he return of The Dark Age of Satan shall herald a grand
celebration, & an eternity of Samhain revelry. The Nightworld has come. Those
archetypes of Darkness & Evil that have always haunted the Dark of the mind
have come alive, manifesting through The Children of Darkness in their myriad
forms. Their personalities have surfaced, through the varied representations of horror
The characters all display the root of their
origins, donning the Pentagram & exhibiting the Horns. The birth of
their substance in the deepest subconscious.
The holiday itself shall be given back to
horror. Those enigmas that terrify. From eustress to distress. To the
plight of the subhuman herd. The bane of the blindlight.
Halloween stimulates the Imagination, allows
our true natures to fluorish, & celebrates the emergence of Autumn
& Winter, from whence the cycle of regeneration culminates.
The Vampire, The Witch, The Warlock, The
Werewolf, Frankenstein's Monster, The Grim Reaper, The Skeleton, The
Ghost, The Mummy, The Bat, The Haunted Castle / Mansion, & The
Devil Himself. These have been spawned by mankind to mask the unknown,
The Forces of Darkness. These, among others, are the faces We, as
Satanists, have employed to prod the masses.
They represent the "freak", the outcast, the
rebel, the iconoclast, the genius, the madman, the Satanist. We have
loosed our bonds, steadied our steps, & are conquering the world...