1) In your opinion, what is Satanism?
Basically, the worship of The Self as supreme
and absolute - the be all end all. Satanism is a fleshly religion,
celebrating man as The Godhead and the pleasures of The Earth. We have
guidelines called The 9 Satanic Statements, The 11 Rules of The Earth,
and The 9 Satanic Sins, written by Our Founder, Dr. Anton Szandor
LaVey, Black Pope and High Priest I of The Church of Satan. Our primary
text is The Satanic Bible by Our Founder. Our basic aims are outlined
as "Pentagonal Revisionism" listed as "Stratification, Strict Taxation
of all churches, No tolerance for religious beliefs secularized and
incorporated into law and order issues, Development and production of
artificial human companions, and The opportunity for anyone to live
within a total environment of his or her choice, with mandatory
adherence to the aesthetic and behavioral standards of same".
2) Many people see Satanism as "evil", is Satanism the "evil" religion?
We do not believe in dualistic terms such as "good"
and "evil" per se, but rather adhere to Darwinian Natural Law, and
Nietzschean philosophical principles of elitism, strength, and
3) Is there any locations where I can attend a "Satanic mass"? Much like sunday services at a church?
No. We preserve our Altars in our own homes,
with the option to gather for special events in what we refer to as
"Grottos", only available to other members of The Church of Satan.
4) How exactly does one become a "Satanist"?
It is a matter of recognition when an individual
reads The Satanic Bible, identifying inherent characteristics outlined
therein within oneself. We have a saying: "Satanists are born, not
5) Can a Christian convert to Satanism?
It is possible for a disenchanted person
considering themself a "Christian" because of monotonous tradition,
when upon reading The Satanic Bible, agrees with the principles, and
thereby realizes themself honestly as a Satanist.
6) In your opinion, what is a "Satanist"?
One who identifies with the characteristics
and archetypes of The Lord of Darkness, and resonates with the
philosophy outlined in The Satanic Bible.
7) I have researched things about people
claiming to be "vampires", and i have also visited the Temple of the
Vampire website, what exactly is a "vampire", and what ties and
connections do they have with the Church of Satan?
A member of one of these organizations is not
necessarily a member of the other. Satanists primarily identify with
the archetype of The Vampire in the predatory inclinations; but it may
also be the elegance, eloquence, the romantic and sensual charm, as
well as the personal experiences of some of the reputed abilities of
this representation. The Satanic and The Vampiric are in many ways
reflective of one another.
8) Many people think that these
so-called "gothic" people have some sort of affiliation with Satanic
cults and doings... In your opinion, what is "gothic" and what do
you think of these "gothic" teenagers and adults that walk around with
inverted pentagrams and crosses proclaiming to be atheist?