf.
1. Your name, Draconis Blackthorne, is very
"grandiose" sounding,
exactly does it mean, and why did you
pick it?
Thank you for the compliment. "Draconis" means
"dragon" in latin. I
identify with this creature for its propensity towards
Power, Majesty, & Wisdom. Traits that superior persons
strive for. I particularly identify with the
serpantine depiction, as the snake is My "totem" as it
were. Of course, the dragon has been identified with
Satan, as well as the serpent in Western culture. But
that's only but a part of it. Not many westerners
recognize that Eastern Cultures {as far west as Turkey
& Romania --- i.e., Vlad Dracul's "Order of The
Dragon"}, regard the dragon in a highly respectful
manner, as being the guardians of the four winds, &
being the most powerful creature in the pantheon of
the animal gods. In Eastern cultures, the dragon
represents good fortune & prosperity --- only in the
west was it vilified, with its fearsome appearance,
did missionaries transform the predatorial & guiding
power into something "evil" --- something to fear. You
see the same demonstrations with the wolf {the
werewolf}, the bat {the vampire}, the rat, the spider,
the shark, even the whale, squid, & the octopus! The
latter four being seen as "Sea Monsters", & are the
basis of depictions in fictional tales to this day.
Leviathanine creatures, as Leviathan represents the
deep, all things that are submerged, occult,
subconscious, & feared. Very shadowmantic. No wonder
Leviathan is inscribed upon the Baphomet.
Later, I came to discover that there is a
constellation in the polar region of the North
hemisphere between Cepheus & Ursa Major by the same
name, which was so much the better. I also discovered
that there was an olde world philosopher & ruler by
the same name, after whom was implemented the
definition "draconian", meaning 'just, exceedingly
harsh, very severe & brutal.' Lex Talionis. Very
Satanic. Plus it alludes to "Dracula" as well, another
character in Vlad Tepes who I admire. "Dragon" was
also appealing to Me because of My Martial Arts ties.
I had a sensei who personally knew 'the Dragon' Bruce
Lee, & he had already become an archetype I resonated
with. I was always inspired by his furious & prideful
As far as 'Blackthorne' goes, it's an ingredient in
sloe gin. Besides, a thorn can quickly become a stake
to pierce the heart of any psychic vampire!
So it all came together perfectly since I thought it
up. Plus, it just has a nice ring to it!
2. What "titles" do you refer to yourself as? (ex.
Satanist, Social
Darwinist, etc.)
Citizen of The Infernal Empire, Active Church of Satan
member, Social Darwinist, Satanic Warlock, et al.
3. What political beliefs, if any, do you have?
I draw both from the liberal, as well as the
conservative point of view, depending on the subject
matter. On the voting ballot, I write Myself as
"non-partisan", meaning that there are idiots on both
sides, although I tend to side with the liberal
stand-point more often.
I adhere to a personal political philosophy I call
"Daemonocracy" --- that is, taken from the root word
of "Daemon", meaning 'genius', in which a society
would be run by the creative individual; those who
contribute to the arts --- aesthetic, musical,
literary, & technological beauty. I also fully agree
with Dr. LaVey's "Five-Point Revisionism", & the
implementation of Lex Talionis. Draconian ideals.
Along with this, I espouse the legalization of
Prostitution & Narcotics. People should not be
protected from their own stupidity. Place a
responsibility in the hands of a person, & soon it will
be revealed just how competent thay are to deal with
it. That's Social Darwinism.
If someone wants to pay for sex, & there's someone
who's willing to be paid for it, then why the hell
shouldn't that be legal? Here are the benefits of
legalizing Prostitution:
1. Reduction in sexually-related crimes & elimination
of unscrupulous pimps.
2. Surrogate therapy for waning relationships.
3. Tax deductions to solve economy budget crisis.
4. Reduction of sexually-transmitted diseases.
5. Job opportunities for willing recruits.
I probably would not frequent such places Myself, but
for those who need the outlet, it certainly should be
an option.
Elaborations - Complete essays The Return of Babylon.
The Night of The Zombies.
4. What is your overall feeling about heavy metal?
Do you listen to
any metal bands?
As far as Metal goes, I enjoy listening to Acheron,
Mercyful Fate / King Diamond, Danzig, Insatanity,
Venom, Celtic Frost, Possessed, Bathory, Candlemass, Rob Zombie,
Deicide, Morbid Angel {circa Altars of Madness -
Domination}, Manowar, Iced Earth, Black Sabbath, Iron
Maiden, Judas Priest, DIO, Marilyn Manson, to name a
5. I've noticed alot of Heavy Metal bands (such as
not to have any beliefs in Satan, yet
they claim that they music they do "ends up on the
left hand path"
of it being "anti-christian". What do you
feel about these sort of bands who gladly use Satanic
imagery but deny
It's only "anti-christian" in the sense of semantics,
nothing more. Many times, these types of bands are
still suffering from "growing pains" in their Satanic
development, & still need to break the bars of their
cribs. They're still prattling around in the sandbox
of xian dualism. Still subject to Christian
definitions of Satan, 'evil', 'good', 'black / white'
polarity, & whatnot. If one is to grow & evolve, the
whole Christian {or reverse-Christian} mindset must be
fully purged from the Individual --- often, a good
Black Mass is in order, to evolve from the Luciferian
rebellion stage to the truly Satanic.
Many may very well remain there, & perhaps may one day
go back to church where they belong. In this sense,
they were never really Satanic to begin with.
Ultimately, Satanists are born, not made.
Others merely use Our symbols for a gimmick, to push
record sales --- which interestingly, is in itself
Satanic --- that is, manipulating the herd for
personal gratification. But let it be known, the
Baphomet sigil is copyrighted.
7. I've noticed that many bands that claim Satanism as
they're religion
refer to themselves as "True Satanist
Worshipers" and things of this nature. Isn't
calling yourself
like that inconsistent with Anton LaVey's
idea of being your own god?
Satanists are born, not made. There are Satanists, &
then there are nuts. Clingers, devil-worshipers, &
other such imbalanced types are undesirable elements
to us.
Indeed, being your own God connotes achieving &
creating that which will benefit one's best interests.
A true Satanist can be recognized by the productive
RESULTS derived, not merely grand-standing & fostering
a messianic complex.
8. Some bands in the more obscure and underground
Black Metal movement
the Church of Satan "scum".
Odinist and Nazi bands such as Burzum wish to "crush"
Satanism. Why do
feel that the these
Black metal groups dislike the Church of Satan so
Inferiority complexes masked as superiority? Perhaps
it is because we Propagate strong life & avoiding
misery, whereas they seem to want to wallow in
self-pity, misery, & anti-productive activities, which
will get them nowhere. Perhaps they can't meet our
standards of excellence, then decide to exhibit
"scorned woman" behaviour. Who knows? They're really
not an issue for Us, anyway. The more they mention us,
the more press we'll get --- that's all they seem to be
useful for.
These so-called "Odinists" --- do they really
understand what they are adhering to? "Odin" is but
another form of the Jehovic god --- same a-hole. Now,
a LOKIAN band I could respect, as Loki is the Norse
equivalent to Satan --- the dissenter, the trickster
Obviously, they are threatened or intimidated for some
reason --- why else would they go out of their way to
proclaim a "war" on Us? To all of Our erstwhile
detractors, their discomfort brings Me pleasure.
As far as Nazism is concerned, I like almost
everything about it --- the power, the pomp, the
aesthetics, the Black Order --- everything EXCEPT the
racism. From everything I've seen, racists tend to be
inferior people making themselves feel better by
pretending they are superior. They tend to be either
completely illiterate slobs, or
complete 'stiffs' {if you get My meaning}. No doubt
their beloved "Fuhrer" would have them executed for
being mentally defective.
There is subhuman TRASH in every culture ---
regardless of ethnicity.
"Why hate someone for the color of their skin, when
you can hate them for what they really are?" --- Mgr.
Vincent Crowley.
8. Some bands actually do claim allegiance to the
Church of Satan,
such as
ACHERON, AZAZEL, etc.. What do you feel about them?
As I mentioned before, I listen to these bands, &
really enjoy them.
9. I first discovered your website off of the
religious organization
as "Church of Satan" link-list.
I understand you are affiliated with it. What made
you decide to join,
what are your feelings about it?
I Am a proud member of The Church of Satan. I joined
to ratify My dedication to the ideals set forth in The
Satanic Bible by Anton Szandor LaVey --- mentor,
Devil-Father, & comrade-in-arms.
10. What exactly is the purpose of the CoS? Is it
just a meeting
place for
Satanists or is it several different things?
Read Dr. LaVey's "Five-Point Revisionism" essay for
information on some of the major activities we are
working on.
The main purpose of C/S is to disseminate information
by uses of Satanic propaganda utilizing various media
The Church of Satan is at its core, a Cabal. A group
of shadowy Individuals with various agendas, forcing
Our will upon the ethers, & influencing the secular world in
various covert ways.
11. There are several groups out there with one time
members of the CoS
are either very against Anton LaVey
and the CoS, or who just hate the CoS and like Anton
LaVey. Some of
groups include "THE FIRST
them recommend
sacrifice, rape, bestiality, and
open warfare, as well as mandatory National Socialism,
or endorse
pedophilia. What is your personal opinion of this?
Do you think it is really what the Satanic religion is
Not at all. We do not consider them Satanic. Many are
those who take the name of Satan to excuse their
various aberrant behaviours. All of these issues are
addressed in The Satanic Bible. Our literature has
been available for 35 years now. They all seem to be
sour grapes, that's all. Look what happens when you
give the common man an idea of superiority. They can't
handle it. They go around thinking they're big shots &
screw everything up, then have the nerve to criticize
the truly superior person. They create something like
what you see there, & it all just turns out to be a
'jesus with horns' foolosophy. As the Doctor said,
"Christianity in evening clothes". Precisely.
12. Define "Satan" for us.
I'll let The Nine Satanic Statements explain that one:
The Nine Satanic Statements
from The Satanic Bible, ©1969
by Anton Szandor LaVey
1. Satan represents indulgence instead of
2. Satan represents vital existence instead of
pipe dreams!
3. Satan represents undefiled wisdom instead of
hypocritical self-deceit!
4. Satan represents kindness to those who deserve
instead of love wasted on ingrates!
5. Satan represents vengeance instead of turning
other cheek!
6. Satan represents responsibility to the
instead of concern for psychic vampires!
7. Satan represents man as just another animal,
sometimes better, more often worse than those
walk on all-fours, who, because of his "divine
spiritual and intellectual development," has
the most vicious animal of all!
8. Satan represents all of the so-called sins, as
all lead to physical, mental, or emotional
9. Satan has been the best friend the Church has
had, as He has kept it in business all these
13. Explain some of your basic beliefs.
Along with The 9 Satanic Statements, The Eleven Rules
of The Earth, & The 9 Satanic Sins, I have a set of
personal dictums & sins that compliment them; these
are intended as additional supplements to the
Satanist & the Satanic lifestyle, & crystallize the
essence of the Satanic within Myself:
The 10 Draconian Dictums
I. Trust No-One But Yourself.
II. Do What Thou Wilt, So Long As It Harms No-One Else
Who Does Not Deserve It, Or Unless They Enjoy It.
III.Be Slow To Believe.
IV. Live For The Present.
V. Show NO Compassion To Enemies.
VI. Bring Yourself Above All Others.
VII. Use Or Be Used.
VIII. Trust In Lust.
IX. Employ The Art Of Deception When It Benefits You &
Yours, But Always Remember To Keep It In
Mind, & Back It Up With Actions.
X. Stay Wild!
The Black Diamond Rule
Never Employ Trickeries Upon One's Own Brood. Treat
Cherished Ones As Yourself.
{An elaboration to the above is found in Dracomeroth.}
14. Some, such as the "Wiccans" consider that while
there are "dark
and goddesses, there is NO such thing as
Satan." What do you feel about this? Does a
mythological god have to
the name "Satan" to be Satanic? What
would be Satanic features in a mythological god?
The wiccans {weakans} are essentially neo-pagan
Their 'goddess' is nothing more than Jesus in drag.
Anything that follows a 'spiritual' belief-system
{right-hand path}, vs. a carnal lifestyle {left-hand
path} is essentially christian in nature. Satanists do
not literally believe in such mythological delusions.
Although we may access psychodramas through rituals
utilizing arcane expressions in aesthetics, language,
& music to help achieve our goals.
Satanism is the worship of the Self. I bring a
mythological configuration created by Myself into
reality, as it is incarnate within Me. For instance, I
drew a picture for My Shadow Gallery entitled
"Infernal Majesty", which is, in essence, a
psychological extension of Myself in the Ethers.
The only characteristic a deity need possess to be
Satanic is as an extension of its creator, as it
represents The Self as god absolute & supreme. When a
god is worshipped that originates elsewhere, such as a
Jehovah or Jesus, then what is worshipped is the
creator of that image, & would therefore be
subservience & slavery to another's projection, whose
rules may not coincide with one's best interests.
15. I've noticed that there are many, many different
sources, themes,
philosophies and ideologies underlying in
Satanism, everything from Roman government to Social
Darwinism. What do
feel about this?
Satanism allows the Individual to be himself. Yes,
there are so many different opinions & beliefs within
the Satanic spectrum, which thus creates an entire
environment of individuality, which remains
intellectually stimulating & evolutionarily
progressive --- anti-stasis.
16. Many detractors claim that with out Christianity
there would be no
thing as Satanism. Some feel that this is
untrue, what do you feel?
There has always been the Satanist. In every culture
throughout time, by whatever name he has been called,
there has always been the iconoclast, the innovator,
one who represents the opposing viewpoint, one who
swings the pendulum in the opposite direction.
In Asia, where the prominent religion is Buddhism, he
may be called a "Maraist", after the Buddhist dark god
"Mara"; in India, where the prominant religion is
Hinduism, he may be known as a "Rokshassusist", after
the evil god "Rokshassus". Actually, in Mongolia &
Tibet, there is a cult who adheres to a dark deity
called "Dorje Shugden", the resident Devil-God. So you
see, the meaning of "Satanist" is purely relative to
the time & place.
17. How long do you feel that Satanism (in essense,
not in name
as lasted?
Since day one. There have always been Satanic
18. It has been said in the past that because of the
fall of
Christianity, Satanism will not last, however,
would appear to be more widespread, at least to an
extent. What is
your opinion of this?
It would appear to be more widespread, but in fact,
not much would change in regards to the elitists
prodding man towards progress, & the sheeple will
continue to search for things celestial --- a new
version of Christianity will emerge. Some sort of
slave / peasant mass religion. Christianity as we have
known it thusfar is on the decline, & is being slowly
replaced by new-age & wicca. They'll turn in their
crosses for crystals.
19. What do you feel about blasphemy? Is it nessary to
an extent, or
can it
go too far? Is it essential to Satanism?
It is not essential to Satanism, but it can play a
part to purify someone who needs to express their
rebelliousness. Our prescription is a Black Mass. But
this has not been limited to Christianity. In our
history, sacred cows come in many forms. Be it the
stasis-quo, or whatever the herd holds up as worthy of
veneration, when in fact, it may promote stagnation &
the enslavement of the mind & body of the confused.
20. Tell us about your organization, "The Draconian
Church - The Order of The Black Dragon. What is its purpose? Is it affiliated with the
Church of Satan? Will
politics influence, or will it be non-political.
The Draconian Church is an online configuration
dedicated to the philosophies & principles of The
Black Pope, Dr. Anton Szandor LaVey, & is a personal
Order supportive of the Church of Satan.
The Satanic Bible is the foundation of TDC's
belief-system. The Draconian
Church was founded by Myself on
March/Friday 13th/XXXIII A.S.
THE SHADOWMANTIUM has served to disseminate some of
the views & perspectives of LaVeyan & Draconian
21. Some of your website displays a great deal of
humour, such as your
renaming of the Wiccans as "Weakans" and
your list of jokes, "Loki's Laughter". Do you feel
that humour plays
your religious beliefs?
Absolutely. As the Doctor has stated, which I fully
agree with, that an Occultist, or Magician without a
sense of humour would be intolerable & incompetent.
22. Do you have any pets?
Yes. I have a ball-python snake, some black & hooded
rats, two dogs {a mastiff & wolf-hybrid}, & a couple
of cats --- one black & one white.
23. What do you feel about animals? I noticed you
have a picture of a
black panther on your website, do you have
an affinity for felines? :0)
As a matter of fact, I do indeed feel quite an
affinity for felines, although My major 'totem' animal
is the snake. When I went to the pet store to select a
snake, it seems the snake actually selected ME, as he
would not allow anyone else to touch him. The
employees complained of him having been a very unruly
snake who snapped at anything that came near his cage.
But when I approached, he slithered up My sleeve with
ease & immediately became relaxed. We have been great
friends ever since.
There is so much to learn from the animal kingdom, of
which the humanimal is a part.
24. Much of your art work (humourous and serious) on
your site is very
done, do you do it yourself or do you
purchase it?
The aesthetics come primarily from Myself, & various
other sources, including classical diabolical artists.
25. Do you have any humourous experiences with white
lighters that you
like to share?
There are several, but by & large, they all come out
being dumb-founded, if I even choose to acknowledge
them at all. Their reactions to My very presence is
comical. From what I call "the blowfish", which is
them expanding their chests as if preparing for a
'spiritual battle', the usual intimidation signs: the
nervous sniffing, the "yankie-doodle dandy" reactions
{nervous whistling}, nervous laughter {which
immediately stops when I look in their direction}, &
of course, the honest reactions, such as the cowering.
Making the sign of the cross, moving to the other side
of the street, directing their children closer to them
--- all the entertaining observations that come with
being an aesthetic & ideological villain. Some become
angry because they feel intimidated, & sometimes
"ape-out" --- that is, revert to their lowest common
form --- that's when they really display themselves as
the lower-life forms they are.
For many of them, the "Jesus loves you" comment is
equivalent to "F-you! Go to Hell!", which is nothing
more than repressed emotion bubbling to the surface.
For others, that's when you can tell they ran out of
hot gas --- it's their admittance of defeat in the
realization of their inferiority.
With other blindlighters, it might even go as far as
"Goddess love you."
26. Do you have any jokes off hand that you could
share with the
Yes. Here's one I read off the Satannet message board:
"A burgler sees an empty house, and decides it's a
great opportunity. So he breaks in, and makes his way
to the living room. He starts filling his bag, in full
view of the householders parrot. He's carrying out
his thieving when the parrot says, "Jesus is going to
get you." The burgler ignores this and carries on.
The parrot once again says, "Jesus is going to get
you". The burgler's getting a bit nervous, so he
decides to see how smart the parrot is. So he asks
"whats your name?" to which the parrot replies,
"Moses". The burgler replies "what kind of a dumbass
calls a parrot Moses?" to which the parrot answers
"The same dumbass who calls the rotwieler Jesus."
27. Finnally, what is your opinion of the 80's T&A
flims and the
humour" horror films?
So-called "T&A" films are always welcome, wherever
they come
from, & I find much of the "black" or Dark humour
modern films to be a waste of money
to see, as not much imagination is placed into them.
Sometimes, however, a gem may
present itself, & when it does, I review it.
Most of the black & dark stuff I enjoy comes from the
olde films, like the 'Abbot & Costello' & 'Marx
stuff. The English have always been known for their
"gravely" funeralistic comedies. Take Monty Python for
example. They have taken what is held to be sacred by
the herd, & make hilarious skits out of them --- this
includes the rather blasphemous portrayals of 'sacred'
holidays, many of which were wonderfully acted out by
Rowan Atkinson, one of My favorite comedians.