ll is deafeningly quiet. The night seems to be extra
dark. There is an ambiance of impending doom... thunder rumbles low, as blue
lightning stretches forth like skeletal fingers across the cumulus clouds,
which now have begun to slowly part, moving, churning, as a slow cyclone.
Rays of glowing black light bathe the earth in its illumination. The parted
clouds frame a dark figure, descending resplendently from the tempestuous

Monstrously beautiful black wings move ever so slowly, as the shadowy form
descends unto the Black Earth, reclaiming it, after centuries of blindlight
oppression, for Satan's earthly legions, & to bring forth the new Age of
Black Flame.
The Children of Darkness arise from their lairs, uplifting the Cornu high &
proud, while the children of blindlight cower in fear. They are now Our slaves.
The blindlight gods are dead! A far more ancient God arises anew, to bring
indulgence, liberation, & diabolic justice.
The earth is bathed in the blood of a million martyrs, the last vestiges of
the whitelight corruption. The world is Ours again...
The Antichrist represents the emergence of the Satanic Age.

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