our black shadows gather around the three graves in solemnity. They are the
Four-Crown Princes of Hell - SATAN, LUCIFER, BELIAL, & LEVIATHAN. The
headstones, crosses flanked by two angels, weep streams of blood. In the center
of the crosses, are the characteristics identifying the deceased. In one, a
slain dove pierced through with a sword. In another, a broken crown. In the
last, a torn open heart surrounded by thorns.
Other darkened figures kneel under the black-streaked gray sky. All is silent,
but for the distant rumble of a storm. One by one, they toss themselves
headlong into the misty graves, which are as bottomless pits, & as black holes.
Eerie wailing begins to echo, as the towering black shadows stand ominously
behind the graves. At last, when the multitudes have sacrificed themselves,
the graves are sealed, & the cries of torment are forever silenced...
The four black shadows each take their place at the point of a fiery Pentagram.
& brings a horn to what is their lips, & blows upon them, from which issues
forth a deep, earth-shaking sound, & a black fog emanates therefrom, revealing
transmutating specters spreading throughout the land. A red beam arises from
the center of the pentagram, from which a figure begins to take form. The
physical manifestation of SATAN. A representation of the perfect Satanic
archetype. It faces in your direction, & outstretches its hand, beckoning you
to enter the vessel, to step into the fifth point of the Pentagram... make
your choice now, or be consumed on this Black Morning...