
Name: Draconis Blackthorne.
"Nick" Name: Satan.
Height: 6'3".
Hair Color: Black.
Eye Color: Hazel-brown, sometimes red!
Ethnicity: Satanic. Spanish / Italian.
Occupations: Devil God, Arch Villain, Creator, Nucleus, Satan in The Flesh.
Church of Satan: Warlock.
Dracomeroth {XXV A.S.; The Omnis} / XXXVI A.S.: Philosophy, Magic.
Satan's Scroll {XXXVII A.S.}: Philosophy, Misanthropology.
Malefik Media V. 1 {XXXVIII A.S.}: Multimedia reviews.
Vampiricon {XLI A.S.}: Philosophy, Magic.
The Devil's Diary: Magazine, Editor-In-Chief.
Malefick Media: Multimedia reviews.
Satanic Serenades: Black Heart Poetry compendium.
Works In Progress
Glimpses of Darkness: Horror Anthology.
Lucifer's Lighthouse: Novel.
Black Dragon: The Satanic Warrior: Martial Arts manual.
Black Devil: Comic Novel.
Proprietor/Entrepreneur/Craftsman: Blackthorne Productions.
Editor: The Devil's Diary Magazine.
Rex Inferus: Order of The Black Dragon.
Webmaster: Shadowmantium.
Works have appeared in the following publications: The Black Flame, Not Like Most, The Cloven Hoof, The Trident, Skratte, Massive Head Trauma, Dead Angel magazines, Occultizmo Magazine {Brazil}, The Church of Satan site, Satanic Lust online magazine, and The Feast of Hate & Fear webzine.
Art: Coast to Coast's Friday the 13th Gallery.
Media Appearences: The Learning Channel's "Mysterious Worlds", Inside Edition, Pacesetters, The June Caine Miller Show {KDOC}, Bob Larson's Talk Back radio, KNAC Sunday Morning Discussion.
Hobbies: All manifestations of Satan in The Arts, Erotica, The
Occult, writing, reading, drawing, weight-training, Martial Arts
{especially Ninjutsu}.
Education: College / Lyceum / Life experience. Tae Kwon Do Black Belt.
Kenpo Black Belt. Also trained in Judo, Hap-Ki-Do, Kendo, Kung Fu San
Soo. {Mis} Anthropology, Psychology of Religion, Humanities.
Small-business management, Web-Design.
Religion: Satanist. LaVeyan / Draconian.
Location: The Haunted Noctuary, The Infernal Empire.
E.C.I.: Morticia Addams, Elvira, Lily Munster.
A.C.I.: Ming The Merciless, Darth Vader, Vlad Tepes, Anton Szandor LaVey.
Music: Gothic, Metal, Rock Ballads, Rock, Orchestral, Electronic, Instrumental, Classical, Middle-Eastern, Swing, Flamenco. I like what I like.
Bands / Composers
METAL: Acheron, King Diamond / Mercyful Fate, Deicide, Venom, Bathory, Celtic Frost, Possessed, Type O Negative, Manowar, Exorcist, Exodus, Megadeth {Killing Is My Business...And Business Is Good!}, Slayer {Haunting The Chapel - Hell Awaits}, Dimmu Borgir, Cradle of Filth, Dark Funeral, Emperor, Danzig, DIO, Candlemass, Piledriver, Iron Maiden, Judas Priest, Motley Crue {Too Fast For Love, Shout At The Devil}, Ozzy Osbourne, White Snake, Ratt, Quiet Riot, Rob Zombie, Twisted Sister, Lucifer, Queensryche.
ROCK: Alice Cooper, Journey, Heart, Boston, Foreigner, Night Ranger, AC/DC, Led Zeppelin, KISS, Oingo Boingo, Asia, Meatloaf, Tori Amos, Tenacious D.
GOTH ROCK: London After Midnight, Christian Death, Shadow Project, Switchblade Symphony.
INSTRUMENTAL / ELECTRONIC: LaVey, Gilmore, Leaetherstrip, Nox Arcana, Midnight Syndicate, Le Rue Delashay, Ol-Sonuf, Glen Danzig {Black Aria}, Halloween tunes.
CLASSICAL: Bach, Beethoven, Scarlatti, Vivaldi, Wagner,
Kilar, Elfman, Goldman, Rimsey-Korsikov, Chopin. Sarah Brightman
ART: The Shadow Gallery, Giger, Rex Diabolos Church, Gammel, Dali, Coop.
Books / Authors: LaVey, Blanche Barton, Satan Wants You by Arthur Lyons, The Silmarillion by Tolkien, Dialogues With The Devil by Taylor Caldwell,
Candlemass Eve, The Complete Book of Magic and Witchcraft by Kathryn
Paulsen, The Witch's Workbook by Ann Grammery, The Necromantic Ritual
Book by Leilah Wendell, Anne Rice, The Pearl, Marquis DeSade, The
Diaries of The Family Dracul by Jeanne Kalogridis.
Speak of The Devil, Satanis, The Devil's Rain, The Addams Family,
Addams Family Values, Coppola's Dracula, The Omen 1-4, Midnight
Offerings, Wishmaster, Legend, Ghoulies, Interview With A Vampire,
Highlander, Edward Scissorhands, Beetlejuice, The Nightmare Before
Christmas, The Satanic Rites of Dracula, Dark Prince: Intimate Tales of
The Marquis De Sade, Quills, Phantasm, Rosemary's Baby, Bean, Elvira:
Mistress of The Dark, Elvira's Haunted Hills.
Sinemaerotica: The Devil's Ecstasy, Traci I Love You. I especially enjoy erotic parodies such as Flesh Gordon, Lord of The G-Strings: Fellowship of The String, Maddams Family, etc.
Shows: Addams Family series, Dark Shadows,
Bewitched, Munsters, ALF, Mr. Belvedere, The Master, Kung Fu, Batman,
Mr. Bean, Monty Python's Flying Circus, Tales From The Darkside,
Forever Knight, Highlander, Movie Macabre. Paranormal documentaries.
Animated: Addams Family, Batman, Gargoyles, He-Man & The Masters of The Universe, Garfield, Beetlejuice, Thundercats, Southpark.
RADIO: Radio-Free Satan, Radio Satan 666, Halloween Radio, Hard Rock Radio, KNAC, Coast to Coast AM with Art Bell & George Noory; Howard Stern, Phil Hendrie.
Food: American, Italian and Mexican food. Beef, cheese, avocado. Cookies 'n' Cream Ice Cream.
Drink: Folgers Ice Coffee, Black Pekoe Tea, Cream & Black Cherry soda.
Alcohol: Absinthe {choice elixer}, Magnum Malt-Liquor.
Holiday: Birthday, Halloween, Walpurgisnacht.
Webpage/s: Church of Satan, The Shadowmantium, Temple of The Vampire, snuffx.
Quote: "Those with Me, Prosper. Those against Me, suffer."
Email: WarlockBlackthorne@yahoo.com .
Yahoo Profile: WarlockBlackthorne.
Ideal Lair: Victorian Mansion with Mansard roof
on a cliff's-edge overlooking the ocean; or surrounded by forest on
lake shore, likened Boleskine House at Lochness.
Auto/s: Black Hearse and Black '67 Mustang.
Familiar: Snake - Damballa.
Totem: Serpent / Dragon.
Dislikes: Being stared at while eating. Slobs, Gossippers, rudeness, ignorance, pettiness, presumptuousness, lowlifes, {c}rap. Also see The Nine Satanic Sins.
Hate List: Blindlighters, stupidity, the lightmare.
