![]() ![]() ![]() The Black Earth V. 1______________________A T T R A C T I O N S______________________Draconis Blackthorne Return to The Renaissance Pleasure Faire | Winterfest | Travel Town Museum | Hell Town | The Mouse Trap | Travels In Hell | LaVey Day XLII A.S. | Haunt X | Castle Rubelia | Return to The Fair... | Church of Satan High Mass | Sintennial Eve at Zen Sushi | Arboretum | Scareplex | Necrocomicon | Tutankhamun & The Golden Age of The Pharaohs | Hollywood Hellhouse | Bodyworlds | L.A. County Fair | London After Midnight at The Roxy | King Kukulele at The Hub Cafe' | HELLHOUSE of Hollywood | Black xmas | NIN - Arrowhead Pond Arena - Anaheim, CA - June 6th, XXXV - 9pm | The Renaisance Pleasure Faire | Fridiculousness | Haunts | Hellish Hollywood
The Renaissance Pleasure Faire Irwindale, CA | Saturdays & Sundays | 10am - 7pm | April 7 – May 20, 2012 | Santa Fe Dam Recreation Area | Ph: 626.969.4750 | Also held in NY, WI, IL.
A perfectly-chosen splendid day to experience the events are upon an overcast day with impending rain, one enters through a ghostly shipwrecked edifice, where a world is opened featuring many added attractions* {several theatrical sections throughout the park with many shows to choose from - musical performances (minstrels), plays, prestidigitation, falconry, equestrians, dancers, jugglers, bards, acrobats, jesters (comedians), jousting, fire-spitters, sword-swallowers, & gladiators}. Might I suggest integrating archery, & exotic animal displays into the itinerary; a veritable foode row offers confections in everything from steaks, ribs, sausages, ice cream, fish & chips, to cakes, pies (both dessert & meat, with humorous allusions to the questionable contents, a-la Sweeney Todd), pizza, even mexican & Mediterranean cuisine - all of which is best enjoyed while being entertained by the various live shows mentioned. In what could be compared to a midway section, there is axe-throwing, a ring the bell game described as battling a giant, dunk the fool, & a sort of spook house. Curios stands {inclusive of the favored Fellowship Foundry, from which many delightful items have been attained}, artisans, leather craft, armory, weaponry, even a fortune teller's tent. Parades {including the visually impressive 'Danse Macabre' - "If I be dead, or seem to be, then death can not come to me."; The Queen's procession}, pageants, and an enhanced cast of denizens roaming about who admirably remain in character, from knights {classical depictions in full armor, Spanish conquistadors, & crusaders} to monsters {some impressive costumes worn, including a walking tree, trolls, even dragons}, pirates to wraith-like creatures, including an alluring demoness, along with a slew of satyrs, sylphs, nymphs, dryads, barbarians, wizards & witches. Not to mention all of the lovely maidens and wenches. Most of whom carry steins with an hearty attitude of indulgent celebration. Themes actually range from the Medieval to the Renaissance, to the puritanical periods, although you may spot a rogue goth or metal head from time to time, and even 'time-travelers', that is to say, ones who portray a distinct steampunk aesthetic dropping in from various eras in timelessness, and even one Dr. Who! Take heed, walking through the towne, spontaneous battles may emerge, towne criers announcing events, minstrels, even a possession! Yes, there is actually an exorcism spectacle, thanks to those pilgrims, complete with foaming mouth, which is most amusing. Overall, great for the Walpurgisnacht season, wherever it may arise {be it the Kingdoms of California, New York, Wisconsin or Illinois; which are held at different times of the year - check website for details}, the Renaissance Pleasure Faire is much like Halloween in Spring, where you can even bring your own costume, where you just may find yourself enjoying some extra perks here and there along the way. ∞
_____________ Winterfest
Walking down the center street transformed a midway of sorts, with My Diabolus cane & black leather trench coat, the crowd was the typical blur of clones, as we tend to stand out quite dramatically. Nothing quite ratifies the sensation of being the alien elite as perceiving the stratifying contrast between the veritable wolves and common sheep. The amusing parting of the way experienced, the fearful hushed whispers, etc., which is rather gratifying, actually. Upon exiting the Noctuary, amidst the demon winds, the scent of burning was strong in the air. Billowing smoke proceeded from behind the structures on the main thoroughfare. Upon later inspecting the local news events, turns out the Masonic Lodge was ablaze, which is right next to a Mortuary; the latter which remained untouched, which is good to know, considering these structures tend to display a pleasant aesthetic construction, contributing to the environment. From personal contemplation, such occurrences tend to happen semi-regularly, as if to 'announce one's presence', as it were. Approximately one year prior, the local parade which usually takes place without incident, was cancelled due to torrential rain upon our arrival. There are many other instances of these 'synchronicities' as well. Overall, wherever it may be, a date with The Devil always proves most eventful. ∞ ![]() Travel Town 5200 Zoo Drive, Los Diablos, CA 90027
So it is not surprising that a certain location became of interest: Located as part of a Griffith Park attraction, and adjacent to the L.A. Zoo and Forest Lawn Cemetery just over the hill, is Travel Town, a train based total environment museum & veritable playground that Gomez would no doubt enjoy. The entire park is comprised of classic stationary train cars which one can peruse and pass through at ones leisure. Haunted Griffith Park The empty train cars give the park a rather eerie atmosphere, like an abandoned ghost town, especially when the wind blows through the cars. As a matter of fact, no theme park would be complete without its own ghost story. This story relates that while traveling across Indian land once, a conductor struck a buffalo, considered sacred to Native Americans, so he was consequently subject to an Indian Curse, which states that he must be confined to the rail car forever more. It is said that a spectral conductor can now be spotted from time to time roaming about the park. I seem to remember a certain gentleman dressed thusly appearing by the driving section on occasion at one particular car on the far side of the park. Besides this story, haunted Griffith Park is delightfully rife with legends and nefarious history. Griffith Park and Southern Railroad One can also even board the various resident operable trains which surround the park, coursing throughout Griffith Park, as well as a children's train complete with tooting horn, and a tour guide offering a history of the establishment. Of note, special holiday modifications are available for Halloween and xmas, which feature displays of said occasions.* Dracling Haunt Fortunately, I had the pleasure of frequenting this location a couple of times a year while attending camp, running about therein, hiding, climbing, playing, pretending, taking the train ride, only stopping for lunch and drinks. Also, the fact that Travel Town is located nearby The Zoo lends one the benefit of hearing an occasional roar, or screech, cackle, and various calls once in awhile, all adding to its enchanted appeal. For those who appreciate historical locomotives, Travel Town is educational and fun, recommended for families and friends, for picnicking & general amusement.
Hell Town "Terrible's Town" {featuring a pistol-packing 'desperado' mascot in black hat} is a total environment on the California / Nevada border one encounters traveling east from Los Diablos before arriving in Sin City. With an Old West theme, it grants the impression of a virtual "mirage", being a rather unexpected manifestation appearing amongst the cavernous and hellish landscape, featuring hotels, casinos, restaurants, novelty shoppes, and a roller-coaster named "The Desperado", along with several amazing structures such as Whiskey Pete's, and Buffalo Bill's. The latter's on-site sign logo features the head of a buffalo within a circle arranged in a rather Baphomet manner, welcoming the "best sinner on the block" towards the carnal indulgence therein [see photo at left]. Not as crowded as Las Vegas, it has a pleasantly quaint sinsation which could very well be called "Hell Town" in My estimation. By Agatha Christie. Theatre / Play
As the lights dimmed into total darkness, a sinister voice inunciated the introduction, accompanied the strobing lightning effect sillhouetting the beautiful set of a mansion's room assured a most gratifying experience. The actors performed splendidly well, and for those who enjoy "who-done-it" detective/crime stories, this story contains a wonderful twist; we discussed who the culprit could be during the intermission, and were delightfully surprised by the revelation - truly, a character one would not expect. Rain cascaded along the window as we made our way back to The Noctuary, transforming into quite a torrent by the time we arrived, and indulged in a warm hearty meal to conclude a delightful evening out.
![]() 11 April, XLII Anno Satanas
At their request, LB & I had the pleasure of spending a delightful dinner at The Olive Garden in the gracious company of Citizens Behemoth and Soraya, in honor of Dr. LaVey's Nativity. I inunciated a Tribute-Toast each with a glass of Pinot Grigio Cavit with a single ice cube therein, as was one of Dr. LaVey's amusingly peculiar preferences, followed by a "Shemhamforash! Hail Szandor! Hail Satan!". We have made this a personal annual tradition. The night followed with sumptuous feasting and great conversation, exchanging ideas, reminiscing on former meetings, as well as nefarious plans for subsequent activities. For those unaware, The Olive Garden is reminiscent of a Dionysian garden-like environment with vines and plaques adorning the walls, rich Italian cuisine, and attentive service once seated. We were pleasantly situated in a darkened corner, whose gloom enhanced the atmosphere that much more. A bottle of robust blood-red Chianti Straccali wine was ordered, and indulgence had by all. A great time was had. "Oh great brothers of the night, thou who maketh My place of comfort, who rideth out upon the (hot) winds of Hell, who dwelleth in the Devil's fane; Move and appear!" ~ The Satanic Bible. The return to The Noctuary yielded cool blustering winds which would howl unto the following day and night through, capping the celebration perfectly. A rite of appreciation was enacted, the reading of poem Devil-Father, Daemon-Brother {see Satanic Serenades}, to an elixer of bourbon imbibed, until dawn crested upon the horizon. Beneath overcast skies, a most entertaining time was had here on the 18th, if just for the atmosphere, the costumes, the dark beauty as well as the gore, thus preserving and accentuating the Halloween 'spirit' - had a chance to chat with and meet several interesting people in the genre, which may prove valuable for certain project ventures, and saw some previews. Returning to The Lair was equally as dramatic, as we were greeted by a delightful lightning display flashing in the local mountains towards the North, which just capped off a truly mysterious and enchanting evening perfectly.
Glendora, California I had long-since heard rumors of a so-called "satanic church" somewhere up in the hills of Glendora, California. Rumors ran from 'it' being a former convent turned coven house, to a full-fledged temple. Descriptions of a large clock tower with 'satanic symbols' on it, people disappearing, etc. pervaded the urban legend. The sources were dubious as were the claims. Then one day, an acquaintance asked Me if I wanted to go see a 'castle' located somewhere in this suburban location, so what the Hell, I was game. Upon arriving curbside, seemingly overshadowed by thick foliage and draping trees, a 'tower' comprised completely of grey stones juts up beyond a very nice gate made of pointed barbs some way from the driveway. Climbing halfway up a tree reveals sharpened glass cemented into the wall, that anyone attempting to climb into this world would be rightfully skewered on its jagged points; also viewable from this vantage point were a couple of roofs therein, one with a stylized weathervane. Turns out the 'satanic symbols' on the clocktower were actually metal figures of a cow at 3 o' clock, a pig at 6 o' clock, a rooster at 9 o' clock, and a horse at 12 o' clock. There is also a bell tower with a clock on it, but no 'satanic' symbols to be found. Ironically, Rubelia is far more de-facto Satanic that ever suspected. So it actually did exist - a castle in the fetters of this unassuming city, so I was curious to learn more about its history and the owner.
Parents: Henry Scott Rubel and Dorothy Deuel Rubel Upon investigation, I found that this estate was the brainchild of one Micheal Clarke Rubel, an eccentric gentleman who began its construction in the Noir Era, son to equally eccentric Henry Scott Rubel and Deuel Rubel, as the photo will attest. Lacking the enormous funds required to erect a castle from scratch, Mr. Rubel began to amass materials from every conceivable source possible, from river rocks collected from local mountains, to steel girders and bridges linking the towers together into which one can pass through, to donated lumber and many useful knickacks. With the help of "pharm hands" [sic], his dream began to manifest until its final form was created in what stands to this day.
Rubelia Nucleus, Mr. Michael Clarke Rubel. Just recently, Mr. Rubel donated the property to the city's historical society, that it may be appreciated by those interested in such intriguing arcana, and is currently hosting tours. A local school was admitted within on June 5th {6/6/6 Eve} of this year, and more recently on Halloween, the gates were opened for trick or treaters wherein apples were dispensed by a man in a turn-of-the-19th century train conductor's uniform. An outfit not surprising, considering there is an actual caboose on site through which one may pass, a trapezoidal water tower framing the inner entrance, brick staircases, as well as several etzels, a 'bottle house' {comprised of antique bottles cemented into the walls, upon whose surface sunlight creates an etherial glow inside the gloomy edifice}, and even a ramshackle 'knight'. Various wooden rooms display its timeless nature, from a gramophone, hand-cranked printing presses, sepia-stained photographs, paintings, bookshelves filled with dust-worn literature, delightful 'old-world' furnishings, vintage clothing, and a round table room whose seats are actually comprised of tree trunks fastened with padded leather seats. Rubelia even hosted its own international newsletter called "The Shriek", entirely handwritten by 'cleaning lady' Edith Friezner {said to be a witch}, which was then mailed off to someone on the list, who then remailed it to another recipient, until all 'subscribers' read it, until finally mailed back to Rubelia. Ingenuity brought this castle to be, and remains a hidden wonder as a tribute to one man's fanciful obsession.
The L.A. County Fair Pomona, Hell-A, CA
We arrived in parking section 9 right around dusk, as we made our way to the carnival fairgrounds which promised indulgence, confectionary delights, and many sensual arousals. Being wise to the expansive fairground therein, we decided to take advantage of the tram, and boarded in order to observe the entirety of the fair, getting off whenever something piqued our interest. Whenever I partake of this event, I particularly enjoy The Scare At The Fair attraction, which I must say, has really gotten most impressive - they claim to have removed all the stops and refuse to make the experience watered-down whatsoever to make it "family friendly" - all of the fearsome effects utilized at The Queen Mary haunted attraction, are in full use here as well, and it is very much appreciated.
It is also quite amusing to watch the reactions of the various 'normals' walking by, from screams to scared laughter to even running away, which I feel is the greatest compliment of all. Highly recommended and a must if you decide to visit The Fair. The Haunted Mansion The other recommendation is "The Haunted Mansion" ride, set on the opposite side of the carnival grounds to Scare At The Fair, which would be another spookhouse in a more traditional form, where you actually board a roller-coaster, taking one into many different chambers filled with Halloween environments populated with goblins, beasties, and ghosties suddenly shooting forth and lurking about. I did appreciate the hellmouth scenery where riders are gobbled up and greeted by the subsequent residents of the next Hell. ![]() Fairview Farms The animals are always a pleasure to visit - all mammalian in this case, from goats to horses, ponies, cows, rabbits, sheep, roosters, chickens, and massive pigs. Most remarkable to Me was the amibex goat, displaying all four horns resembling the Heptagram of Satanas I created, with the other three points comprised of the ears and snout. It is My suggestion that they expand their animal display, to also include reptilian and more exotic predatorial beasts such as wildcats, and animal oddities. ![]() Home & Gardens Highly recommended is the "Home & Gardens" section, featuring the "Enchanted Gardens" {tonight, with various luminescent lights resembling fireflies strung into the willows}, the marvelous Atrium displaying so many exotic plant-life artfully arranged {really like taking a stroll through a haunted greenhouse where one is unaware of what the next species is capable of, besides its strange alluring beauty}; not to mention "Hidden Meadows", a series of veritable mazes and nooks, tunnels and archways, many darkened corners and al-fresco picnic areas - great overall to take a break from the herd. ![]() As a side note, I tried the fried avocado dish at "Chicken Charlie's", and it was absolutely delicious. We later partook of the frozen cheesecake on a stick treat, and a humongous cotton candy bag.
"In 1966, San Francisco sorcerer Anton LaVey exploded into international prominence as he formed the notorious Church of Satan. Contrary to religious preachings, Satanism was not about the sacrifice of babies and cats, but about responsible self-indulgence, accountability for one's actions and holding life in the highest regard. On June 6th, 2006, Satanists from around the globe will converge for a heavily guarded Satanic high mass, as the Church of Satan celebrates its forty year anniversary." This was a most empowering experience. This was an event like no other in history, whose influence shall be felt both overtly and covertly unto timelessness. Even though Satanists tend not to be a social lot, the essence of The Cabal known as The Church of Satan was displayed this night by the alien elite in attendance - exemplary and regal creatures all, the black flame alighting a Luciferian torch of reason by theory and practice, psychodrama and action. The creativity and imagination, the intelligence, talents, and skill of these exceptional individuals concentrated at this infernal convergence was a true Sintennial, and a testament to superior human potential in the evolution of The Self. While the stuporstitious herd prattle about with their trivial and mediocre concerns, programmed sub-existences, insecurities masked as righteousness and evident in hypocrisy, here there was a true gathering of outstanding individuals, the earth�s foremost iconoclasts moving the world according to the will. I Am pleased that I took part in this veritable "Sabbath", and mutually honored to make your acquaintances. I feel that Dr. LaVey would have been proud. This past "666 Hell-A week" wrought one infernal synchronicity after another, celebrating the essence of the carnal beast, and Magic was thick in the air {seemingly more than usual, that is} - I made several notable acquaintances, and it was an overall diabolically pleasing convergence. It was a great success, and I extend My deepest regards to Reverend Bryan Moore & Priestess Sinnz for its materialization, the participants, and to Magus Gilmore and Magistra Nadramia for lending their presence.
I arrived at approximately 7pm and we took our seats at a pleasantly darkened corner of the establishment ordering the best on the menu {the salad was so fresh one could actually taste the chlorophyll and sap in the stems! - delicious! It seemed that for some reason, there was only one waiter in attendance, so the poor fellow was zipping back and forth at a frantic pace handling multiple orders, yet still managed to remain polite and attentive nonetheless. The woodfire beef was scrumptious, and the eggrolls, absolutely delectable}, and we conversed on the events of the night. Greeting guests at the door was the lovely Amy Bugbee - I received a complimentary "gift bag" upon entering, containing among other goodies, the "666 RFS Birthday spectacular" CD, featuring several bands from various genres who have been present on the RFS broadcast, as well as a DVD entitled "Cannibalism: The Last Supper" by Extreme Associates - a compendium of bloody erotica catering to certain violent fetishes; "Might Is Right" by Ragnar Redbeard with a forward by Dr. LaVey and an afterword by Magus Gilmore {a treasure}; Baphomet shot glasses, The Omen poster, and an RFS poster; and in attractive spiderweb wrapping, a Femaledictions sample pack containing their wonderful incense, "The Cricket Snapper" DVD, and referrals to Coffin Rust, Satanimals, and Thee Basket Boutique, among others, all of which will compliment The Noctuary quite nicely. My thanks to Scara for these olfactory treats! I had primarily been interested in Leyba's performance and Jack Malebranche's serial killer art arraying the walls of the place - impressively rendered black velvet paintings of some of the most notorious multiple murderers in history including 'The Night Stalker' Richard Ramirez, Ed Gein {whom the film "The Texas Chainsaw Massacre" was based}, Otis Toole, and John Wayne "The Killer Clown" Gacy. They really helped set up the mood for this nefarious celebration. I briefly conversed with Mr. Malebranche in the patio area about his various projects as well as his collaboration with former Marilyn Manson member Gidget Gein, who recognized Jack's talent and placed his full support behind him. I second the motion. Upstairs, Leyba appeared on stage a bit after midnight, with a scathing misanthropic diatribe accompanied by sonic reverberations enhancing the intensity from his veritable 'hell-mouth". With his trademark cutting and blood-letting, he vented on follower mentality, hypocrisy, consumer society, and cultist attitudes. On a side note, the floor was a bit slick from remnants of the RFS birthday cake, and the scent of rubbing alcohol wafted through the sultry air, creating a surreal atmosphere akin to sin, debauchery, and vice, considering the earlier suspension acts, piercing spectacles, a bondage and whipping act, and undulating "zombie girls" covered in gore - sex and Satan made for an evening of beastly delights.
![]() Draconis Blackthorne {r} & Shane Bugbee {l} at Zen Sushi in Hell-A, 6/5/0666 My special thanks also to Mr. Shane Bugbee for putting this event together - an all-around fun guy and proprietor of the bizarre.
Besides being at one with one's inner nature, the Satanist also appreciates the macrocosmic wonder that is life, in all of its fantastic manifestations. Along with some select cemeteries, this garden sanctuary propagates the essence of Aristotle's Lyceum - the study of epistemology amongst wildlife. and the great lush outdoors, unbeknownst to the majority of the herd. Veritable foliage-laden mazes, columns, magnificent fountains, ornamented benches, tunnels and bridges, waterfalls, and glorious archways are among the beauty preserved and created here. For solitude, or enjoyment with a significant other. A frequent pleasure. It is recommended for the Satanist to find such an enchanted garden environment by one's abode, for contemplation, creation, meditation, harborage, and replicate such elements for one's own cherished Lair.
S C A R E P L E X On this wonderfully chilly night, the cool mist thickens as the darkness deepens into the night; following dinner at Spadra Ristorante {formerly "Il Ghioto" - "The Grotto", Italian; a delightful, and now a favorite restaurant reminding Me of the restaurant where Gomez, Morticia, Fester and Debbie went to in Addams Family Values}. I was delighted to learn that the same proprietors who run the Queen Mary attraction {which is impressive, although I imagine a bit disturbing to the resident ghosts residing there, considering the blasting music and light show}, and hoped that it would live up to the advertisements I came across, and it certainly did. Scareplex takes place at the Fairgrounds, an expansive location in Pomona, CA, which also hosts the L.A. County Fair {an Autumn Equinox celebration} earlier in the year {particularly the "Scare At The Fair" spookhouse, which was quite pleasing}, so I was curious to see what they had done with it, and it was a lot.
Utilizing the various plateaus in the area, it became a veritable "Draconia" {I wrote an essay about this total environment for Not Like Most #12}, with four primary elaborate 'mazes' to discover, which are: "Reaper's Revenge" {where one dons '3D glasses' for a really enjoyable 'in your face' experience; i.e., various phantoms lurking about, specialized environmental paintings which really do 'standout', inclusive of an animated Grim Reaper character swinging his scythe, treated with said special effects mastery, bestowing it a most convincing sentience}. Up a hill is "Mayhem Manor", a beautiful haunted mansion decorated to classic horror-movie aesthetics, with several delightfully gloomy rooms therein, each displaying a different terror-inducing scene, including a torture chamber, in which unfortunate victims are stretched on the rack, encased in the iron maiden, electrocuted, and spun on a wheel of pain, a seemingly "possessed" witch with an inverted cross on her forehead wields {gasp!} tarot cards {the Rider-Waite deck, incidently} in a room reminiscent of the cover of Ozzy Osbourne's "Diary of A Madman" album. In 'Voodoo Village', ghosts and blood-soaked zombies arise from the nearby foggy graveyard with animatronic hands and zombie skulls thrusting up through the earth with tipping gravestones; a ghoulish host greets one at the door; lightning flashes at the windows and various Victorian portraits gaze with bulging eyes. Up another hill at "Massacre Mountain" {the sign displays a volcano, but is that blood seeping from the mouth?}, a cannibalistic madman flails his chainsaw seeking fresh victims for his vicious appetites - mutilated bodies array the area in various positions, hanging from trees, protruding from canisters, suddenly jutting to life with apparent death-throws as one passes by - an obvious take on "The Texas Chainsaw Massacre" with "House of 1,000 Corpses" influence. Towards the far end of the park, there was the option to go and "dance" at a club on the premises, but considering the rather plebeian quality of it, I opted to return to The Noctuary. What I did appreciate about this attraction is the fact that there is a sincere attempt to frighten the populace, thus preserving the true essence of Halloween alive, instead of all the goofball cartoonish fluff perpetuated in current society, which is incrementally changing for the better. The musick permeating the the environment was most pleasant and made Me feel quite at home - I immediately recognized the strains of Midnight Syndicate and now, Nox Arcana echoing forth from the various horror dimensions. The overall creation of the total environments are even better than the previous year, and the costumes and FX makeup have improved as well. Highly recommended entertainment fare. {Ist October, XL; Northridge, CA} Had a Hell of a time at Necrocomicon this evening. Necrocomicon is a horror convention showcasing the genre's latest releases, some timeless favorites, and all manner of merchandise connected with them, inclusive of cast and crew presence. I accompanied some acquaintances who happen to be die-hard horror fantoms: Of particular interest, I met with Lisa Loring, the adorable little Wednesday Addams from the original Addams Family series, and she was quite amicable, despite My Baphomet and leather trench - she signed My newly acquired DVD set. I would have liked to have told her that it was a pleasure to meet the actress which portrayed infernal progeny so wonderfully, but so as to not put her off, I shook her hand and told her it was a pleasure to meet her in person, and that I have had quite a collection of the original series on tape, and what a relief it finally is that the series is now on DVD. A priceless treasure forever cherished. Other recognizable "celebrities" included the underrated Eileen Dietz of Exorcist fame, who played many of the more memorable demonic faces therein - she was also promoting her appearance at a local spookhouse in Woodland Hills; Priscilla Barnes - yes, THAT Priscilla Barnes from Three's Company, who now has been included in The Devil's Rejects; Courtney Gaines from Children of The Corn {who was also pushing his CD, playing from out of a couple of small speakers, which was quite a fright - acoustic renditions / "The Wave" type of music}; among several others who were vaguely familiar. I saw the "mystery guest" O.J. Simpson signing autographs and figurines of himself, and was not about to purchase one of those. There were actually 'protestors' outside with some signs, some of which read "Never forgive, never forget", and the simple "murderer" held forth. There were actually a few people at Necrocomicon with pentagrams, either printed on shirts or dangling from necklaces, who looked over at Me curiously. Many others were dressed as their favorite characters, from the ubiquitous Jason Voorhees, Michael Meyers, Freddy Krueger, to more elaborate getups like various Vampire renditions, ghouls, zombies, a couple of devils, a headless guy, and My favorite... voluptuous vixens in scantily-clad attire here and there - "Vampirella" was quite remarkable. I was surprised Elvira was not present, but a Morticia look-a-like was definitely there. In the main showroom, vendors lined the walls with so many intriguing items from Horror cinema, from dolls to costumes, masks, books, films, jewelry. The booth that particularly caught My eye was the Dark Delicacies display, whose shoppe I have frequented on a couple of occasions, offering up mostly horror fiction and true-crime books. If you are not familiar with this establishment, and are in the LA area, do visit this artfully-embalmed total environment. Friendly and informative. Next on the roster was a screening of "Death By Engagement", an amateurish film about a seemingly cursed wedding ring sought after by a charming groom, whose wearer perishes one after the other, as it eludes him at every turn through a series of unfortunate synchronicities. His obsession to possess the heirloom leads to murder and deception. A "B-Movie" presentation, but somewhat amusing nonetheless. Afterwards, the actors were available for questions, although truthfully, I was not too interested. In an auditorium-like room, I had the pleasure of seeing The Order of The Fly perform, who are like The Misfits' demonic musical child, and a lot of fun to watch, clad in Halloweenish attire, they played amidst swirling fog and undulating lights, with high energy in graveyard stomping frenzy. The Lovely "Abby Normal" resembles a Gothic Sally with stitch scars about her flesh, and Ralphie Repulsive really does an exceptional job with his ghoulish skull makeup {not to mention he blows fire!}, "J-Synthetic" resembles a cybernetic goth doll, and "Alfonzo DeLos Muertos" performs as a monsterous skull creature, reminiscent of Gwar, and the drummer donned "Corpse paint" similar to Death Metal musicians. The Kissfits were certainly an evocation, bringing to mind images of these legendary rock figures, which were actually My first introduction to the world of Hard Rock / Heavy Metal, and I do appreciate a good show - The Kissfits are, as the name suggests, a cross between The Misfits and KISS, playing some familiar KISS and Misfits tunes, as well as a couple of originals in the same vain. I especially enjoyed their rendition of "Halloween". There was another fire-breathing spectacle, as well as plenty of blood-dripping gore by "Gene Manashevitz". The best in this musical repertoire was unfortunately not saved for last, as "Sloppy Seconds" came on, whose shtick I suppose are as drunken slobs somewhat reminding Me of The Mentors, though nowhere near as amusing or imaginative, so I opted to take My leave. Overall, saw a film, bought a DVD set with autograph, and enjoyed watching two entertaining bands perform - a fun night out. King Tutankhamun Exhibit, LACMA 19 September, XL Having been intrigued by the Egyptian culture since a Dracling {I actually attended the last LA exhibit with My parents}, we planned to attend this event as both an evocation for Me, as well as an anthropological excursion. I remember mother going through an obsessive phase, buying up calendars, figurines, and books on the subject. We arrived at about 3pm, I was fortunate {again} for the overcast weather, as well as a smaller population of sightseers, considering that one enters a waiting area tent for a few minutes before being allowed inside this cozy place, a group at a time, which seems veritably transformed into a temporary temple of antiquities - I could sense an arcane presence therein as one peruses each piece, which includes but is not limited to, many traditional zoomorphic reliefs, several busts {including one named "Tuyu", which appeared very much to be the love goddess Hathor, the cultural archetype of beauty}, Amenhotep III and II {one ivory which looked curiously like, of all people, Michael Jackson!}, stone carvings, a staff displaying a slave, a "lotus cup" {which may have represented regeneration / reincarnation}, a golden ankh mirror case, a vase, a shield, an impressive falcon collar, and the expected cobra-decorated crown {which would be very useful for rites with an Egyptian theme}. Interestingly, there was only one small sarcophagus in the form of Tut, which would actually make for a nice keepsafe. As a Satanist, I did not spot any Set representations, which is not all too surprising, as they are relatively rare, and this was after all, not a mythological display, but more a biographical display about the boy king himself. Although I did think it rather ironic that a magnificent storm was beginning to brew outside... These were treasures found within his tomb, whose excavation bore that infamous warning: "Death shall come on swift wings to those who disturb the tomb of The Pharaoh", which ran its course. Around the bend, there was even a childrens' gallery called "The Pharaoh's World", and a gift shop just inside the entrance selling such bric-a-brac like mugs, candy, CD's, shirts, and even a shot-glass! There were also vendors selling their trinkets and wares outside near the entrance and in the grassy area around the waiting tent. Another evocation came to mind while travelling down Wilshire Blvd. there - the LaBrea Tar Pits - yes, the familiar sight of a behemoth mastodon struggling in the thick tar before inevitable oblivion. I also actually spent some time here as well in Draclinghood, both in personal trips and with camp - I recall rolling down the hills with playmates, running about the expansive area, and perusing the museum, surveying fossils and artifacts. Overall, an enjoyable and intriguing perusal. For information on Egyptian mythology: World Mythology
SATURDAYS, AUGUST 28-OCTOBER 30 plus SUNDAY OCTOBER 31 4773 Hollywood Boulevard ![]() Even before "Hellhouse of Hollywood", which was run by "un-daughter" Zeena Schrek, there was "Hellhouse", founded by Jerry Falwell, a christian minister to depict "real-life" situations to horrify sheeple into the blindlight fane - it is basically a conversion device which rears its head every Halloween as an "alternative" to the harmless fun of Trick or Treating. Other churches copied the idea with variations including "Halleluia Night", and whatnot. Where instead of participating in the sublime charm of Halloween, children are instead kept sequestered with common games enacted like the rest of the year. If you ask children, they would much rather be frolicking in this night of revery and candy-acquisition, unless hopelessly brainwashed by their paranoid parents - so it really is a parental-problem issue overall. Personally, I would not recommend these Hellhouses for children, as some of them tend to be far too graphic, even if many of them tend to be a bit chintzy. This past Halloween, Hollywood initiated its own hellhouse, taking directions from an actual booklet written by christian propagandists which reads rather like a Chick tract; but instead of serious attempts at conversion, this production was basically a mockery of the fundies and their stuporstition-mongering. Taking the urban legends of SRA, and alarmist tactics and inaccurate and exaggerated situations such as a man dying of AIDS, a school shooting, a girl getting raped at a "rave" resulting in her suicide, a gorey abortion spectacle, Andy Richter {former Conan O' Brian co-host} as Jesus, etc., these actual actors {who sometimes had a hard time containing themselves} brought this to the fore with comedic flourish, inclusive of Bill Maher playing The Devil, and demons accompanying the "sinners", egging them on towards erstwhile "damnation". One is lead through eight rooms, each depicting a scene mentioned, including a mock "sacrifice scene" committed by an erzatz "satanic cult" of devil-worshippers {of note, I did notice a Baphomet banner being used herein, but surprisingly, it was used with permission, as divulged from correspondence with HP Gilmore - why? For stratification. If this absurdity corrals the herd into the arms of the nazarene cult, then so much the better, for water will seek its own level}; On one wall near the end of the tour, is a painting of Jesus upon which one can tack 'confessions', finally concluding in a delightdully gruesome set of Hell, including the damned reaching out from within boiling cauldrons, and various tortures for help. The FX were better than usual, which was pleasing to the shadow side of the mind. The ultimate 'spirit' of this attraction was basically to poke three-pronged fun at evangelists, and it was quite amusing overall.
The Science Center, Downtown L.A. Mummy's The Word... Enter at your own risk! Run by Proprietor G�nter Von Hegel, this attraction features real corpses who have undergone a process called "plastination" which involves saturating the tissues with plastic and various epoxies, said to preserve a body for a hundred years. The corpses are positioned in various poses from varied professions, including a chess player with brain exposed, a pregnant woman, and two writers atop a horse. Additionally, various medical conditions are featured smoker's lungs, cancers, and tumors. Von Hegel, A.K.A. "Dr. Death" and "Frankenstein", asserts that these are for educational purposes, and is incidentally, quite the showman himself, sporting a fedora and cheek scar {sound familiar?} So where in the world did he acquire the bodies? Not from midnight excursions at the local graveyard, but from both donations from aficionados {you can sign up at the event} and in the beginning, from unclaimed rejects who were originally scheduled for incineration. Being a Doctor, he decided they could be placed to better use, and debut the necro-art in Japan. Since then, so far, there have been mixed reactions. On a couple of occasions, some patrons have even fainted at the sight of these incredibly preserved and detailed pieces. At one point, one man sought to poke at one subject, and another covered the pregnant woman {"mummy dearest"} with his coat. But overall, the reactions have been primarily that of dark interest that would be attractive to Satanists, considering Rex Diabolos Church's works {particularly "The Abomination of Desolation" series}, and Owen Lietch's Necro-Sculptures. I Am also reminded of Leilah Wendell's Museum of Death, and a tribute to Azrael, The Angel of Death. So when this attraction necromances in your area, do take a perusal. Rating: 5/5. Official Site: Bodyworlds
Upon this foray into the mortal world, I Am drawn into the carnival atmosphere of the Midway haunted by Dr. LaVey many a time. Herein, many attractions await the wayfarer; the scent of cotton candy, hot dogs, jacaranda, and many fanciful confections available only at The Fair. The towering ferris wheel overshadows the park, displaying the Lighthouse Effect by its frame. Night falls, and the Midway opens up like a scene from a movie as the herd jaunts by, the sound of children squealing with delight, running to and fro, playfighting, and the screams of eustress permeates the air from above, deriving from from rickety rollercoasters throughout the fairgrounds. As one is to enter the grounds, they are initially conducting "pat-downs" - yet they took one look at Me and a black fellow mentioned something to the effect of "...you be too crazy..." and allowed Me and My cohorts inside straight-away. Of remarkable note, I ventured to the Uncle Fester shock machine, in which one places one's grasp upon two seeming electrodes, as one is given three choices of intensity - "Low, Medium, or High Voltage", with a Crowlean Uncle Fester leering down with that hallmark lightbulb protruding from his mouth. Needless to say, I chose "High Voltage" and "maxed it out", as it were, as the intense vibration veritably borders on pain, and does quite convincingly simulates electrocution, but there is no green smoke here. A couple of machines over is a fortune-teller in a box, and further along, another electrocution simulator, this one resembling an electric chair. Animal Exhibit Passing this section, one arrives at the far end of the park, to the animal exhibit. Herein are the typical farm animals with the exception of a grand llama, posing majestically, seemingly for the cameras with head raised high, but became a bit awnry when a fat little goat threatened to steal the show. Also thereabouts, The Rabbit Hutch filled with deceptively 'cute' foos each contained within its own cage, that they may not devour eachother for dominance. They gaze upwards with a sideways glance with that unmistakable gleam of mischief in their beady little eyes. Nearby, a quick pose for what I call "Satanic American Gothic" , and back up the fairway where we encounter "The Lion's Den", which advertises the reading of bible verses for free, particularly marketed towards children. and more than one was sucked into its lightened fetters. So one would naturally ask oneself, "Where is the Satanic attraction?" Scare At The Fair Well, besides the entire park and tradition being inherantly 'Satanic', the more blatant location would be The Scare At The Fair, the resident spookhouse, which, as one approaches, one can hear the strains of Midnight Syndicate, choice ritual musick, haunting the sonic tides, with dry ice and fog floating out from a hooded and red-eyed phantom exuding from the dungeonesque and cryptine edifice to the roof, beckoning the daring inside. An impressive spectacle that allows one to feel right at home in one's Lair, And for the nominally inexpensive fee of a mere $5.00, one can enter this domain with its unique paint and artwork rendered to project a three-dimensional effect, accompanied with the aid of specialized spectacles which brings the phantasmagoric images more dynamically to the fore. Robed and masked ghouls lurk therein, 'round many darkened corners, and even lunge forth from many hidden panels in the walls. In some sections, the effects are arranged in such a way so as to grant the impression of floating. A giant spider crawling on a web is quite a remarkable illusion, and most remarkably, towards the end, a spinning tunnel reminiscient of the Universal Studios version, yet is more effectual in bestowing the vertigo effect with the combination of the lighting - red and black striations bestow the sensations of walking into a hellish portal. A most enjoyable perusal indeed. On a side note, during one remarkable instance, as Myself and a companion were discussing the possibilities of replicating these blacklight and fluorescent paint effects for our own homes, one of the resident ghouls lurched forwards from a hidden doorway with the intent to frighten. When asked if he knew the artists, he stepped backwards, saying "...No..." in a low growl; and as we made our way to the next chamber, I heard him utter "freaks..." behind the mask, which I received as an ironic compliment. Which also went to show the revelation that even those behind the masks are themselves herd members, lest one lose perspective and bestow Solipsism. This is by far one of the best attractions in the park for My money. A grande finale as a capstone to seal an enjoyable and pleasant evening out. Ghost Pirates A small rollercoaster ride filled with skeletal denizens similar to a smaller version of Disneyland's "Pirates of The Caribbean". - skelatons impaled, hanged, sharpening their axes and swords. and of course, partaking in the ubiquitous rum and ale. Appropriately rickety, the chambers are separated by black leather and velvet and flannel strips draping upon the riders in the darkness. Mardis Gras Decorated with a depiction of The Devil as celebratory Lord of The Flesh on the outside of the edifice, this rollercoaster promises more of an adventure in eustress bordering on distress with every turn of the shaky carts upon the metal rails. One derives the impression of nearly tipping over to the Midway grounds below from a height of two stories, and the typical suspension if gravity on the three major drops will set to cry out in an excited fall. The Cuckoo House Filled with the infamous "Hall of Mirrors" at the entrance, the first thought I considered was the infamous scene in Bruce Lee's "Enter The Dragon" scene - the building goes on to contain spinning floors, a conveyor belt, which could forseeably be mode of pedestrian travel for certain businesses and shopping locations, a-la 'The Jetsons. Further along the second floor, resides one of the assured staples of carnival fair - the trick mirrors of the funhouse complete with giggles emanating from the looking glasses themselves. One elongates your reflection, another shortens your stature to that of a midget {the effect is as if one is actually 'looking up' at yourself}; another expands the girth, while yet another diminishes it considerably. Once completed, the only exit is a spiral slide down to the first floor. Great fun for the agile.
As far as the carnival fair's etymological nomenclature, it actually does fulfill its terminology to an extent after all, in that most of the female pulchritude does indeed become part of the entertainment, in the balmy weather, upon the death of remmus, clothing is scarce and the curves are plentiful. The best time to venture forth is after dark of course, when the multi-colored lights are aglow, casting a certain phosphorescence into the atmosphere. And upon closing time near midnight, the sky became ablaze with the punches of explosions and dazzling fireworks; the subtle scent of sulphur permeating, blending in with the sweet and pungent scents of the fair. A perfect conclusion to a memorable and evocative experience. Walking those shiny black pathways, I was reminded of Doctor LaVey , whose memory certainly overshadows the wonderment therein; and here, with the impending anniversary of His return to The Great Darkness, it seemed even more appropriate.
July 25th, XXXVIII Anno Satanas, The Roxy, 8pm. The sun goes down on this balmy night, revealing fetishistically elegant phantoms gathering this evening at an icon of haunted Hollywood decadence, one of many in this "Sin City". A shadowy vampiric cave known as "The Roxy", which in its history has hosted the faintly echoing strains of many a devilish minstrel. Yet this Nocturne is graced by the malefik musick of etherial creatures "London After Midnight" - veritably, four "Dark Angels" of The Apocalypse to sound the trumpets of ghostly wails and tales of darkened erotica calling forth the spechtres which reside in the deep abysses of the mind. I found My way to the seated section where I ordered provisions for Me and My Lady with a wonderful view of the stage proper. The opening band remionded Me of an amalgam of AC/DC, Quiet Riot, and The Misfits - indeed, they even performed a cover of "Static Age", and the crowd reacted lukewarmly. At about 10:30, the lights dimmed, and the multi-colored lights shown in the darkness as the dissertation began with a Soviet-style Propaganda film projected upon two screens located as a backdrop on the stage, which reminded this reviewer of the presentations of what gore group "My Life With The Thrill Kill Kult" would present in their hey-day. Images of Victory, slavery, and death arrayed the screens with various images of Nazi footage included now and then. However, the band themselves are neither Neo-Nazis nor Communists, but are presenting this production in order to send a deeper message via shock tactics, to revolt in your own mind and life against the big-wig corporations propagating a virtual soma through the Media, which fosters mediocrity and complacency . In short, to remove oneself from this cultural zombification, thus stimulating evolution; thus, the combined words "R/Evolution", or Revolution are meant to initiate personal Evolution. LAM performed a wide variety of their gracefully haunting musick that would cause The Devil Himself to dance.
Needless to say, LAM contains all three elements of The Infernal
Trinity of Malefik Musickal conjuration. It is a pleasure to behold and
King Kukulele at The Hub Cafe, Fullerton, CA
He is actually also endeavoring to create his own total environment he calls LeMoyne Lanai, a Tropical paradise slowly evolving into his specification - and that is quite Satanic, as we know.
This performance occurs at The Hub Cafe'
in Fullerton, CA, where he can be seen every other Wednesday. So pull
up a chair, sip your coffee {for he is on sometimes for 2 hours},
partake of your choice pastry, and be prepared for this veritable
"hulacaust"... ![]() Hellhouse of Hollywood {Review Circa IV/X\XXXI A.S.}
We spoke of The Doctor's interview in Rolling Stone, where more information on the separation may be divulged, & her interest in including an entry on the Hollywood Parade, to represent the Dark Side. "The Church of Scientology down the street can have their float ? I think so should we." I agreed whole-heartedly. It is about time we were represented, & recognized as the formidable presence we are, as is evidenced by the very existence of a Hellhouse-type of establishment in this town. Ultimately, we would abscond to secret chambers for private indulgence. ![]() Behold, the trapezoid blazing on through the day & the night in the center of Hollyweird, confounding & compelling all into the black, yawning door of the Hellhouse, like a black hole, absorbing unwitting souls into its darkened fetters.
A virtually exhumed treasury of videos of horror, erotica, & documentation. Hellhouse carries "Satanis", the video-documentary containing Satanic Mass footage from the genesis days & nights of The Church of Satan. To My surprise, however, Speak of The Devil is not yet upon their shelves which is a must to see, the documentary of Anton LaVey. There is some musick available, consisting of The Satanic Mass, & Radio Werewolf {Schrek's band}. Some ritual items are available, including a beautiful chalice & mug, both bearing the sigil of Baphomet. Some nice figure-candles are sold, & Baphomet sigils to adorn the Altar with. Hellhouse has come into possession of some wonderful medallions, including a huge Baphomet, & The Horned God, whose horns transcend the circle most magnificently {you may have seen Vincent Crowley wearing it}. There are now Satanic Pentagram patents to rest the Chalice of Ecstasy upon, amongst other woks of art, like rings, gargoyles, ashtrays, & candle-holders, shirts, & posters.
For a small fee, your guide will lead you deep into the void of shadows therein, to tread the dread Walk of Flame, where the nightmarish world of Hellyweird truly embodies its name! The absence of Dr. LaVey's works may be explained by Zeena's differences with him. For besides Speak of The Devil being unavailable here, so was The Devil?s Notebook, HP Blanche Barton?s "The Church of Satan", & "The Secret Life of a Satanist", as well as the musickal releases of "Strange Music" & "Satan Takes A Holiday" ? The Black Pope?s Musickal projects; as was The Black Flame, which is the International Forum of The Church of Satan. In case the reader is unaware, Ms. Schrek formally separated herself from CoS in XXVIII Anno Satanas, & has stated that she wishes to have nothing to do with The Doctor, or CoS at this time. Which may also explain the absence of His image & profile in The Walk of Flame. Overall, Hellhouse is the Satanist's shopping center, if there ever was one besides the preferred mode of mail-order. The employees were attentive, & aesthetically-attractive in the death-shade. You can pretty much get all you need for education, ornamentation, or otherwise for entertainment. Update Note: Unfortunately, this was essentially a 'garage sale' of personal items. It went defunct when they ran out of items, & in an unprofessional manner, the employees were not paid, & one was even propositioned by Schreck for sex, who refused & quit. Because she was not afforded an automatic priestess-role, Zeena renounced her CoS affiliation & her father, has compiled mean-spirited, fictional, & deceptive essays, but parasitically came out of the woodwork when her "un-father", Anton LaVey's Will was brought up. At one time, she sided with The Temple of Set, probably as an attempt to gain a title, but also renounced that organization when she did not get what she wanted. Read the entire sordid tale at the following link:
![]() [Liar, Liar: The Unauthorized Biography of Nikolas & Zeena Schreck] That night, we walked a couple of blocks to a pleasant little bar where we spent a couple of hours, down a side street which is in itself a trip back in time. The place is kept by an amiable black gentleman who makes everyone feel at ease as we partook in our beverages, with the strains of noir tunes echoing through the air. Interestingly enough, as we walked back to the hotel, we witnessed Hollywood Vice at work, who were frisking a couple of dregs who assumed the position.
The rest of the night was spent in delightful revery.
I spent the last couple of visitations at relatives' homes, & I felt like a veritable Grinch the whole way through, but I did receive a couple more gifts on that xmas morn - which I do not personally celebrate. Still, I receive them as I please. However, all of their generosities are never wasted on Me. Being that I attended these festivities, I felt I should dispense some presents Myself, as a veritable "Satan Claus". I Am considered rather "odd" {as is par the course} by relatives & friends' relatives, & Am affectionately referred to as "The Undertaker" by My companion's Grandfather. I dispensed with Halloween goodies, including a coloring book, a Count stuffed toy, as well as some interesting cards & candy I found abouts. This time 'round, I received a pack of "Magic Cherry Herbal Cigarettes", which is an interesting mixture of "marshmallow, Yorba Santa, Damiana, Passion Flower, Jasmine, & Ginseng" - even upon the cigarettes themselves is printed the word "Magic"; which reminds Me of "Death Cigarettes" {which I used to buy at a local liquor store, but now as I understand it, they have been spotted at Hot Topic, a trendy Goth store}. In the same bag as these interesting cigarettes, I received a very noiresque lighter - darker & lighter silver portions forming a classic design. A nice addition to what is becoming a steadily growing collection of lighters. Thirdly, I received a couple of nice new black shirts, one of which I Am presently wearing.
Fifth, from My young cousin, a wind-up spider that ducks in & out from behind a rock - it was "cute". Other presents received throughout the night by others - a Marilyn Manson T-Shirt, The new "Holy Wood" CD {will be reviewed for Malefik Musick}, & the quote "Unauthorized MM CD", which I have listened to, & it is a really great series of interviews & perspective on The Reverend {also to be reviewed for Malefik Musick}. The Ken & Barbie Morticia & Gomez Addams Family dolls, which I had coveted as soon as I heard they were in existence - I Am not one for barbie dolls & whatnot, unless they are life-sized actual girls that is, but I made an exception for this edition, just for the sheer beauty of it - I had previously only viewed them online before, but here, they are posed in front of the mansion on a moonlit night - it was just beautiful to ponder. Return to Blackthorne Manor I was quite delighted to find out that I had received a couple of gifts. The most remarkable of them was a pocket-watch, a-la Gomez Addams, which shall now join My menagerie of dragon cigarette case, & Baphomet lighter. Then I received quite another addition to Lucifer's Library, Satan's Scroll, as it were - "Stephen King on Writing: A Memoir of The Craft", which I have already delved into a bit, only because I hold great respect for the man - he is an inspiration, & provides fuel for My aspirations. To a more humorous extent, I then opened a package containing two boxes of "Devil Squares" ~ really delicious pastries. A perfect follow-up to the night's meal. And another quite remarkable gift was a Dracula notebook. Black & grainy, with the word "Dracula" emblazoned in deep dark red. The pages are of parchment quality, treated in some sort of fashion which makes them appear arcane & "blood-stained". All they need is a little burning on the sides, & it will be perfect! I Am presently listening to the Dracula soundtrack, all of which is creating quite an ambiance... While
I'm not particularly a fan of so-called "alternative" rock, &
indeed, I see a need for an alternative to the "alternative", being
that there's a glaring lack of quality in music these days, I decided
to accompany My companion, being that she is quite a fan of theirs,
& two associates to this event --- a curious night out, if you will. I was fortunate to arrive just after "A Perfect Circle" had played, which was a good thing, considering that they give off the impression of being rather xoidian, not to mention the music is of the current common variety. I wasn't about to waste My time on that. Then, the lights dimmed, the roar of the crowd grew, the putrid scent of cannabis filled the air, & on came a barrage of lights {programmed with a midi sequencer which times the effects according to the sounds produced}. NIN's Trent Reznor {who at the time of this writing is now in good terms with Rev. Manson, after a few years of animosity & contention} could very well be called the "founding father of Industrial music", a computerized amalgam of Metal & Goth. NIN focused primarily on their latest album "The Fragile", which comes off as sounding like a self-help & traumatized-laden opus, with sections that could very well be played on 'The Wave' {a newage/feel-good radio station}, & others which are to NIN's more classic heavy pieces. At times during the performance, there were stretches of time which consisted of keyboard orchestrations designed of evoke pathos, amidst an awashment of somber lighting, & multi-colored liquid images projected on three rectangular screens. A suggestion: add live transparencies of the band blended in with the amorphous images. The stage itself was entirely black, & the surrounding setup was cubical, which gave the impression of a futuristic monitor with holographic images. The show lasted for about an hour, with an encore consisting of two songs. Reznor was quite appreciative of his fan base, giving thanks for the support & attendance, which denotes a good showman quality. Overall, My only critiques are again, that the music could have been a bit louder, & live video could have been projected on those screens. Besides this, the performance was pleasing to the eye, & that's not mentioning the cute little gothgirls roaming about... ![]() Devore, California After traveling forth through an expanse of desolate land more reminiscent of Oklahoma in some spots, & Texas in others, rather than California, one reaches Devore --- the "boonies", as it were --- site of the Ozfest concerts {Playing that night at The Blockbuster Pavilion, incidentally, was Reo Speedwagon & Styx --- two one-hit wonders who attracted the late 70's/early 80's jocks who used to practice the 'slap & tickle' to the tunes in the back of their parents' Dodge, now owning their own Dodges, thus causing a cattle-clot on the highway on the way out}, just one plot of land removed to the side, passing "Eat At Joe's Diner" {sic} --- a bit of nostalgic Americana, resembling a "Flo's" Diner, where the waitresses dress in pink & white, & when annoyed, would utter phrases such as "Kiss my Grits!" As one travels down the winding road in sight of The San Gabriel Mountains, I observed a wench urging motorists to enter her side of the fairegrounds. This is what I came for --- The Rennaissance Faire. Upon entrance, one immediately receives the sight of Magistrates setting up some peasants for a hanging. As one moves on, there are numerous booths set up all around the place, selling goodes such as swords, armor, jewelry, chalices, stained glass pentagrams, dragon mirrors, spices, incense, walking staves, candle-holders, as well as attractions like archery, dagger throwing, axe-toss, "The Complete Fool" {jester accessories}, 'Ye Olde Sinking Poole" {which is basically dunking the idiot by throwing balls at a target}, & 'Slay The Giant,' which is the old slamming the mallet on a platform, causing a weight to ascend a scale, hitting a bell at the top {aka, 'the strength tester'}. Of particular note, I found the 'Fellowship Foundry' booth to be the most splendid, & highly recommended. The pewtersmiths are superb. There are wizards, dragons, dragon chalices, daggers, figurines, pendants of all sorts --- the best booth in the whole place. Actually, I have been aware of them for some time now, as I picked up one of their catalogues at a local arcana store called 'The House of Cutlery', sometime in Year XXVIII A.S., purchasing a couple of pewter figurines to compliment My Lair, & add to My collection of demons, dragons, & warlocks. Above the booth structure were a couple of drunken actors in costume, urging passers-by to purchase items. That's something I noticed here at this faire: Most of the vendors & wayfarers were intoxicated, carrying their elixers in fanciful mugs & steins. This, inevitably, brought out the core personalities within them. At times, I observed an almost bullying attitude to draw potential patrons into attractions {perhaps they fancy themselves carnies}; if they were ignored, or even politely turned down, some of them {probably the more enebriated} utter veritable insults after them under their breaths. This, I thought, could take away from the experience. The Rennaissance Faire attempts to portray a Total Environment, which it almost manages to do. By & large, however, I found the vendors to be polite & attentive, ending almost every sentence with the phrase, "M'Lord." Most of the wenches' attire consisted of bodices which presented their nubile breasts most appealingly --- they were quite accommodating. A scene from Camelot came to mind, when the Queen asked her King, "What do the simple folk do?"; To which the King replied in song, speaking of stuporstitions & balefires. Now the stuporstitions come from some of the booths selling "wiccagrams", its vendors looking visibly disturbed by My Baphomet medallion. Which is understandable, considering Our symbol hails from the Aristocracy, Assassin societies, & the Yezidis of the Middle-East, & evolved through time, stretching forth to Europe {particularly to France & England with the Knights Templar & The Hellfire Club}, vs. the petty chicken-gizzard spells of the peasantry, where this 'wicca' came from {although the name didn't appear until early this century, plagiarized by Gerald Gardner from a joking comment}. At the beginning of the perusals, some xoid woman came up to Me, breath stinking of cheap wine, & asked Me, "is that devilish?" referring to a superb dragon sculpture I was surveying, to which I replied, "Certainly appears that way. All the best stuff is devilish, you know." With alook of surprise, she then asked Me, "are you devilish?" To which I responded, "I have been complimented with that phrase before, yes." She gasped in horror, turning to her friend saying, "...he says it's a compliment!" Her friend then told her, "Come on, let's get outta' here." Good riddance, I thought. Out of all the xoid types there, in their varying degrees of whitelight - newager forms, the cross-huggers have no place. Other remarkable products sold were real black horns tied with a leather chord, which may be useful for a ritual cowl. There were gauntlets adorned with black metal talons, & leather breastplates emblazoned with a serpentine dragon. Not a Satanic Pentagram in sight {not counting the metalhead in the White Zombie shirt, which displays a huge red Pentagram on the back}, or any inverted crosses. It seems to have been the politically-correct version of the faire this time around. Then there was the Jousting contest --- which, besides Fellowship Foundry, was the greatest attraction there. Another thing I noticed: no representations of The Darkside. No Dark Warlocks or Witches, no monsters or demons --- just plentiful portrayals of what I call "the day people", or "day legends". That is, happy sunshiny - floppy-headed characters --- elves {one who was carrying a 12-pack of beer}, faeries, white knight types, white magic wizards, & the common day folk. No Kings or Queens, either {of course not! They must be up in the castle! --- although there may have been some closet queens in tights roaming around}. Considering the name of the event, very few costumes replicated the Renaissance era. There was much more of a Medieval aesthetic, & the 'Witchtryals' were obviously from the Puritanical period. At times, I couldn't help but ponder a scene from Omen 4, where Delia, Damien's sinister sister, went to a newage {rhymes with sewage} faire, & ended up causing the whole place to erupt in flames... My
advice to Satanists considering attending this event is: Send away for
these products, to avoid the herd, or shop online, unless you're
actually employed there. The event is held from 10am - 6pm on Saturdays
& Sundays, 8 weekends from May 6th to June 25th at the Glen Helen
Regional Park. So if you want to go anyway, conjure an overcast day as
I did, for a more pleasant experience.
![]() ![]() Circa XXV Anno Satanas It was an early autumn afternoon as I made My way to a local campus to see a performance by Jonathan Frid, star of the late 60's, early 70's Gothic series "Dark Shadows," who played Barnabas Collins, the noble, yet tormented vampire. I had become acquainted with the program through re-runs on a local channel, that actually played the whole series, from beginning to end, which was deeply appreciated, considering I wasn't yet incarnate during the original airing. Since then, this series has become a favourite of mine, & I routinely pick up any paraphernalia I can find. My greatest acquisition from this series was the entire collection of Dark Shadows novels, which I found in a used book store, where I frequently haunt the shelves of cobwebbed & musty books long forgotten {the only thing better than the smell of a new book, is that of an olde book}. They continued where the series left off --- I read about one a week, by candlelight deep into the night. So, the anticipation grew with every step I took to the auditorium. Upon the stage was a stool & a podium. The lights dimmed, a hush fell over the audience as an elongated shadow stretched across the stage, backed by red, green, & amber lighting. He appeared, a stoic gentleman dressed elegantly, stood before the podium, & opened a book, & began to read from Ambrose Bierce, Poe {'The Raven' & 'The Tell-Tale Heart'}, Stephen King {'Here There Be Tigers'}, Lovecraft, Clive Barker, & others --- short stories brought to life by Frid's somberly magnetic personality. Between stories, I examined the program to see what was next. He brought the characters to life with a captivating flourish. The show lasted for about 1 1/2 hours. Afterwards, in true showman fashion, he personally, yet briefly greeted his fans. I managed to get the program autographed. Outside, there were members of the Dark Shadows Fan Club, standing & milling about, & some representatives behind tables with paraphernalia & resource information. The experience was rather like stepping back in time, entering the olde world, with elegance, class, dignity, & civility. Not a single slob in the theatre. ![]() Haunts..... Another foray into the mortal world has yielded yet another section of Black Earth which does indeed prove to be quite a worthwhile excursion --- an "extension of My Lair", as it were. This ascension brought Me to
Quite a nice collection of clothing too. All sorts of fetish wear,
including a black vinyl skirt with a red inverted cross upon it
{hotcha-cha!}, bondage gear {gauntlets, neckstraps, slave
accouterments, bracelets, belts}, & many, many band shirts. There's
even a special section for prints consisting solely of "Satan,
Vampires"! A few Coop pieces, & even a Dore'. My acquaintance
notified Me that there are shirts sold here which have long since been
unavailable through many current establishments & companies.
Want a piercing? There are all kinds to choose from.
Posters, stickers {including a Baphomet}, rare & imported CD's, tapes, & videos. Incense, statuettes, spell candles. The
little lady who serviced Me was polite, attentive, & effervescent,
offering I sample the merchandise before purchasing. I can absolutely
say, that the products sold here are reliable & pleasing.
What really caught My eye, however, was the entire LaVey collection ---
all five of the Doctor's works, plus HP Barton's "Secret Life of A
As I type this, I wear the shirt I bought there that day. EHC's "Kiss The Goat." Plus, those graceful posterior gesticulations from the proprietress were not lost on Me! A rainy rendezvous to the city's historic intimacies would be well rewarding! On this, yet another pale white day, I arose to travel to Hot Topic, to examine what all the furor is about, & how it would benefit Me & Mine.
Well, the first impression I received was that of yet another total
{Gothic} environment. Here, there is seemingly everything the erstwhile
'Goth' would ever want. Supplies are a-plenty. Everything from clothing
{including capes, jackets, & leather goods}, & accessories,
jewelry, goblets, music, stickers, the ubiquitous fangs, patches,
posters, make-up, hair-dye, nail polish, athames, toys, etc.
Playing on the overhead speakers that day, was The Reverend Horton Heat
--- a barrage of Halloween soundscapes permutated in the incensed air.
This store is certainly the place to shop for all those little personal
& home decorations that may aid in forming your own lair. Plus,
they have a really attractive website.
On this overcast day, the first place I entered was "Shrine",
located at 7574 Melrose Avenue. Straight off the 'bat', there was a
somber atmosphere, & an environment regaled with objects d'art,
jewelry, & in the back, many articles of wonderful clothing for
ritual use, & haunting the night in general. The employees are
polite, attentive, & aesthetically resinent to the genre.
{...Morticia, you know who you are!} The scent of incense permeates the
air, & music quietly floats about the shoppe, making this quite an
enjoyable perusal.
From there, only about a block away, is 'Redemption'. Nocturnus the
Gargoyle glares out at the populace amidst a Gothic cavalcade of
drapes, candles, & sconces. Here too, there are many seductive
& vampiric clothes, & a host of eye-pleasing jewelry. The
employees therein are quite pleasing to the eye as well, I will add. Down a few more doors is 'Retail Slut'. It's Coop-mania
in there! She-Devils on stickers & shirts, oh My! Besides this,
there are many nice flasks, & a cigarette case shaped like a
coffin! Also notable, a lovely black cane crowned with a pewter skull.
Still a few more steps down the fairway, is Necromance.
There is certainly something vastly different about this place! It's
real. No pretentiousness. The trendiness element slightly besetting
some of the other Goth Stores is completely absent here. The resonant
feeling is like entering a morgue. Bones, skulls, Medieval weaponry,
& preserved & taxidermied animal specimens decorate the walls.
In cases, I noticed they carry Baphomets by Nightshade.
There are supplies here that would be quite a welcomed addition to
One's Grotto, &/or Lair. Even the shirts here are much different
from all the other offerings elsewhere.
Just about everything in this store promotes thought &
contemplation {as in "Death is the Great Abstinence --- Life, the Great
Indulgence!"}. The memento moris here are truly such. The young lady
working there was polite & efficient, & covered in the
the side, there were yellowed books with that distinctively musty &
pleasant scent that betokens arcane knowledge. For serious "Goths"
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