The Black Earth V. 8___________Possessions___________Draconis Blackthorne
Coffin Rust Halloween Print 7 | Vlad Dracula mini-bust | Tabi boots | Black Leather Pants | Blasphemic Cruelty: Devils Mayhem LP | The Cloven Hoof Boutique | XLIV Coffin Rust Halloween Print | Crown of Horns | Shadow Demon Lamp | Oyama/Bishamon Oni Mask | Coop Devil Head Ring | Pan & Dark Secrets Pentagram pendants | Vlad Tepes Dracula plaque | Black Leather Vest | 1" Baphomet Medallion | Coffin Rust Halloween Print IV | Tricks or Treats? | Gemmy Fog Machine | Pentagram Rug | Crystal Skull | LaVey Pendant | Belial's Gem: The Black Opal, The Jewel of Satan | Timeless Technology | Magister Mitchell action figure | Dr. Anton LaVey statue | Femaledictions

 Very pleased to receive the 7th annual Coffin Rust Halloween print this pleasantly cool & foggy Autumn evening, with evocative scents of burning fireplaces, the crunching of leaves adorning walkways & veritable fall bouquets upon blackened trees.
Surely a trick & a treat, this edition features the juxtaposition of a beautiful, nubile witch "borrowing" a crone's 'skin mask', as it were, for Halloween festivities, to her chagrin, while a little black cat familiar looks on from the beauty's broomstick.
With uses of darkly rich textures and coloration, this year's manifestation is a jovially amusing piece destined to be displayed for Samhain observation, & appreciated the year through. These wonderfully fanciful top-notch quality depictions compliment the season perfectly, stimulating the imagination & adding that extra bit of charm.
Dracula {Vlad Tepes} bust
Buzz WorksFrom the artisan who brought forth the elegant Vlad Tepes plaque now displayed in The Noctvary, and the Zombie Influx musical collaboration with Nox Arcana, comes this wonderful little antique presentation piece sure to please vampirophiles and military historians alike.
While not quite as impressive as Magister Lang's masterpiece, this 5" tall mini bust is remarkable in its own right. Highly detailed, sturdy ultracel bronzed finish, it really does give the impression of an arcane piece, engraved with the word "Dracula", son of The Devil indeed, in a hefty weight, nicely accenting one's Lair ideal for The Library, as a dedication to Vlad The Just. A very pleasing possession.
Lair Wear: From The Warlock's Wardrobe:Being that it was high time to acquire another pair, so along with a nice pair of comfortable slippers, another option is the tabi boot, especially stimulating to those who appreciate the Martial Arts, and the enigmatic figure of The Ninja. Its design facilitates grasping weapons (shuriken, for example) as a last unexpected resort (sure to surprise an enemy), or accommodating shuko if so inclined, and aids in climbing.
The material stretches the proper dimensions of one's feet, with the outer bottom sole made of either a traditional thick rough cotton, or sturdy form fit rubber, which provides a pleasantly silent traverse throughout the Lair, or outdoors if you choose.
Also, because it essentially greatly resembles cloven hooves, I have found them perfectly employable for the ritual chamber, psychologically asserting the Satanist as The Devil incarnate.
So whether for casual wear, training, or Magical application, the tabi boot is comfortable, practical, and aesthetically pleasing foot wear. Tabi socks are also available at martial arts supply shoppes.
Black Leather Pants
From The Warlock's Wardrobe: Leather pants received today. A very comfortable fit. Perfect for the "leather suit & tie" look, or casual wear, perhaps with a black poet shirt, and it looks great with a dress shirt as well.
This completes the entire ensemble of leather fedora, coat, necktie, vest, boots {& shoes}, & pants. Highly recommended accoutrement when in the mood for an enhanced fearsome aesthetic &/or dark fetishistic attire. In My opinion, every Satanist should own at least one pair {with a leather skirt as an additional option for women}.
As de-regeur with leather clothing, be sure to order one size larger to properly fit your frame.
Blasphemic Cruelty: Devils Mayhem LP

V/V/XLV: Arriving today at The Havnted Noctvary is a complimentary package containing no less than a vinyl LP with poster within {containing lyrics & the image of the band on one side, and that delightfully diabolical fresco from the cover of the album on the other - and I do love Me some vinyl for resonant timeless appreciation, especially when displaying such classically fine dark art, in My estimation, suitable for framing - indeed, some Black Metal albums do contain some impressive artwork, and fortunately, this is one of them}; two XL T-Shirts {one black, one red, for casual "Lair wear" when so inclined}, bearing the image of a demonic woodcarving of a devil emerging from The Pentagram {and I do appreciate such arcane depictions conjured up as if from the pages of a "grimoire"}, wielding a pitchforked stancheon.
* Malefick Mvsick review.
The Cloven Hoof Boutique
Sabbatic Baphomet print Amidst the seasonal demonic winds has a wonderfully infernal gift come forth unto The Haunted Noctuary... I have been very pleased to receive this splendid print from The Cloven Hoof Boutique, which now greatly compliments My Lair.
Suitable for framing, & presented on photo glossy stock, this impressive Sabbatic Baphomet is reminiscent of H.R. Giger’s Necronomicon representation, expertly hewn to perfection with superb detail while possessing its own unique, imaginative configuration
Thereupon the earthly throne The Infernal Majesty presides in fearsome symmetry crowned in hellfire, while at his feet lay those who have been trodden under cloven hooves in Lex Talionis. A potent memento of reflective resonance.
We welcome a new artist to The Infernal Empire! Be sure to peruse the many other diabolically decorative items available from several other prints to mugs and shirts. Highly recommended for total environment accentuation.

XLIV Coffin Rust Halloween PrintDelightful
night chills caress the skin as an arm stretches forth to collect the
Hell Post, and what does 'Sam Hain' bring forth this evening? But Warlock
Byrd's wonderfully evocative Halloween print! Surely a pleasing adjunct
to the most Magical time of the year!
I really enjoyed #1 for the black cat which reminds Me
of of My very own Nero; #2 for the imaginative value of the branches
behind the werewolf spelling out the Halloween Greeting; #3 for the
sheer intricacy of the piece, especially the jar occupied by "Byrd's
Brain"; #4, for The Exorcist is always a favorite; and #5 for its
charming and rather profound meaning regarding Infernal Progeny
Accompanied by a certificate of authenticity, a
description, and the artist's personal nom-de-plume, the print is
presented elegantly on photo glossy stock, with the vibrantly gloomy
colors coming to life before one's contemplative eyes.
Anton LaVey Horned Cowl
{Akuma Productions. Received: 9/3/XLIV}
The Crown of Horns... What
is this upon the front doorsteps of Blackthorne Manor this Magical
September afternoon, surrounded in flints of blowing leaves by wisps of
a curling breeze; but a package from Akuma Productions containing no
less than a perfect replica of Dr. LaVey's horned cowl!
Manufactured as a gesture of honor to Daemon Szandor on
the day of observation, the High Holiday of his personal birthday
{4/11}, the cowl served as a staple in early Church of Satan rites seen
in various documentaries, and Satanis in particular. Unique and making
a most striking statement as the veritable incarnate devil, sorcerers
have been depicted throughout history bearing the skullcap of the
trade, and with the addition of the cornus {the widow's peak, and/or if
so inclined, the demonic bird of prey's beak; ergo, 'Lex Talionis'},
affirmed the Crown of Horns unto symbolic self-deification. Majestic
horns of virility, strength, upthrust to affirm independence!
Highest quality, and adjustable to fit just about any
head*, the neoprine resembles a light though sturdy rubber material,
leather-like, smooth and shiny black on the outside, cool with an
almost slightly adhesive texture within; the highly-detailed vertically
striated horns are treated with a blood-wash rinse during molding,
which adds to the bone effect even more so, and the black suede leather
ties work perfectly to keep the cowl firmly on without manipulation.
When I first heard of this creation as part of 'The
Lords of The Left-Hand Path' collection, I immediately knew it had to
be a part of The Haunted Noctuary's possessions, now taking its honored
place for The Rites of Darkness, which seemed such a natural devilution
to integrate.
Aesthetics: 5/5. Quality: 5/5.
* Even though well-deserved, we know how huge Satanists' egos can sometimes be!
Dark Shadows Gargoyle Sculptural Lamp
{Design Toscano}Arriving
recently to The Noctuary is this splendid piece of artistry to provide
appropriate lambent lighting for the absorption of choice reading
material in the dark hours of the night. Both practical and an
aesthetic compliment to any Satanic Lair, the Demon's shadow spreads
forth upon the wall behind him, while one's literature is lit by
infernal illumination.
Highly-detailed musculature and fearsome visage, he
makes a worthy companion by the Sabbatic Baphomet-laden throne to
enrich one's precious time.
* Switch-on cord. 15-watt bulb.
* 6"Wx5"Dx13½"H. 5 lbs.
Bishamon/Oyama Oni Mask*
"Bishamon is the Japanese Kami (or
God) of war and 'evil'. He is the patron of the warriors of Japan as
well as the punisher of [the rotten]. He is one of the Seven Gods of
Fortune, according to Shinto belief. He is also one of the Four
Guardian Gods protecting one of the Cardinal points, the North.
According to legend he was called upon and came to the Prince Shotoku
in 587 during the feudal clan battles of Japan." I
Am very pleased to welcome the Black Devil God {Kami} of War
'Bishamon', comparable to Oyama in My estimation for My purposes, and
of course Ares and Abaddon, which now graces The Haunted Noctuary. Sais
are inserted on top by the horns, exiting through the mouth as a
veritable extra couple of fangs. Surely worth the possession for the
decorative mask itself, now coupled with a holder for the
pitchfork-like blade configuration, ideal for ritualization and any
proposed combat.
Besides being swords in themselves, sais were used in
combat to hook opponents' blades with a twisting movement, thus
disarming them, usually accompanied by an additional sai lethally used
to ensure victory, or perhaps even using the opponent's own sword
itself against them.
Heavy stone-like black poly-resin.
* Length: 9.25", Depth: 4.25", Width: 6.25", Weight: 4 lbs.
* Note: An Oni mask is a type of mask - a devil
mask to be more accurate. So a Bishamon mask would therefore qualify as
an Oni mask. These are culturally recognized as representing the
all-in-one potential of polarities. A Third-Side combination.
The Ondeko and Gojinjyotaiko oni masks are those commonly seen in the Noh, Kyogen, Kabuki, and Bunraku performance arts.
Coop Devil Head Ring
{} This
is an absolutely AMAZING ring - a truly magnificent piece of jewelry.
Large, spanning an entire digit section, even with a movable earring.
Grants the impression as if infused with a 'personality' of its own,
and strongly three-dimensional, highly detailed at every angle,
wonderfully substantial and heavy, making a Hell of a statement!
If you appreciate the diabolically carnal creations of
this artist, you will be well pleased with this item exemplifying pride
and indulgence, seemingly forged in the fires of Hades, and fit for a
Received these two marvelous pendants recently, and Am quite pleased with them:
Pan Pentagram Dionysis
there dances the joyful dance of strong life amidst a faunic garden by
a proper Satanic pentagram, representing the carnal. Since Baphomet is
a derivation of Pan, I thought this a perfect pendent to represent the
Vernal Equinox, desire, and Lust, poignantly expressed in the poem, The Garden of Dark Delights.
Dark Secrets Pentagram
A menacing vampiric skull peering from the Pentagram,
drawing life force from the unsuspecting. The skull is the housing of
the almighty mind, and this arcane creation is perfect for those who
resonate with Vampire lore. The Vampire is indeed on top of the food
chain, feeding upon the herd as Predator Elite.
Vlad Tepes Dracula plaque
{XLIV A.S. Buzz Works. 8.5 x10"} Embossed
and stylized in dark aged bronze, this elegant plaque is certainly a
wonderful compliment to any Lair, wherein the heroic exploits of Vlad
The Just are appreciated.
An infamous historical figure upon
which the Dracula {"Son of The Devil"} legend is partially based;
asserting principles of Might Is Right, he was actually a mighty
warrior who kept the Moslem Turks out of Romania by implementing mass
impalements as a successful deterrent. Rightfully venerated as a
national hero in his native Romania, much can be learned from his
techniques and character.
So whether one appreciates Vampire
lore and/or martial history, this plaque serves as a worthy tribute to
his legacy and conquests.
Vlad Tepes History.
Lucifer's Labyrinth: Honorarium.
Interview With The Impaler. Fictional interview conducted by Draconis Blackthorne.
Satanic Style: Denim Express Leather Vest Arriving
precisely on time, the Denim Express black leather vest is comprised of
soft "patchwork" leather {think a more subtle 'Ed Gein suit', as it
were}, granting it a favorable 'Hellraiser' and 'Edward Scissorhands'
impression, while adding a sense of either elegance if worn with a suit
and/or leather trench coat {for a Noir/Goth look}, or an otherwise
suitable 'biker jacket' for a more "bad ass" look - or even just by
itself to compliment one's accoutrement - either way, the rather darkly
sensual material and overall look make for a very pleasing
presentation. It is indeed a pleasure to add this to My other suit
vests I also enjoy.
Snap-closed, inner and outer pockets, with that
unmistakable rich leather scent, this vest offers high quality sure to
make a statement to either attract, or even intimidate, depending upon
your purposes. As is typical with leather clothing, be sure to order
one size larger to properly fit your frame.
This is an absolutely splendid medallion, either for exclusive ritual wear, and/or general accouterments accentuation.
A 1" version of the elegant large pendant {which
I Am pleased to have been in possession of since Year XXX}, it offers a
bit more of a subtle statement as to one's fine affiliation.
High-quality Cloisonne', it certainly displays
one's pride and elite sense of taste; The Emporium's products stand
apart from all other Baphomet jewelry available. Wonderful for personal
use and as a gift.
Coffin Rust Halloween Print IV
I had
the pleasure of receiving the professionally-embossed Coffinrust
Halloween print #4 this evening, and it is a most amusing addition to
the collection, destined to be placed in The Halloween Room.
Here we have a depiction of Regan from The Exorcist
writhing in bestial convulsions as the priest lays by the bedside with
a cross inserted into his mouth {inverted from this perspective}, while
on the wall behind her, the first print, as well as a portrait of the
Artist himself, while green regurgitation arrays the room throughout,
including the teddy-bear on the table. On her stomach, the demonic
stigmata stating the Halloween greeting "Happy Halloween from". The above-angle perspective is very nicely arranged as
Highly imaginative, with an appreciation for the horror genre and a most entertaining film. Perfect for Helloween!
Related: Exorcism & Possession: The Devil's Scroll.
Tricks or Treats?A couple of interesting items acquired from a recent trip*:
Hotlix Tequila flavored lollipop with worm
candy "treat" with an actual worm inside. I suppose it is edible, but
why would anyone actually eat this confection? Acquired as a novelty
item. However, it would make for an interesting item to dispense at a
Halloween party.
This company also sells lollipops, as well as
chocolate-covered candies with grasshoppers, scorpions, and ants. Also
available are non-insect confections with alternative flavors such as
habanero, horchata, margarita, pina colada, jalapeno, chili, and
probably most disturbingly... cinnamon.
There's also "Moondust", "Dinosaur DNA Dust". Which is
essentially the same product with a different theme. Reminds Me of
Raven's Revenge:
came in the following assorted flavors: Baby Baby, Black & Blue,
Black Widow, Blood Red, Blue Bomb, Blue Mystery, Cherry Bomb, Emerald
Energy, Ghastly Green, Gold Dust, Mystic Pink, Patriotic Punch, Raven
Black, Suicide Punch, Tiger, Velvet Light, White Lightning, White
Thunder, White Tiger. 'Power Tabs' were also available}. Seems to to
basically be the same ingredients, although without the variety.
Personal favorites were Black Widow, and Raven Black. I still have a
couple of vials.
Lunar Lix, which is a lollipop in the form of the moon {in several shades}, with detailed craters. There are lollipop eyes,
and probably most strangely, "Aquarium Candy", which is a ribbon of
candy complete with a fish cracker, containing an embedded fern.
Stallion candy cigarettes I
enjoyed these and others as a Dracling from the local liquor store.
These are actually elongated candy sticks with the general appearance
of cigarettes, containing a powder inside which one could blow through
to the other end. Some would soften when chewed, eventually becoming
bubble gum, while others were more or less like peanut brittle.
Also an interesting choice to serve at a Halloween party, perhaps more for 'adults'.
Here are a couple of additional sources for your candy needs:
Candy Warehouse.
Sugar Stand.
Gemmy Fog Machine
of the things I love about this time of year is the increased
availability of all those little items we appreciate the year through,
where the rest of the year they are put away, only to be acquired
online or at specialty stores. I was delighted to pick up this item
recently, and Am very pleased with it.
Fog machines I have used before either utilized
too much fog solution, evaporating after awhile, and/or the only way to
turn them off was by unplugging the machine altogether, and sometimes
they only last about two years of use.
Gemmy fog machine actually has a convenient on/off switch as well as a
timer feature, should you wish to program it for those crucial moments
which compliment your activities.
Light weight and compact, it can be easily
concealed wherever you wish, as it unleashes that mystical effect,
enhancing the atmosphere of your haunted lair manifold. The handle
option is great for hanging at whatever elevation to optimize whatever
decoration you may be presenting, or just place it on the floor to
grant that pleasingly eerie fog effect.
Satan Approved!
Pentagram Rug The
pentagram rug arrived on this glorious day, which I had been coveting
for quite some time. White on Black, high quality, 3' in diameter -
just beautiful. There now residing upon the floor before The Altar, to
Me representing Belial and the materialization of The Will - it
radiates the impression that The Ritual Chamber, even more so, is
indeed a stage for The-Is-To-Be. Reminds one of the Sowulo rune base on
the LaVey statue. A further confirming element.
Like the crystal skull, upon their arrival, it
seemed as if they had found their appropriate place, as if they had
always been here.
Interestingly, while admiring its angles and
texture, it was as if the pentagram suddenly assumed two to three
shades lighter, granting the impression of a glowing countenance, at
times some of the lines becoming more prominent, until adjoining into
one whole.
Crystal Skull
crystal skull arrived today, and I must say, I Am very pleased with it
- it is actually better than I expected it to be, much better than
other versions I have seen abouts - 4 lbs. with such wonderful detail,
reflecting and enhancing the gloomy luminescence herein, particularly
the surrounding candle light and black/red light from above. It now
properly, and elegantly decorates the Altar, empowering the atmosphere,
enhancing the psychodrama, and subsequent rites of darkness, no doubt.
I first
read about crystal skull lore in occult books I was fascinated with as
a Dracling, when it recently occurred to Me to acquire one for Myself.
Stories went from wise talking skulls who were veritable "oracles", to
apocalyptic objects of veneration that when a numerage were gathered in
a certain configuration, they would release energy upon those employing
them. It has been claimed by their owners that they eventually change
in color according to the energy around, as if developing their own
"auras", and it is even claimed that they assume their own personality!
Skull is both a memento-mori, as well as a reminder of the omnipotent
powerhouse which is the fount of creation - the almighty mind and force
of will.
Hypothesis: Because of its clarity, Greater
Magic & telepathic experiments can be performed with a target
receptor, both consciously and subconsciously transmitted. From
personal experience, this is not only possible, but practiced
regularly, and I expect this object d'art will facilitate this
connection. Additionally, as a Vampire, energy can foreseeably be
collected therein, contained for personal use, and/or even be employed
as a "sponge"...
Here will be listed some of the interesting anomalies which have been occurring since the crystal skull arrived:
1. For a couple of days, the VCR was on the fritz, and a
replacement was scheduled. It would not play appropriately, instead
presenting the picture with static and skips with barely audible sound.
When the crystal skull arrives, the VCR mysteriously turns itself on,
fast forwards, stops, rewinds all the way to the beginning, and the
picture is perfect again.
2. When walking through the room, it was reported that
the skull as if "jumped" from its place, landing safely on the floor
without so much as a fissure.
3. When taking a photo of The Draconian Altar of Satan
upon the arrival of the pentagram rug, the photo displays an odd light
proceeding from out of the top of the skull.
in the Hell Post this day, the Dr. Anton Szandor LaVey pentagram
pendant is a pleasing tribute to the iconically-immortal founder of The
Church of Satan. Thick and heavy silver finish measuring in at 1 1/4"
in diameter, with wonderful detail is a great addition to the
Satanist's collection.
Belial's Gem: The Black Opal, The Jewel of Satan In
the bowels of the earth, there transmogrifying by hellfire, amidst the
bats and serpents of an abyssal lair, is forged a most magnificent
gem... I contend that the black opal is Lucifer's fascination gem - for
why? Consider its properties:
A black as night foundation, and from its foundations, glitters myriad
flakes of color all contained in the blackness, representing the many
manifestation of Satan, and from The Dark Force in Nature which
permeates all matter passing through us and around us, our very atoms
and molecules with every breath we breathe, every drop of blood
coursing through our bodies, every thought of lust and iconoclastic
The manifestation of Satan through The Arts in
Musick, literature, invention, aesthetics, in objects and environments
which are inherently visually Satanic, are mutually empowering to the
possessor and observer.
The archetypes created and enforced by the
Almighty Imagination, cosmic entropic forces, even depictions created
through history have bestowed a presence in the darkest psyche. The
Third-Side perspective, and the subtlety of thought, in a
multi-dimension of thought.
Satan manifested Magically, emotionally
{passionately}, mentally {undefiled wisdom}, physically {health,
aesthetics} - all these can be represented in the multi-colors within
the Black Opal. Satanic dimensions.
Black {foundation}: The Night
sky and stars; gazing at the universe as it truly is; unobscured by the
direct blinding light of the sun {and blue sky reflection}. The Womb of
Nyx from whence all matter comes to be; Strength, Might, Power.
Dark Green: Nature in fullness. Wealth, Health.
Dark Red: Blood of life Lust, Passion, Rage, emotional intensity.
Dark Blue: Wisdom, Epistemology.
Yellow: Hatred.
Pink: Love. Compassion.
White: Death, 'heaven', nothingness, emptiness; which the black opal DOES NOT possess!
Dark Purple {Violet}: Control, Dominance, Authority.
Combinations and mixtures of these colors worn about
the body or displayed in the environment causes changes on behavior,
pertinent to other properties {see Dracomeroth}, with black remaining the background / foundation.
was pleased to receive the "Emerson NR303TT Heritage Series 4-in-1 Home
Music System" recently, which now compliments The Noctuary splendidly.
The antique smooth wooden finish design with all the modern features as
well, being both aesthetically and technologically pleasing is a
wonderful combination. It almost seems like these retro-innovations
were made with the discerning Satanist in mind. In today's disposable
society, where in many cases the herd's "past" is our present, from
rare collectibles, to scouring antique shops for rare treasures,
furniture, and objects d'art, this combines the best of both worlds in
Record turntable
I do have a penchant to collect rare vinyl, for
the artistic, evocative, and arcane sonic value. Considering I also
have preserved much of My first purchases from Draclinghood, this will
be quite interesting, much better than the rather bland current models.
Plus, the liftable top also provides for a nice pedestal for a bust or
Cassette Player
Located on the side, with which to listen to My
extensive collection of tapes, some of which have been incrementally
collected on CD as well, but much of which are both irreplaceable and
contain sentimental value as well.
AM/FM features
Tuning knobs with spindle pointing to station numbers, the yellowish
light, provide for a particularly evocative experience, even with that
certain whistling sound while changing between stations. At times, it
almost seems as if one is receiving stations from the golden era of
CD player
The black planchette is contained behind a
decorative silver finish design and is completely unobtrusive for one's
total environment theme.
There is no denying the time travel dynamic
which occurs when using this entertainment system, as well as others in
the line, wherein one feels as if transported and preserved into the
misty corridors of one's timeless preference. These types of
'retro-designs' have been available for a few years now, and in My
opinion, it behooves the Satanist interested in cultural anthropology
to take advantage of their recreation.
A Marvel-ous Action Figure!
[Click image for back of package detail]
The figure arrived at The
Noctuary today, which is actually quite impressive for an action
figure. What is most notable is the photograph on the package itself,
wherein the Baphomet lapel pin is plainly dicernable, although the pin
on the figure is a silver pentagram on black. Perhaps all the fine
details on The Baphomet could not be suitably replicated - truthfully,
it probably would have been much too small anyway.
He grasps the classic Dark Shadows'
Barnabas Collins wolf's head cane, with movable shoulders, bend of the
arms, wrists, head, and singular legs at the hips. With detailed facial
features, the soft rubbery hair and red blazer, the quality of this
figure made by Marvel is remarkable, even comparable to some of the McFarlaine models.
Even if one is not at all interested in wrestling entertainment, it is
well worth the acquisition not only for the Baphomet displayed, but the
fact that he is one of our very own Magisters makes for a remarkable
collector's item.

Anton LaVey statue by Arkham Studios I
was recently pleased to receive this wonderful limited edition tribute
to Our founder to grace The Noctuary, and Am very impressed with it.
The detail is amazing, from the facial expression right down to the
lapels and even the earring, granting it a certain presence; the statue
now stands upon the Library mantle as he approvingly oversees the
nefarious activities occurring in The Blackthorne Lair.
Positioned in an elegant gesture of invocation, reminiscent of The Ritual Chamber scene from Speak of The Devil, he pridefully calls upon the name of Satan with might and strength.
The quality is exceptional, standing 13" tall
upon a platform embossed with the lightning bolt sigil, grasping the
Sword of Power. Interestingly, it seems like it has always been here,
as he takes his place within this own 'Black House' environment.
Rev. Moore is a true artisan, from the Munsters
figures to this magnificent piece, and this veritable heirloom shall
remain timelessly appreciated.
/_- -_\
What a delightful surprise to find in the Hell-Post a package from Femaledictions, that wonderful proprietor of infernally indulgent scents to permeate your Magical atmosphere with the best available olfactory concoctions, a veritable witch's brew of perfumes, oils, and soaps that stimulates the kundalini for one's pleasure, and all those whom you wish to share in these carnal delights.
In this package, samples of virtually everything available thereof, including a most impressive "Baphomet soap", a creamy black and purple tinted sweet-scented work of art which shall serve as decoration for the sink in ye royal Draconian bath room. In two separate baggies {one very nice black-lace and mesh bag} containing a plethora of oils named Funeral Pyre, Belly Dance, Snake Goddess, Bastet, Dia De Los Muertos, Rose Noir, Jack The Knife, Pumpkin Head, Zam Zam, each individually wrapped in a dark purple boa feather - elegant and charming. Also included are samples from such titles including Asphyxia, DeSade's Garden, Lush, Cookie Puss, Geisha Girl, Oni, Swank, Lone Wolf, Satanic Gentleman, Hell Scent, and Beast of The Field - all evocative, recalling various impressions in the psyche, and serve as fuel for the libidinous hellfire, as well as compassionate influences.
So, for those who detest the various common stinkful colognes and perfumes offered to the herd, these are certainly a welcomed alternative to those, which will accentuate one's natural pheromones without impeding their pleasant potency. I must say, that My current favorites are also "serpent's blood and dragon's blood" liberally dabbed in various points upon one's body, but now with these intoxicating aromas, it will prove quite interesting to experiment with them and gauge the various reactions from proposed lovers.
Also recommended to create incense by dipping a punk {unscented} stick into the scent, as well as drip a couple of drops into a burning oil for lamps, as well as mixing a bit into the wax in various candles for that special purpose. For instance: Zam Zam and Walpurgisnacht for Walpurgisnacht, Dia De Los Muertos, Funeral Pyre and/or Pumpkin Head for Halloween and/or necromantic rites and Curses, DeSade's Garden, Lush, for Lust rituals and delicious romps with one's mate/s; Satanic Gentleman, Lone Wolf, and Swank for various outings, etc.
Not just for Witches, I rate Femaledictions at a 9/9.
- Belly Dance: Citrusy scent reminding one of feasts in a harem, wherein the sweet aroma of carnality mixes with ripening fragrant fruit.
- Zam Zam: Cinnamon evocations of incense-filled nights mixed with black candles and earthly delights.
- Funeral Pyre: The subtle scent of burning parchment reminiscent of the after-smell of Magic.
- Pumpkinhead: Smells like Halloween. Cinnamon and jack O' lantern treats.
- Dia De Los Muertos: The subtle scent of burning frankincense and myrrh.

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