From Philip Esteves, Citizen of the Infernal Empire:

Dracomeroth, The Devil's Scroll, The Devils' Diaries
These diabolic tomes, infernal works, and collections of Blackthorne's are incredible. Scores of Satanists share their insight into topics of all kinds, and Warlock Blackthorne offers and therefore commands an encyclopedia of powerful knowledge; undefiled wisdom which is the unmistakable mark of experience in the performance of satanic rituals, and expanding your world and mind in ways you may not have thought possible. The CoS is infernally blessed for what has been accomplished here by Blackthorne, and I give the sign of the horns! Thank you, for your words.
I absorbed this knowledge, and added these books to my bookshelves because I was ready for these words, and I'm glad I did.
This... is amazing. A book of many books! If one takes great
interest in ceremony and ritual, this dark collection will expand
one's horizons in a whole new way. Your choices for psychodrama
have been multiplied once again. Inside contained are worlds of all
kinds, make no mistake - Blackthorne knows how to open the gates of
Hell with the best of them!
The creativity of the author burns with the unmistakable black
flame of a Warlock I respected immediately. Stay wild!
Inside The Devil's Scroll, in a fashion that readers of Satan
Speaks! and Devil's Notebook (Anton LaVey) will feel somehow darkly
familiar with, Draconis Blackthorne puts forth a wide array of
truly satanic, third side thoughts. His writings are positively
soaked in a unique and very infernal creativity which is intensely
Inspired directly by Blackthorne, I uploaded a performance of a particular rite inside this book, the United Satanic America Rite, onto YouTube as an offering to Warlock Blackthorne for Walpurgisnacht and the CoS 50th anniversary, our founding fathers, and our country, United Satanic America.
This rite is available for anyone to watch.
Unlike anything I've ever seen before, The Devil's Diaries, Vol. 1,
Blackthorne Productions, is a massive compendium of perspectives
from clever and creative satanists of all kinds, including Warlock
Blackthorne, and it was an infernal delight. So many dark treats; each piece burns with ideas that I recognize as true satanic material, and therefore an item of sheer delight to the seekers of more knowledge!

The Devil's Diary XXVI: Walpurgisnacht LI

Codex Daemonum: The Devil's Diaries.

The Devil's Diary XXV: Halloween L

The Devil's Diary XXIV: Walpurgisnacht L
Testimonial from a Suave Devil

"...I am, at this very moment, reading through this lovely tome." ~ A Suave Devil"I finished the text of a new ritual during a storm this afternoon and afterward the sound of thunder—low, deep and sustained—growled eagerly. So that was pretty cool."
"Love when that happens! DBlackthorne did that, unleashing a "freak" series of thunderstorms during his Apotheosis last full moon. Enjoy your sign of approval!" 😈🤘
"Interesting you mentioned DBlackthorne. I am, at this very moment, reading through this lovely tome."
"Good choice! Everything referenced in that book is actually practiced at Blackthorne Manor!" 😈

Available in softcover | hardcover
"A worthy addition to the Ritual Texts. A Delicious Tome. Crafted and forged by DBlackthorne. Hail Satan." - Satanic Wisdom & Ribaldry
Satanic Serenades/Shadow Gallery Calendar LVI: Legend of Devil Lake

"Thank you for this! HS!" ~ Satanic Wisdom & Ribaldry
Shadow Gallery Calendar LVIII & LVII

QS: "I received mine last week; the calendar, and artwork within, is fantastic! Love how all of the Satanic Holidays are printed into the calendar, as well."
CS: "This calendar has great notes on days of the months with movie premieres and the high holidays and holidays. Happy Dracoween!"
T. Bryant
Available: The Legend of Devil Lake Shadow Gallery Calendar

Legend of Devil Lake Shadow Gallery Calendar. [photo by T. Bryant] ∞
William Nemet

"Thank you Benjamin Buchanan for the gift in the mail that just arrived today! I can't wait to start reading Dracomeroth by Draconis Blackthorne! There is an abundance of knowledge in Dracomeroth! It is empowering indeed! Hail Satan! :)" 🙂 - William Nemet.
May you find this tome most rewarding and empowering! Hail SATAN! - DB.
* Notify The Author if you would like to contribute your review of Blackthorne Productions material! DRACOMEROTH: [paperback | hardback]

"After I re-read this issue which was the first one when you published my sculpture. I was so proud. You're a very good poet." - Ronin Beard
Mr. Beard's sculptures are also currently featured in The Devil's Diary magazine issue XXXII. ∞

Satanic Sorcerer Fenrys X. Forcas has taken to construction & practice of Draconian Sorcery as writ in Dracomeroth, with a potent setup in this space, including the Thaumaturgic Magic Circle and the presence of Dracomet upon The Altar! This is taking it to the next level! From the basics to the advanced! With the serious application of courageous intent to advance towards manifesting thoughtforms, parapsychological projections, create favorable patterns of reality, manipulating the ether with one's will! Truly the hellmarks of a Dark God devoid of hypocritical blindlight pretention!
For what is a Wizard or Sorcerer but an incarnate Deity forming creation according to One's desires?! Whereupon mastering previous gradations, taps into both Psychic Proficiency & Magical Omnipotence by The Infernal Alignment!
The rewards reaped will be exponential! In Nomine Satanas, Potentiam Inferus!
Donald Hasty, Jr.
Malefick Media, Devil's Diary 16, Scroll, Diaries compendium

Codex Noctum
Infernal Greetings,
Mr. Blackthorne, I just finished your Satanic Serenades book, and I must say that I have thoroughly enjoyed this book and will enjoy it many times for many years to come! Very well done my friend!
Hail Draconis!
Hail Satan!
Donald Hasty, Jr.
Gravesite Productions
Zaemon Kane:

The Devil's Diaries XXX, VII, & Dracomeroth!
* Publisher's Author Spotlight
* goodreads: The Devil's Diary VII | The Devil's Diary XXX | Dracomeroth
Alvin Loo

The Devil’s Diaries / Codex Daemonum [t/r] & DRACOMANTIUM {666 pp} directly underneath. In great company! Photo by Citizen Alvin Loo. ∞

The Devil's Diary XXVI: Walpurgisnacht LI. Photo by Rick Powell.
Ck'n Choiniere:

This is my infernal Library including my own personal ritual book.

The Devil's Scroll, The Devils' Diaries, Dracomeroth.
"I just got a copy of the Devil's Diaries and Devils Scrolls. Love The Devil's Scroll so far. I'm very proud to have bought your books."

Dracomeroth {Codex Satani}, The Devil's Scroll {Codex Diaboli}, The Devil's Diaries {Codex Daemonum; magazine compendium book}
Seth Peters

"Started writing in it first thing! Going to develop a personal Order based off of Draconian Satanism. Thank you again for the inspiration. HS!"
Additionally, Mr. Peters provides his drawing of The Dracomet!

"I'm filling the pages quickly. I'll have to get some more stuff from your stores as a gift to myself for accomplishing some goals!"
* * * * * * * * * * * * *Most gratifying that you have found this Book of Shadows pleasing, useful, and rewarding. May your diabolical practices be most empowering! HS!
Available: Paperback Workbook ⸸ Hardcover ⸸ ebook
"Halfway into this masterpiece. Now, Canon in my spiritual path." - Seth Peters.
Richard Hernandez:

Devil's Diaries 3/4, DD magazine Halloween LV. {Plus Mysteries of The Unknown series!} [Photo by Richard Hernandez]

"Hail Anton LaVey on this {un}holy day and Peter Gilmore for giving us the Scriptures, also Draconis Blackthorne for giving us Dracomeroth. Hail Satan and so it is done! Shemhamforash!"
- Richard Hernandez

Devils Diary XXXII / Helloween LV {magazine} | Devil's Diaries V. III & IV {compendiums}

"The Devils Diaries is an awesome addition to this coming Halloween! H.S.!"

Richard Hernandez submits photo of The Devil's Diary Helloween / Satanalia L A.S.

Dracomantium, Dracomeroth, Shadow Gallery"Thank you for being a huge inspiration ever since I was a kid. My personal favorite book of yours is Dracomantium."

"This book is huge - nice! I'm so glad I got it for the full moon tonight!"
The Shadow Gallery"This book is just as good as Dracomeroth. I give it 5 stars for its compilation of awesome illustrations throughout the years."
Courtesy of Nicole Silbert:

Codex Daemonum: The Devil's Diaries | Satanthology
John Padilla
Satanigram & Dracomeroth

Features The Satanigram painted in his ritual space, as well as a copy of a well-worn Dracomeroth! It is no wonder that he has been experiencing such favorable results and confirmations in his Magical Workings! Also note the laser-etched Baphomet sigil I once acquired for him.

Lady Daeva with The Devil's Scroll 1st Edition, Narrations From The Abyss CD, & Satanic Serenades.

Marilyn Mansfield with Dracomeroth 1st edition & copies of The Devil's Diary magazine. (photos by Joseph Rosetti)
"The Dracomeroth is an extensive study in the Black Arts, covering a variety of esoteric subjects, which leaves the reader feeling illuminated with the black flame of occult wisdom once the knowledge within this arcane tome has been fully absorbed." - Zoth Ommog.
"Draconis Blackthorne has assembled a magnificent collection of past writings which may serve as an excellent tool for any practicing Satanist to use if one dares to indulge in "Dracomeroth". This book illustrates proven principles of Lesser and Greater magic. Draconis Blackthorne offers other works that may be of interest including Malefick Media, Satanic Serenades, The Devil's Scroll and The Devil's Diary magazine."
~ J. Boyd
An excellent photograph by these infernal comrades:
"Whist reorganizing Our library We ran across an old friend via The Devil's Diaries by Blackthorne Productions sometimes it is necessary to reflect and re-read. Thanks for a great collection. Hail Satan!" - Building 666.
Available at the following sources:
Building 666 says:
"We recommend this Malleus Satanicus. From breeding to Kevorkian this tome contains much for the discerning Satanist."
* Available at these sources:
From Kelvin Frazier:
"My Infernal Comrade, Draconis Blackthorne wrote this sublime tome, the "Dracomeroth" (Opvs Satani) that I do find Infernally fascinating and quite challenging on my Quest on the Left Hand Path.
Warlock Draconis Blackthorne's Infernal Lessons on life are quite interesting and I do enjoy the everything he has to offer.
Thank you and HS!"
"The Devil's Scroll (Opvs Diaboli)" was a highly interesting and sublime masterpiece, which was from my perspective of continuing the Satanic Philosophy that started with Dr. Anton Szandor LaVey's (1930-1997) "The Devil's NoteBook (1992)" and "Satan Speaks! (1998)!" My favorite chapters are: "The Satanic Breed (pgs. 32-33)" "Evilove (pgs. 34-36)" "The Darkside of Xmas (pgs. 43-45)" "Halloween, The Herd & The Satanist and Happy Birthday, Halloween! (pgs. 47-50)" Samhain was the original name and Halloween was the name used years later before the Dark Ages (The Middle Ages). "Technomancy I & II (pgs. 55-58)" "Satanimation I & II (pgs 71-75)" "Interview With The Impaler (pgs 84-87)" "Satanic Numerology & The Manifesto of the Beast (pgs 89-93)" "Nightworld (pgs 97-98)" "The Addams Family & The Munsters: A Satanic Observation (pgs 104-105)" "The Satanic Art of BodyBuilding (pgs 114-118)" "The Satanist (p. 126)" Warlock Draconis Blackthorne is definitely giving the Devil his due with this sublime and fascinating book. Thank you and HS!"

KELVIN FRAZIER: Draconis Blackthorne has done an infernally marvelous job on this Satanic work of art! He described everything with a Satanic Razor’s Edge. There are some of a great portion of the movies and books I experienced in my lifetime, yet my Infernal Quest for knowledge is highly insatiable. Raging from Movies, Music, Literature, Magazines, etc., Mr. Blackthorne sees the Satanic in modern entertainment and does his job inquisitively. In retrospect, this book is your guide to the Black Earth and true Satanic Entertainment. This Sublime tome is for you.
So it is Done!

"This is one of my favorite photos in my friend Warlock Draconis Blackthorne's Shadow Gallery 2019 Calendar. It's an x-ray middle finger upward phallus whilst wearing the metal wristband so often proudly worn by all us metal musicians and fans alike! This is my attitude every day toward those who try to oppose us! Find this calendar and more at Blackthorne Productions' facebook page. And link at publisher spotlight page"
"I love this calendar!! ~ It contains exceptional dark artworks, lovely magical poems, satanic holidays and special dates listed as well as full moons,black moons, and much more!! Every piece of dark artworks and magical poem takes me to an otherworldly,transcendental,supernatural,enchanted and magical place!! I'm enjoying having this calendar displayed in my home!! ~ Gina Ambrosio / Blasphemic Cruelty,

by the extremely talented, knowledgeable, & creative Church Of Satan
Warlock Draconis Blackthorne (Devil Incarnate) - The Devil's Scroll -
An abyss of arcane knowledge for those whom have the wherewithal to
grasp the magic within this book you shall be perpetually empowered
& rewarded by The Devil's Scroll as it rips the skin off of white
light religionists lies & envelopes you in the unassailable wisdom
of many truths!!.....I'm infernally aligned by this great book!!...I
absolutely love it!!!.......Hail Satan!!" - Gina Ambrosio of Blasphemic Cruelty.

"Composed by the most magically potent and powerful Warlock on the earth~ Draconis Blackthorne~ Church Of Satan Warlock~ Dracomeroth~ The most powerful magic in existence ~ take heed to use it wisely~ inside you will find unspeakable power to transform and transcend your entire self unto limitless powers of the dark and unknown ~ once you bond with Dracomeroth~ it shall stay with you for life~ As I said take heed when using it~ lest you be laid to waste!! For those whom are truly ready for real magical power and knowledge of the darker side of nature ~ you shall be forever empowered by the infernal magic within". - Gina Ambrosio {Blasphemic Cruelty}.

Goldilox: "The morning of Magic has come!" ... and indeed it has! Satanic Serenades is a delight that every true Satanist will enjoy. The Black Flame burns within even more so while having this book in One's magical hands...."

"The Devil's Diary
is a diabolical publication that I enjoy devouring a few times a year.
Sinister inclusions from a variety of Satanists that range from thought
provoking essays, devilish poetry, frightful film reviews, notorious
interviews and much more await the reader inside each issue. The Devil's Diary is a must have for the collector and a treat for any Satanist."
The Devil's Diary 16 review: What a great day! That's right, I am having yet another splendid day.Today my postal carrier delivered the latest edition of The Devil's Diary. For those who are unaware I write a column for this Journal of the Infernal Empire appropriately titled The Third Degree. Here I... interview outstanding members of The Church of Satan.
Reverend U.V. Ray and Warlock Bell were my guests for this issue. I enjoy doing these interviews and both of my guests were just a pleasure to speak with. I will not give anything away except good Ol' U.V. Ray had me laughing so hard at times and Warlock Bell offers up his expertise that any musician should in my opinion take note of. I was thrilled to behold the end result as always.
The essays in this issue are top notch and have become preferred reading. Citizen Prometheus offers us his unique take on time travel. Warlock Blackthorne gets under us Daywalker's pale skins with his delicious appeal for nocturnal living and Dark Adept offers up some contemplative thoughts with his Protestant Work Ethic. All are thought provoking and enjoyable reads to say the least!
As always, Warlock Blackthorne reviews items of interest in the Noctuarium. From the latest publications, home decor, movies and albums(Including my new release The Chaos Magnet) many can find something new to bring within ones lair from artists all over the Devil's black earth. The poetry in this edition is wide ranging and selected with style and hashed out with seemingly ease. Warlock Blackthorne offers us many this time and each is as powerful as the elements that each one shares. Very nice work my friend and I am proud to be a part of this Satanic publication. Horned Salute! - Warlock Tier Instinct.
Satan's Ouija Baphomet design.