Satan's Scroll V. 2__________M A G A Z I N E S__________Draconis Blackthorne
Rue Morgue | The Cloven Hoof #133 | Old Nick Spring Lust XLVII A.S. | The Cloven Hoof #132 | The Cloven Hoof #131 | The Black Flame 16 | Old Nick | Not Like Most 17 | Not Like Most 16 | S Magazine | The Ninth Gate 2 | The Ninth Gate 3 | The Ninth Gate 4 | Infernus | The Devil in The Penthouse | The Trident #13 | The Trident 19 | Dark Somewhere 1 | Dark Somewhere II | The Trident 18 | The Trident 17 | Not Like Most 15 | The Trident 16 | The Trident 15 | Not Like Most #14 | Trident 11 | Trident 10 | The Trident #9 | Not Like Most #13 | Skratte Magazine Volume One | The Trident No. 7 | The Trident No. 6 | The Trident No. 5 | Not Like Most #12
Rue Morgue Appropriately released for Walpurgisnacht, an article contained herein features a piece on Magus LaVey's influence upon occulture, entitled "A Great & Secret Showman". For those unfamiliar, some basic biographical information is shared, the development of Satanism through the publishing of The Satanic Bible on, and the organic organization, The Church of Satan, which continues to thrive and evolve. Also discussed are subsequent involvements in films Rosemary's Baby & The Devil's Rain. Along with commentary from Magus Gilmore, author Gavin Baddely {Lucifer Rising}, artist Carl Abrahammson {California Infernal},and musician Marilyn Manson; Satanists & Church members King Diamond and Warlock Sammy Davis Jr. are also mentioned. Incongruously, the writer also snidely mentions an irrelevant group and an irrelative.
Accompanying the article is a small piece on clothing & accessories displaying Baphomets and pentagrams that have traversed into increasing societal prominence in this Age of Fire, which sort of reminded me a bit of the NOSE magazine's Look Like Hell! feature.
Besides this premiere, the rest of the issue showcases horror-oriented TV shows, movies, books, games, and music {notably, the return of Horror Rockabilly band Ghoultown, in whose video "Mistress of The Dark" Elvira appeared}.
Overall, the article is presented in a visually stimulating horror format, with great archival photographs and gothic style. ∞
The Cloven Hoof #133
This issue sees the return of the newsletter header, which arrives in the wake of Magus LaVey's birthday and Walpurgisnacht, providing for some pleasantly diabolical reading throughout.
LaVey's Five Point Plan Revisited turns up the hellfire & provides an updated and motivating actualization of our prime Satanic principles; In Defense of Pyramid Power by Snead Hearn contains sage advice to those so inclined...; On United Satanic America, Unchaining The Tiger: Of Deists & Dissidents is an inspirational essay on some of our nation's de-facto forebears' true intentions, and constitutional developments inevitably leading towards an increasingly carnal and atheistic evolution*; Climbing Mount Cameroon by Jeb Webb recounts a physically and mentally stimulating surreal Lovecraftian experience traversing the black earth. I especially enjoyed the descriptions of the variations of natural environments therein.
The issue concludes with a selection from Baudelaire's Litany To Satan, and a description of the next issue which promises to be an arousing & thought-provoking contemplation from Magistra Barton. What I also enjoy about The Cloven Hoof is the variations of presentation per issue - it has emerged in newsletter format, a magazine, color variations, and headers. A pleasure to behold upon each manifestation. ∞
* Ordering Information.
* This one should be framed; but being that it is so wonderfully expansive, could it be that one day single essays which can scroll may be presented within ornate frames that can be elegantly placed upon walls?
Old Nick Spring XLVII A.S. Lust issue
Old Nick arrives upon the carnal current, coursing through the earth and the loins of humanimal beasts.
Seven very agreeable de-facto dictums by infamous writer Christopher Hitchens heads our way into this literary den of iniquity, with commentaries upon such topics as anti-theism, smoking & drinking, religion, sex, stupidity, evil, & Satanism. Very much corresponding with the analyses of those subjects by Satanic philosophy.
Features contain amusing & gritty interviews with Jimmy Vargas & horror novelist Edward Lee, while "Sexpert" Selina Minx offers advice on bringing lovers into the relationship for mutually gratifying sexperiences.
In Vices, we are treated to the attributes & history of beer, the Amber Demoness in her many forms. Contemplative factoids to ponder the next time you ingest her essence.
Within The Night Gallery, the dimly lit chamber reveals the infernal imagery, glimpses of The Abyss, in sculpture and photography, by Artist Valentin Schwarz. Also upon these delightfully decadent walls, an erotic comic strip premieres, Slices of Sin by Sentinel Comics, illustrating sexual adventures to ruminate.
The multimedia review section Wine, Women, & Song features the salacious poetry of Count Morivond, the dark metal of Nekromantheon, the musical innovations of Shining; while Sin City crooner Jimmy Vargas {who is also interviewed at length herein} discovers the treasured sinister jester belonging to one Bettie Paige in an unlikely place; and a foray into the belly of The Beast known as Hell-A yields a wonderfully sinful celebration of the flesh.
As always, the succubi contained herein will titillate the senses, stimulate those E.C.I.'s, & ignite those fetishes with kundalini hellfire. Gracing the cover is Witch Marilyn Mansfield at her best, while 'channeling' her devilicious namesake within her total environment turned veritable lightning rod to indulgent energy; next, as if gazing through a keyhole in timelessness, the exquisite Bettie Paige seemingly returns, enjoying a bit of lustful ligature for your contemplation; through another door, a very felinesque Temptress Minx opulently slinks about ever so seductively within an evocatively hellegant environment; Madison adorns The Altar 'neath the approving gaze of Baphomet, as Madea is just having some diabolical enjoyment with a cool blade made blazing hot; & this lustuary heats up back at Old Nick's nunnery, where these nuns have all the fun.
Finally, what kind of man reads Old Nick...? ∞
The Cloven Hoof #132
XLV A.S. 16 pp. What a pleasure to find the latest issue of The Cloven Hoof #132 gracing My mailbox this fine evening, which was devoured 'raw' in one diabolical sitting.
Inside, we find the introduction elucidating on several evolutionary points of this publication & its esteemed editor, followed by contemplative essays on politics*; dietary experiments**; and some experiences from Reverend Moore since the 666 High Mass. Additionally, essays are enriched with literary referrals and web sources of educational interest.
The Arsenal section contains impressions on several multi-media releases, including The Book of Satanic Quotations by Magister Paradise, Motel Bizarre by Stephanie Crabe, Sex Cats by Christopher Mealie {two highly recommended and very David Lynch-type explorations into "vintage" photographic erotica, and blighted, amusingly disturbing environments}, several Feral House releases, various Noir films, some exquisitely indulgent libations, & The Devil's Diary, among other outstanding publications. Plus an inspirational poem!
On an appreciative note, previous recent issues brought forth a magazine style, while this edition features the return of the in-{black} house newsletter format, preserving the original bulletin presentation, granting a time-travel contemplation, complimenting one's collection of ephemera nicely. For the superb content, both styles work perfectly well. A splendid release with great expectation as The Cloven Hoof moves ever forward!
Ordering Information.
* From a Satanic perspective, of course; I also tend to support whatever issue compliments My own purposes when it merits My attention, no matter the "party", personally listed as "non-partisan", although tending to lean towards the libertarian on most pertinent issues.
** Magistra Barton's experiences and suggestions with "raw foods", which I personally fully endorse & enjoy every chance I get, although accompanied by hearty meats as well - very much agreed on the optimum naturally-present empowering life-force present, which one can certainly feel.
The Cloven Hoof
#131, The Official Tribunal and Newsletter of The Church of Satan / $5.00
It has been five full years since the last Cloven
Hoof has trodden across The Black Earth, that incredible Memorial
Issue, and The Baphomet Goat has returned with blood-red glowing eyes,
imparting undefiled wisdom from within its pages, which are as The
Gates of Hell opening forth to enlighten and entertain. Magistra Barton
speaks on the evilutions of The Infernal Empire in that time, and the
further purpose of this grimoire-periodical, which continues to remain
as a Cabalistic newsletter reserved for the outstanding few.
Herein, perfect for the time of year,
we are 'treated' to such literary works such as a very worthy sestina
to Dr. LaVey by David Stalder; a run-down on some basic Satanosophical
points arranged quite thoroughly by Kevin Filan; a timely commentary on
Christian Pedophiles by Rev. George Sprague entitled "Jesus Loves The
Little Children" {and quite often at that- how sadly approprois}; a
great piece on The Satanic Family by Mga. Barton detailing some of her
own experiences and advice on the matter, considering the little Prince
of Darkness she is raising; another poignant piece on German Nihilism
by Adan Flores; a misanthropic inclusion on the solace of productive
solitude by Zachary Simon; an opinion piece by Rev. Chris Trian about
why United Satanic America truly is 'The Great Satan'; and lastly, but
certainly not leastly, but more or less beastly, an elucidating
epistemological work as a luciferian torch bearing the black flames
casts a hellish infernal light on the origins of said Lughnasadh, or
'Lammas', which reveals, among other things, the truly dark origins
thereof, despite what the weakans presume to present.
This time, the Arsenal features multimedia reviews of Bloody Beautiful magazine, The Antichrist's Bible, The Devil's Reign magazine, Goth Chic book from Gavin Baddeley, The Trident magazine, a commentary on The Temple of The Vampire, among other sources of mental edification, inclusive of this very journal.
Always a pleasure to read, The Cloven
Hoof is perfect to curl up with on a cool night, amidst the howls and
autumnal winds. I do hope the next issue is not so far to come. Highly
The Black Flame
{No. 16, XL A.S. Hell's Kitchen Productions}
I was delighted to receive Issue No. 16 of The Black Flame recently, the premiere publication of The Church of Satan,
and it is truly a pleasure to behold and possess. It is just
aesthetically beautiful and filled with comparable literary content,
the likes which stands out as a Luciferian beacon in the midst of so
much occultnik obfuscation and pop-pablum of the sub-journalistic
arena, which continually seems to be lowering its standards, whereas
Satanism strives to heighten the evolution of thought and action.
Cover To
begin, from the "Neter-World" as it were, comes the remarkable artistry
on the superb glossy cover, entitled "Amon: The Kemetic Ram, or The
Gate of Baphomet", expertly rendered by Magister Robert Lang, features
so-named Amon, from whence The Baphomet sigil
originates, seated majestically in Egyptian splendor upon His
trapezoidal throne, a more ancient depiction of The Sabbatic Goat
manifested in this infernal Neter. This splendid image is part of a
forthcoming Tarot by Mgr. Lang, which will be an amazing acquisition in
itself. Communiques Finally
in print, we read inspirational Communiques of The Church of Satan's
evilutions throughout the last few years, entitled "Milestones" by
Magus Gilmore and Magistra Blanche Barton. Having these already on
file, it is wonderful to read these herein, and certainly places Our
advancing progress in perspective. Does the black heart proud.
Interviews This
issue is dedicated to The "Black" Fine Arts, the realm of Satan in the
true expression of The Self, and features interviews with six artists
and musicians of Satanic pertinence, including Jimmy Vargas {Time-traveler and Noir proponent}, David E. Williams {"unpop"-style singer/songwriter spinning tales of underground thought and darkside culture}, Peter Mlakar {Laibach nucleus of erotic and philosophical literature}, Rev. Steven Johnson Leyba
{Native Apache ever on the multi-media warpath of extreme
self-expression and [anti]-social commentary, shaking subjects up in
order to reform a more highly-evolved culture}, Adam Parfrey {Elitist Feral House publisher and veritos information mogul}, and Trevor Brown {whose realistically blasphemous works have permeated Occulture forming recognizable archetypal iconography}.
De-Facto Satanists Here we read of Aristotle, Giosue Carducci, and William Blake,
old-world natural Satanists upholding The Devil's trident throughout
history, through His many philosophical and poetic dimensions. Includes
an enhanced explanation of The Hymn to Satan,
which this Satanist has appreciated since finding it at The Library as
part of a compendium, which I copied and even utilized during an
improvised Sabbatic ceremony. I was actually taken aback by the many
Satanic statements of Aristotle when I attended a class on Humanities
at a local academic institution, and knew I had to compile them into
an essay for other Satanists to appreciate; and Blake has also been a
favorite read from time to time, and Am pleased to see him receive
infernal recognition herein.
Loki's Laughter I must say, I really enjoyed the evocative article on Benny Hill by Colonel Akula, a long-time favorite comedian {probably the first I ever integrated into My comedic repertoire, along with The Three Stooges, Monty Python, and Rowan Atkinson,
to name a few}, whose re-aired presentations I would watch late at
night, and would even replicate some of the skits therein with dracling
cohorts at school and camp. I catch this whenever I can, and have a
steadily growing collection of recordings, to supplement original
broadcasts from the 80's. His playfully salacious humor remains
unmatched, and needs to be resurrected into the orthodoxy. Part of the
lustful dance of life, and definitely inspires strength through joy. "Kiss
My Satanic Ass!" follows, a guide to the art of insulting, that's IF
one feels like playing with the herd - although I feel the generally
best course of action is to simply ignore them, for they are of no true
consequence overall. "After
The Absurd" is a gem of the classic devilish prankery which deflates
pretentiousness and misdirected masochism, much which was brought forth
by the genius of Soren Sorenson Adams, practical jokester
extraordinaire. Harking back to a time of those amusing devices from The Johnson-Smith Catalog
such as the whoopie cushion, the joy-buzzer, sneezing powder, among
many others, the author offers a unique perspective as the owner of a
joke shop. The Art of Embarrassment to effectively slap someone back
into place, which are quite timelessly employable and enjoyable.
The Internet "Collecting
Souls in a World of Cyberjunkies" by Mgr. Robert Lang contains
undefiled wisdom which I agree with whole-heartedly, as I gaze at the
books about Me, occupying the black shelves above The Infernal Machine.
I Myself have often said that "The only thing better than the smell of
a new book is the smell of an old one." Too true. The tactile sensation
of curling up with sometimes a musty, dusty book on a rainy evening in
The Study on one's favorite comfortable chair, in The Bedroom in the
luxury of the wrought-iron canopy bed, or outside at My own Satan's
Hollow {which is the primarily method by which this magazine is being
absorbed} amongst the gentle breeze and rustling of leaves, or even at
a sparsely populated {above-ground, at least} cemetery, is incomparable
to the sterility of a laptop at some internet cafe' - I do appreciate
My sleek black laptop, but a text is best experienced with a physical
book in a quiet, private place, thus creating a closer connection to
Nature, in My opinion, and forming an actual meditation and pleasant
memory. "Lessons in Online Stupidity" by Agent Cyanide coincides with the previous, and offers some advice on internet etiquette, interaction, and the lack thereof. The Nine Satanic Sins
are present on the web, and work just as well there as in the physical
world. Although it has been My experience that the best thing to do
when approached by some would-be antagonist and/or idiot is to simply
ignore them, and they will eventually go away. The internet can be a
wonderful source of information, shopping resources, conducting
business, entertainment, and concentrated/controlled pseudo-social
interaction, but it is ultimately a tool for the betterment of one's
existence and should not be taken personally - as with most issues,
moderation should be observed - after all, on the web, are you the spider or the fly?
"Dirty Books"
by Warlock Kevin Slaughter discussing Bowdlerism was quite delightfully
elucidating on the perfidious puritanical influences of past literary
censors, and the exhileratingly tantalizing erotica surviving those
sadly repressive times, now open for the libertine to re-discover and
enjoy unto satisfaction, without the flesh-hating obstacles of yore.
Authors discussed herein include Shakespeare, Mark Twain {see 'Letters From The Earth'}, Noah Webster {of Dictionary fame}, Solomon {read the biblical pornography in The Song of Solomon, which I once discovered with a beloved and laughed into the night}, Frank Harris, and Gabriele D'Annunzio! {whose antics and passions were a favorite of Dr. LaVey's}. I
also really enjoyed "The Art of Ritual" by Mgr. Lang - its basic
principles I have already employed for My purposes and written of in Dracomeroth
as one of the Spells therein, specifically "The Magic Pages Spell",
which uses both written and visual imagery to manipulate one's quarry. Another
remarkable essay I can relate to is "Renfields" by Magister Rose, and I
have known My share of these 'minions'. Some can be useful, but can
only be tolerated in short instances at a time; while others, you just
do not want anything to do with at all. The
rest of the content is just as compelling, incisive, and thorough in
their analysis and commentary on various subject matter. So
what is in store for the next issue? As mentioned in the Welcoming
Statement by Magus Gilmore, the next installment of The Black Flame
shall be in book form, concentrating specifically on essay inclusions,
whereas the Odditorium section will here-to-for move entirely online,
which is already underway at The Sinister Screen.
Old Nick magazine
Volume 1, No. 2. Pentagram Productions, LLC. I Am pleased to come into possession of the current issue of Old Nick magazine - "Playboy with Horns", as it were. Considerately arriving in its own sleeve, it is now the companion to the 1st issue, graciously obtained at the 6/6/6 High Mass.
Complimenting the devilish gentleman with discerning taste, we are treated to, among many other delights, the fine vice of cigar smoking etiquette, diabolical artistry, Sex Magick advice by 'Sexpert' Selina, an homage to the de-facto Dennis Wheatley {whose literary works are very much appreciated, & most worthy of integration}, spotlights on Witch Marilyn Mansfield {besides her ample attributes, includes an impressive rendition by Zoth Ommog in cowl & cape, & Witch Mansfield partaking of the Elixer of Ecstasy; of the classic Dr. LaVey & Jayne Mansfield photograph at her Pink Palace during ritual}; Magister Lang offers autobiographical relations on what kind of man reads Old Nick {much of which I can relate}; an intriguing evocative relation by a reminiscing sensualist who travels into a salacious relative's forbidden secrets; culminating in a splendid 13 question interview with Magus Gilmore, always offering sage advice & balanced perspectives on any given subject, so it was also interesting to read thoughts on sensuality, The High Mass, and personal relations.
The beauties featured herein are exquisite sexamples of varied pulchritude to taste. The High Mass Altar Girl demonstrates her best assets, and also poses with Magisters Rex Church & Lang as Baphomet gazes on approvingly; Witch Mansfield displays the rewarding contemplation of a living doll; Centerfold Gianna {Freud observed that sometimes a cigar is just a cigar - but not in her case!}, the devilicious Roxy {a truly exceptional delicacy}, Gothic model Melody {who is really inspired by POEtry; also, The Devil prosthetic model from Divine Interventions is noted} & Jen {who despite stifling admonitions from the servants of abstinence, revels lustily in her true darkly carnal nature}, each with their own adventurous sexcapade, and all glamorous vixens presented elegantly. Even the advertisements are designed to ignite the senses, appealing to the libertine sophisticate.
From cover to cover, Old Nick is replete with sublime visual and literary content, enhancing each other in kind. Very well what would be foreseeably published by The Hellfire Club. A most welcomed addition to this Lair, and recommended for those who appreciate the finer things in life. ∞
* Sources: Official website.

Old Nick
Am pleased to announce that I have received the premiere issue today
and Am very delighted with it. Besides the gorgeous, curvy models and
amusing story lines, there is a very intriguing article on The Hellfire
Club, devilish lymricks, a tribute to 'Satan' magazine, salacious
illustrations, the seven deadly sins, and a primer on indulging in fine
tobacco and choice liquors.
Primarily geared towards the Satanist
{considering the Baphomets, Sabbatic Goat of Mendes, and diabolical
references}, 'Old Nick' is a splendid publication for the carnal
Not Like Most 17
XLIII - XLIV. Purging Talon Publishing In this edition, On The Infernal Front contains the latest evilutions occurring within The Infernal Empire, from the superb bibliography unleashed within "The Year of Satanic Literature", The Satanic Calendar, to several musical manifestations, including The Black House: A Tribute to Anton S. LaVey, the pleasing continuance of Radio Free Satan, and the stimulating resurgence of Satanism Today.
Also introducing the issue is a touching eulogy for Warlock Crowclaws by Bill M.,
describing Shawn's irrefutable impact on the 'Witch City', the
realization of himself as a Satanist, which proved to be a veritable
zeitgeist in its transformation.
A favored piece herein is Reverend Moore's
haunting tales of his experiences living in Horrorweird land {and the
San Fernando Valley in Los Diablos, which this reviewer can relate to},
the many interesting synchronicities associated with Ed Wood, and his
and Priestess Sinnz's compelling friendship with legendary screen maven
Maila "Vampira" Nurmi.
Magister Sprague posits critical analysis on pretentious internet behavior in The Awkward Road To Satanism.
Intellectual Black Holes abound! It bears restating to the sincerely
interested, that before engaging in educated conversations about
Satanism, the pre-requisite is to read and study The Satanic Bible first.
Next we are treated to Satanism and Atheism, from Magister Svengali. Indeed, Satanism begins with Atheism. Following is another treat - this one from Magister Paradise's book Bearing The Devil's Mark, with an excerpt from the chapter entitled "Further Evidence of The Satanic Age", both of which I heartily agree with.
The Mediabolica section features
many reviews by several authors on a variety of multimedia sources,
inclusive of Year XLII's splendid literary proliferation. Magister
Paradise also graciously reviews The Devil's Diary Issues 9-12, among other remarkable publications.
Also of note, the inclusion of a great interview conducted by Tekku
with Warlocks Menta and Asec Zonei, discussing all the intriguing
elements which went into the creation of The Black House: A Tribute to Anton S. LaVey
CD, followed by a personal relation of Colonel Akula's activities in
the great outdoors. Salaciously metaphorical fiction jolts the senses
in "Big Bertha's Mystic Striptease", while Magister Paulis
realistically dissects the societal notion that one's career also be a
pleasure, which apparently seems to be less often than so {if it is,
that is wonderful, and why not strive to make it so? Knowing oneself
honestly and pursuing one's passions are the key to materializing that
pleasant situation; however, the herd are often deluded into
considering it so when it is not, and thus, remain enslaved, where they
belong}. Also included is an amusing parody ad for "Stay Brite"
toothpaste by Rev. Mealie, featuring an array of distinctive dental
patients. {"Breath... Taste... Teeth...!"}
Highly recommended, Not Like Most remains a most entertaining and pleasing publication, inspiring mental gratification and carnal contemplation.
Two Horns Up!
Not Like Most
Volume 16: Special 6/6/06 Satanic High Mass Issue With
fantastic photography by Daark, and experience relations from various
outstanding members and The Magestry, including Magus Gilmore, HPs
Nadramia, Rev. Moore, and Magister Lang, this elegant issue of Not Like
Most is a magnificent overview of the 6/6/06 High Mass in The City of
Dark Angels / Los Diablos, the first ever since those Magical events
within the legendary halls of The Black House.
Also included are several essays on aesthetics {Magister Paradise, Col. Akula}, music {Maestro Le'rue Delashay}, social darwinism {Leviathan XIII}, Satanic Witchery {Dixie Rose}, an undefiled historical perspective {Magister Herbert Paulis}, a piece on the Satanic religion {Bill M.}, erotic photography from Rik Garret, multimedia reviews {including The Devil's Diary}, and an interview with our very own Reverend James Mitchell, the 'Sinister Minister' of TNA Wrestling, manager of the monster known as 'Abyss'.
NLM 16 takes its honored place in Church of
Satan history, and remains a veritable memento vivendi in The
Blackthorne Lair, and was an empowering pleasure to have been a part of.
Hail The Church of Satan!
S Magazine
{Volume 3, 2007. Published by editors Priestess Kim Rice and Witch Josephine Seven} None
other than Minnie Castavet graces the cover of issue 3 of S magazine, a
really wonderful Satanic lifestyle journal, and in full color, no less,
in vivid laser-print quality. I particularly enjoy the Satanic
Homemaker of the Year contest with some of My favorite fetishistic
women {I wonder if Samantha Stevens was also in the running?}.
Herein is filled with many imaginative recipes
for various dark cuisines, to gardening, total environments, pets,
incense-making and historicity, makeup tips, an interview with a lounge
act, incisive essays on technology {by this author} and philosophical
contemplation, and the hilarious mailbag section! Plus much more in
this elegant and generous 66 page comb-bound compendium.
S Magazine is a veritable 'Satanic Martha Stewart' publication
optimally recommended for all things dealing with The Satanist's Lair.
Indeed, the very fact that this publication even exists is further
testament that we are absolutely in full 'swing' within The Age of
[ S Magazine ]
The Ninth Gate II
{Walpurgisnacht XLII A.S.}The Ninth Gate opens with pieces on Baphomet by Warlock Corvis Nocturnum, 'Satanic Altar Tools' by Bill M., followed by interviews with Black Metal band Shroud, and Dark Horizon Records company owner Typhus; there are art gallery features by artists Storm and Strephon Taylor; a pleasing spotlight on a deliciously-exquisite {brunette in this expose'} fetish model Bianca Beauchamp; a focus on publisher Old Nick Magazine; the gates close with salaciously-thoughtful essay 'The Intrinsic Decadence' by Mikael Walach, an analysis on the innate Satanic drive towards erotica.
Also included are Multimedia reviews on Magus Gilmore's superlative Threnody For Humanity CD, and book reviews of Lucifer Rising and Lords of Chaos.
Additionally, there are sinister product referrals to Scapegoat Publishing, Radio Free Satan, the fine arts and crafts of Blackthorne Productions, Femaledictions, Le'Rue Delashay, Artistic Devil, Diabolic Publications, Headless Historicals, and Monolith Graphics featuring the splendid musick of Nox Arcana, and more.
With shadowy cover art featuring Warlock Nocturnum's rendition of Joe Netherworld's Baphomet design, The Ninth Gate unleashes yet another plethora of highly recommended infernal delights.
The Ninth Gate
{#3 Halloween XLII A.S.} This
issue is a veritable tribute to Vlad Tepes, containing all things about
The Impaler and the Vampiric genre, from artistry {the portrait of Vlad
and the historical observation on the Voivod’s artistic representations
by Warlock Nocturnum}, to statuary, jewelry, photography, poetry,
music, intriguing film reviews, salacious gothic fetish models, to
hypothetical statements, several interviews with proprietors {Nightshade, Vampire Wear}, authors {Michelle Belanger}, musicians {Anders Manga, Theatres Des Vampires, Soulfyre}, models {Devil Doll, Don Hendrie}, a black earth relation of The Dracula Tour {highly recommended}, delicious Vampire Wine, a biographical essay on Tepes by Warlock Nocturnum, and even a fictional interview with the man himself!
Most notable in My estimation is the compelling statement from Vlad The
Just by Magister Lang {suitable for framing, in My opinion}, with
splendid photographs of Lang's Vlad statue from Magus Gilmore, as well
as an interview with Magister Lang.
For those who appreciate the darkly opulent eroticism of Vampira, Morticia Addams, Elvira, and Lily Munster, we have succulent fetish models richly spicing up the issue throughout {Devil Doll, Red Vamp, Vampire Wear}. The delightfully gloomy photography of Madame Webb, inclusive of somber natural locations, and Victorian total environments with their living and ever-living inhabitants.
With a slick magazine presentation filled to the brim within its 66+
pages, also included are elegant advertisements to the fine products of
Scapegoat Publishing, Femaledictions, Headless Historicals, Nox Arcana, and Le'Rue Delashay.
The Ninth Gate is a
publication that The Addams Family and The Munsters would subscribe to,
and with an uplifted glass of black flame absinthe, is an absolute
pleasure for The Blackthorne Manor to possess.
The Ninth Gate 4
Lilith Issue, 68 pp., Walpurgisnacht XLIII A.S. With
a rendition of this succulent Dark Goddess embraced by the sinister
serpent in the 'Garden of Eden' transformed into a veritable Garden of
carnal delights by Warlock Nocturnum on the cover, The Ninth Gate 4
celebrates the Lilithian influence throughout an amalgam of cultures,
introduced with an essay of same, including an array of interviews with
various lovely incarnations of her form with the marvelously morbid
dolls of Headless Historicals' Reverend Shiva Rodriguez, Dark Candles' Priestess Helena, the literary entrepreneurship of Diabolic Publications' Witch Scarlet Norton, the enchanting olfactory indulgences of Femaledictions' Witch Sara Rung including an in-store visitation, the unique apparel creations of Dark Queen, an Interview and photo shoot with Harp musician "High Priestess", and a spotlight on model Eden;
following are extensive multimedia reviews by this writer and others;
concluded by a poem to this lustful archetypal current by Michelle Belanger.
Filled with slick photographs and artistry, The Ninth Gate 4
is a fitting tributary compendium to "Adam's first wife who taught him
the ropes". Great reading and contemplation in this Walpurgisnacht
I n f e r n u s
{V. VIII, Spring Equinox XLIII A.S., 24 pp.}
"The Voice of Satanism in Portugal." From Satan's Helloutro, who also brought us the Portuguese translation of The Satanic Bible, comes Infernus magazine, a beautifully-done Portuguese Satanic publication featuring essays on Carducci {including his distinguished poem Inno A Satana}, Atheism fundamentals, Surrealism, remarkable cover art "Don't Fear" by Simon, an art piece by D. Blackthorne, an interview with band Teatro Satanico {"Satanic Theater"}, aesthetic individualism, an analysis of amateur painting styles, plus much more.
Being that Satanism spans all languages and cultures worldwide {also see The Infernal Names as an indication}, one can truly appreciate this international expression of our philosophy. Well done!
Hail Satan!
The Devil in The Penthouse
{XLIV A.S. Review of Penthouse October '09 issue}
"Take that which tempts whenever you can!" - Dr. Anton Szandor LaVey, The Satanic Bible.
FEATURE: Devil’s Advocate - Inside the Church of Satan where
sin is a sacrament and all manner of sexual activity in sanctified. By
Bob Johnson It
seems most appropriate that our esteemed organization is featured in
the October issue of Penthouse in this ninth year c.e. After all, The Church of Satan has duly been the subject of salacious publications in our history, like Hustler and Nude Living {see The Mephistophelian Midway}, among several others, and it is always a pleasure to gratify the intellect as well as the libido.
Herein, we see a magnificent illustration by Coop generously gracing
the article's introduction, demonstrating a devilish gentleman in the
midst of ritual with a writhing buxom vixen upon the Altar {which in
itself would be a most desirable acquisition!}.
Conducted by Magister Bob Johnson {Old Nick}, interviewees accordingly discuss Satanic sexuality, and fetishes, with participants including Magus Gilmore, couples Magister Lang & Magistra DeMagis, Magister Coop & Ruby, Bryan Moore & Heather Saenz {Arkham Studios}, Christopher Mealie & Stephanie Crabe, Lex Frost, and Corvis Nocturnum,
each with intriguing relations and personal dispositions, overall
revealing that Satanists are honest with our carnal indulgences, at one
with our carnal nature, welcoming mutual pleasures whenever desired.
Speaking of buxom vixens, also included is a
panel featuring a provocative teaser-interview and titillating photo of
the voluptuous Marilyn Mansfield: Sex & The Satanic Model. Quite the pleasingly risqué reward on both counts!Overall,
this issue in particular is an absolute must for collectors of Church
of Satan history, which will easily prove to be a collector's edition;
and otherwise those who appreciate intellectual contemplation to
accompany one's sensual fare.
Of course, besides the seductively-rousing spectacles throughout, Penthouse also contains various other articles of interest: - "Halloween Howl - The hottest costumes for this year’s parties" by Christine Colby. Looking for sexy fetishistic outfits? Shop the Halloween aisles! For use all year 'round!
- "Hot for Words - If more English teachers looked like this, we’d all have Ph.D.’s in literature" by Marina Orlova. Hot
for teacher! Makes the learning process even more interesting! Will you
be asked to stay after class? Extra-curricular activity, indeed!
- "The Fursuit of Happiness - A Neverland-like utopia for adults who don’t want to grow up" by Harmon Leon. An amusing spotlight on a silly subculture.
- "Bedtime Stories - 'Dirty Sexy Money,' erotic fiction from Life on Top" by Clara Darling. Mammon in the bedroom! She loves the scent of musk and money!
- ...and of course, The infamous Penthouse Forum!
The Trident 19
[The Magazine of Modern Satanism / Legion of Loki Grotto]
represents man as just another animal, sometimes better, more often
worse than those who walk on all-fours, who, because of his 'divine
spiritual and intellectual development', has become the most vicious
animal of all!" ~ 7th Satanic Statement.
humanimal issue offers a variety of opinions about our place in the
animal kingdom, as well as interaction with the other creatures
The cover features "Honi Bunny", a
zoomorphic changeling influencing society with her various charms, and
the description reveals just how. One will notice the phi-ratio present
in the daisies descending behind her. As a side note, I refer to
trendoid airheads as "bunnies" and "foos", which may actually be giving
them too much credit after all.
Paul Hill observes "Satan's Precious
Creatures", lamenting most humanimals' apparent inability to flow with
the course of nature, both inner and outer. "The Beauty of The Beast"
by we know who, showcases marvelous photography of various furry
four-legged and scaly friends in their purity of being; Markus Meyer
offers some advice towards stratification and leadership, and reports
on an amusing exhibit featuring human and simian cohabitation, as well
as displaying forte' images from the jungle to the shore to the woods; Magister Paulis
makes a staunch commentary on some deceptive influence of Disney upon
the populace when considering multimedia representations of animals'
true predispositions; John Brunac recollects parental cliche's about
pets; J.M.K. describes some evolutionary developments in the humanimal
in contrast with other animals, and relates a delightful little
folktale about why clouds are so high in the sky; Justine posits a
pro-vegan beef {contention}; and the Dear Abby column serves up a winsome evocation of Jiminy Cricket's undefiled sage wisdom, which sings true.
The voice of other species speak
through this installment, and it is wise to listen. For Satanists, it
is already the voice within.
"The highest plateau of human development is the awareness of the flesh!" ~ The Satanic Bible, P. 81.
Dark Somewhere
A Magazine of Dark Fiction Issue #1 of Dark Somewhere
arrived today, and I must comment on the quality of both the artistry
and the literature, which are superb, rendered completely by Silva
himself. Four dark tales of horror and erotica array this premiere
presentation. My favorite thusfar is "The Little Outcast", about a
little boy who seeks the aid of The Devil to gain revenge on some
bullies. There is also "Astra" {dark erotica}, "Territory", and "The
Scepter of The Serpent" - all remarkable works, made manifest by Mr.
Silva himself.
The subsequent issue shall contain one of My stories entitled "Bestial Lust",
about romance under the full moon gone horribly wrong. Among other
infamous writers, Mr Silva credits H.P. Lovecraft, Robert E. Howard,
Ray Bradbury, and of course, Anton Szandor LaVey as inspirations. Dark Somewhere seems an amalgam of Heavy Metal magazine and Weird Tales with a decidedly diabolical slant, just the way I like it.
I predict this publication shall
achieve quick infamy within the literary underworld, and shall grace
many a Satanist's coffee table and library.
Rating: 5/5.
{* Bolt of The Goat for more information.]
Dark Somewhere
A Magazine of Dark Fiction
XLIII A.S. Issue #2. $5 U.S. / $7 International. 44 pages. Dark
Somewhere magazine presents five morbid tales of horror fantasy from
various authors including Warlock Hernandez, Michael Silva himself, and
this writer, plunging the depths of the carnal, erotic, the feral, the
chthonic, and the mystical.
Each darkly well-descriptive story is
accompanied by an impressive rendering of the tale told by the expert
pen of Mr. Silva, creating a veritable "Lovecraftian Journal" of
thrilling terrors perfect for a dark stormy night.
Art within features draconian forms
in flight, a Sorcerer coalescing with an old one from the stygian
leagues, a plethora of salacious demonic creatures, a humanimalistic
warrior, and generously curvaceous succubi throughout.
Filled with suspense, thrilling escapades, and concupiscent contemplation, Dark Somewhere magazine is aesthetically as well as literarily pleasing - a sheer pleasure to aphotically enjoy.
Order directly from: Bolt of The Goat
The Trident 18
Spring XL A.S. Arriving via Pandemonium Airlines, is this latest installment of The Trident,
with flaming tines thrust upwards into the starlit sky, serving as a
beacon to the demon wings gloriously shadowing the night, resting
gracefully upon terra firma. Our lovely stewardess from the cover
motions us to the pleasures of our next destination, awaiting through
the hellgates upon The Black Earth.
This is the "Worldwide Satanic
Conspiracy" issue, with Satanists from around the world voicing
opinions on various political, social, philosophical and economical
environments in their countries of origin, and the relative states of
The Infernal Empire therein.
I must say, I was taken aback by the account from Reverend Redstar
in Frankfurt, and I Am sure true Diabolic Justice will follow - just
goes to show that no matter what position the herd may hold, ignorance
and fear are indelibly inherent within the despicable lot of them.
Editor Primus shares some of his amusing formative experiences with the
left and right portions of the political spectrum. Kris Hawkins relates the American media infiltration into Britain with sadly devolving effects upon the populace; Colonel Akula
discusses comparative issues between Canada and the U.S., including the
legalization of certain cultural taboos which are steadily gaining
acceptance, all for the betterment of an advanced Satanic Society {what
I call a "Daemonocracy" - DB}, as well as some of the lingering
perfidiousness besetting these societies; Magister Nemo
contributes a splendid piece on the 'shocking' truth of the "worldwide
satanic conspiracy" - there really is one! But not in the form commonly
expected...; Magister Paulis
posits his concerns over dogmatism in The Infernal Empire, and some of
the attitudes taken by some of those new to the organization,
diabolical demeanor, as well as the preservation of individuality
versus herd behavior; an urgent message from the Marquis DeSade's
homeland expresses the need for increased french interaction which will
secure their respective position within our sphere of influence;
Rafocale Lucifuge notes our increasing global span into this Age of
Fire; and Witch Abby Brimstone
relates her well-traveled experiences and observations on the waning
multi-cultural influence of the christian reich, and the true meaning
of freedom of religion.
The Question of The Quarter this time
around relates to what extent and capacity Satanists should become
involved in partisan politics, or not at all. Also includes movie
reviews and some really great merchandise referrals. The Trident
remains a consistently top-quality publication.
The demon bell rings... time to board
the plane again... and on to the next level of The Inferno. Thank you
for flying Pandemonium Airlines...
The Trident
Issue No. 17 / The Magazine of Modern Satanism \ Winter XL A.S.
star gate shifts... slowly turning in space, swirls of future visions
transmutating in a portal of dark energy, and from nucleic minds does
proceed manifestations of the imagination, casting patterns from the
present, forming the future in kind... Princess
Satania emerges therefrom upon her metal chariot, an infernal machine
charging through space and time, with joyous precognition, a star
amongst the galaxies... Herein
this inter-dimensional journal of Modern Satanism, appears the
inspirational and compelling piece by Magus Gilmore entitled "Wrestling
The Future Into Manifestation", which kindles the black flame ever
higher, as we look forward unto greater victories and accomplishments;
Paul Hill shares his vision of The Future in the impending Satanic
Society of Social Darwinism and meritocracy, based upon Dr. LaVey's Pentagonal Revisionism; Ali Martikainen offers a glimpse into his beautiful environment in Finland; Rev. Herbert Paulis
gazes into the veritable crystal ball of the mind to decipher another
plausible scenario of the exciting future, discussing some underground
revolutionary inventions, and is a call to actualize the Will and
realize the future as we see fit; Uncle Otto observes the principle of
survival of the fittest and the acquisition of the planet by The
Satanist; Warlock M. Ambrosius previews "Cthulhu One", a Lovecraftian convention soon to surface from the watery depths; Primus reviews Satanic Punk band The Quintessentials' "Pentagonal Revisionism' CD, crystallized by The Black Pope; another review by Greg Nasty on "The Book of Legion" by Artist & Writer Bryan Mojica, a compendium of infernal visualizations; a review of the "100 Artists See Satan" art project catalog with a clear and solid observation by Jana S. Jord; and Abby Brimstone gazes forward while retrospecting upon the past, relating her own evolution since stepping 'outside the box' of proventiality. Enlightening and contemplative as ever, The Trident remains a stancheon of wisdom firmly rooted in terra firma.
Not Like Most 15
in the Hell Post, this gem of literary and artistic indulgence, filled
with thought-provoking essays and multimedia reviews on a variety of
subject matter of Satanic pertinence. First of all, one is gratified by
the striking cover featuring Our Founder, rendered expertly by Jack Malebranche
- actually hand-painted on canvas {a sadly forgotten art; thus, the
resurrection of a past orthodoxy}, which would look quite handsome in
one's Parlor or Ritual Chamber - a fitting tribute to the legendary
figure. Inside,
a scathing essay by Magister Paradise entitled "Consumer Vs. Producer",
which really nails the differences between the two, even within our
ranks; a very pleasing introductory column "Aesthetic Terrorism Series"
with the infamous Magister Diabolos Rex,
who lends his archetypal knowledge to The Devil's Gallery as well as
countering many ignorant claims made by the herd; interviews with Unpop Art's
Minister of Unpropaganda Brian Clarke, who speaks on this revolutionary
movement which utilizes various historical imagery to invoke the darker
side of the psyche, and forces the viewer to realize their own
prejudices, regardless of how egalitarian or misanthropic they may
claim to be; an interview with Jack Malebranche
who discusses his homosexuality and libidinous projects; Magister
Paradise offers another intriguing essay on "conditional love" vs.
unconditional; Adan Flores explains the Third-Side perspective
regarding cinemagraphic evilution; Colonel Akula ponders two of Our
Satanic forebears in Nietzsche and Heidegger; and Reverend Herbert Paulis
offers an amusing and incisive essay entitled "How I Became An Asshole"
about the dangers of extending kindness to those undeserving and
ingracious; I really enjoyed the section "Satanic Reflections From Bill
Cosby", which through his humorous wit, rings all too true; and LeRue Delashay,
our resident Composeur par excellance, literates the advent of
Beethoven's iconoclastic influence into the modern world, which remains
eternal. It is surely a pleasure to absorb this latest release, which remains a superior Satanic publication throughout.
The Trident No. 16
$5.00 USA / $6.00 foreign
in time for Halloween, this issue is appropriately themed around death,
in all of its manifestations, including burial sites, pre-planning for
excarnation, the positive aspects and results of catastophe, the Museum of Funeral Customs in Springfield. Illinois, review of a great book on Satanic Artist Markus Meyer, and film reviews of Ed Gein and The Village. Also included is the Dear Abbey Brimstone column asking the compelling question "How Do You Sign A Life Away?", and an intriguing interview with Necro-Sculptor Owen Leitch. And again, the cover features the splendid artistry of Selene, displaying Infernal Progeny enjoying the company of a new playmate. A great issue to curl up with in the gloom of one's study, complimenting the 'spirit' of the season.
The Trident 15 The Magazine of Modern Satanism
Summer XXXIX A.S./$4.00 U.S. / $5.00 Foreign
comedy issue! And what a delight it is. First of all, the cover is
graced by a splendid harlequin by the name of Eris, sexy AND funny!
What a sinfully delicious combination! Herein we have contributions
from Rev. Herbert Paulis
with sarcastic wittiness encapsulated in a fictional tale about Ol'
Noah, and humorous tips for pilots; our own nefarious Jester Bill M.
offers "Comedy For The Masses" {great observations and suggestions on
what the herd are programmed to respond to}, an interview {wherein he
shares some of his passions, including Mathematics and Misanthropy},
and "The Satanic Comedy Commandments" {recommendations for various
comedic sources including some of My favorites such as George Carlin, Woody Allen, David Cross, and Bullshit! - personally, I would have included Rowan Atkinson and Benny Hill - not to mention The Three Stooges, The Kids In The Hall, and Monty Python
- yes, I appreciate British humor!}: the Bill M. Issue! Hail the Lord
of Coke and Hot Dogs! A hilarious faux interview with White Metal cream
puffs "Stryper" entitled "To Hell With The Devil"; "Satan Laughs" by Paul Hill {also a contributor to The Devil's Diary}
about the importance of preserving a sinister sense of humor {agreed};
a splendid mythological piece called "Welcome To Hell", wherein an
inspirational stay in the infernal regions is explored; the Dear Abby {Brimstone}
column about locating her appropriate sense of humor; mathematical
signs of The Beast, and The Question of The Quarter which in this
issue, deals with same-sex marriage, and the interesting parallels in
France. Yet another superb issue by the fiery folks at The Legion of Loki Grotto.
Not Like Most #14
A Publication of Satanism in Action
XXXIX Anno Satanas - $5 U.S./$7 World
My copy of Not Like Most #14 yesterday, and needless to say, it is yet
another superb release from Magister Paradise, done with class and
style. Speaking of Classical, an essay herein entitled "Classical
Music: The Devil's Playground" expounded by Le'Rue Delashay
{Satanic Composer Diablere} heads off the issue, followed by "The
Misanthrope's Survival Guide" {all of which is already personally and
pleasantly implemented}; a thoroughly interesting interview with
esteemed Magister Nemo, Founder of The Temple of The Vampire
- members will not want to miss this one!; "The Golden Age" {'...of
Horror!' - DB} follows, whose evocative timing is perfect, and speaks
to the current dis-hibernation and awakening of the silver screen,
which is a most pleasing development; a hilarious inclusion from the
"bizarre world and strange weirdness" of Professor Sinister
entitled "The Library of Secrets", which relates some of the more both
far-fetched and plausible contraptions throughout sexual medical
history {which seems to be rather large on anti-rape devices - which is
understandable, considering the times, in which women were seen as
property, and whose deflowerment by another man could mean humiliation
and the damaged reputation of the man} including a "penis trap" and
"female security device"; a piece on the shock value of Satanism by Shiva Rodriguez;
"America, Where Are You?" by Rev. Herbert Paulis; "Hymn to Belphegor"
by Adan Flores, which is an infernally-inspired relation; a fine and
agreeable addition "Indulgence: Fine-tune it or Die" by David Allan
White {where did he go?}; "Absolute Human Companion" by Mgr. Paradise -
an elaboration on Artificial Human Companions by ASLV, their
crystallization and ever-perfecting integration; and another classic
piece on Paganini by Mr. Delashay named "The Devil's Hands" - these are
great perspectives on these composers who were more often than not in
league with Dark Forces themselves, thus inspired by The Daemon within.
"Mediabolica" comprises the multi-media review section, with reviews of The Devil's Diary V, and an inclusion of My review of Magus Gilmore's Threnody For Humanity. \,,/ Two Horns up to Magister Paradise!
The Trident No. 13 The Magazine of Modern Satanism
Winter XXXIX A.S./$4.00 U.S. / $5.00 Foreign
My complimentary Issue 13 of The Trident in the Post yesterday, and the
theme of this one is all about the military. The cover features a
rendition of a lovely Valkrie on the warpath. There's a great article
by Rev. Thomas Thorn
addressing several points on patriotism to cliche's, a commentary on
the military witch's wardrobe by Veronica Van Horne, a piece on Satanic
/ Military values by R. Merciless, some personal relations in the
service by Iain Jaymes Pointe, some Lex Talionis by Primus, the Dear
Abbey column featuring a short fiction piece, and a Luciferian
animation by James Helkowski & Ryan Mojica; as well as a page on
multimedia reviews by Honor Noble on the back. This
issue seeks more interaction with the readers this time around,
introducing "Shout at The Devil" and "Question of The Quarter" which
will be addressed in the next release. Always a pleasure, The Trident
receives three prongs up!
The Trident #11
The Magazine of Modern Satanism
Summer XXXVIII A.S./$3.00
This time around, the theme is all about our
favorite Root of All Evil, MONEY, and the more the better. Contained
herein this monetary menagerie, are essays by Publisher Ambrosius, G.
Michael Enriquez {"In "God" We Trust", an ode to the Mighty Dollar and
why money is indeed not only practical, but truly "of The Devil" �;
the black diamond of the issue I feel is the interview compilation
entitled "Being Your Own Master: Satanic Entrepreneurs", inclusive of
the opinions and remarks about the devilish business of this writer,
among other notables of the Infernal Trade; "Slave Bait" by Iain Jaymes
Pointe; "A Special Kind of Society" by Rev. Herbert Paulis; a column by
the voluptuous Abbey Brimstone named appropriately "Dear Abbey: The
Dollar and The Satanist", which is a delightful little repartee'
between she and a dollar bill ; followed by media reviews of Marilyn
Manson�s "Golden Age of The Grotesque", and the film "The Matrix:
And as a gleaming capstone, a Satanic Media review by Greg Nasty about The Devil's Diary V, and it is mightily appreciated indeed. HAIL SATAN.
Also included, is an ad forJose Cuervo,
featuring a handsome devil surrounded by a gaggle of tumescent angels
giving in to the temptations of the flesh, and that is as it should be.
The cover features a Satanically
evolved "Laksmi Satana" featuring the four-armed and upwardly-mobile
Hindu Goddess with cell-phone in hand, with the others motioning The
Cornu, another displaying a Pentagram on her palm, from which proceeds
a wealth of coins with which she blesses her adherents with a bounty of
riches; and the fourth grasping a lotus flower to signify beauty, lest
perspective be convoluted - she is bedecked in a "power business suit",
which accentuates her curvaceous repose. Behind her leap two goats in
place of the usual packaderms which would only slow her progress. The
typical forehead dot is here replaced by an inverted star, which
further displays her empowered evilution. Another symbolically striking
image conjured vibrantly by Selene.
Overall, another amusing and educational offering from The Legion of Loki Grotto. Excelsior!
Trident 10
The Magazine of Modern Satanism
Spring XXXVIII A.S./$3
The theme of this Spring issue is Satanic Sex,
the undercurrent of life itself - a favorite subject of this author,
assuredly, being a proponent of Satantra whenever possible. Paul Hill
offers an essay entitled most appropriately, "Sweet Satanic Sex", and
sweet it is, with his philosophical observation of the myriad of sexual
expressions within The Infernal Empire. The delectable Abby Brimstone
serves up some of her techniques and analyzes the manipulative
possibilities, well applied by experience; "Eden Found" by Eric Zollman
is a lusty, sultry, naturally-indulgent little tale about two
Satanimals partaking in the Sacrament; Artist Joseph Seeman is profiled
along with a reallt great piece entitled "'Ol Scratch", which would
make for a nice Tarot card #15; A piece called "Tapping into Ilsa" by
Khristina D. Astonishing is about the sexploits of Nazi Domanatrix
Dyanne Thorne, whose lurid novels relate Sado-Masochistic scenarios not
for the sexually timid - of note, a DVD
is on its way!; Ian Jaymes Pointe relates his discovery of The Satanic
Bible, and some misanthropic observations of the herd's cliche'd and
PC-infested manufactured opinions in his inclusion entitled "The Great
Indulgence"; and a couple of "quickies", commentaries on pornography
and BDSM by Honor Noble immediately preceeds this author's Satantric,
erotic short-story offering "A Date with The Devil" with a wonderfully
perfect art piece conjured by Selene; And of Honorable Mention, Terry
Horns' and Walt Hicks' text "Exit The Light", which is a series of
stories from these Hell-born arising Satanic Authors.
The Trident #9
The Magazine of Modern Satanism
Winter XXXVIII A.S./$3
An unfortunate wayfarer walks the night beneath
the full moon's light, the echoing sounds of wolves' howls slowly nears
- fear strikes his mind and his heart begins to beat faster, as his
sweat bears cold against the evening chill. They will feed soon.
Glowing dilated eyes dart from between the shaded darkness of the pine
trees, whose perfume permeates the nocturne amidst the scent of fear
which brings them nigh. Silent and swift demise at the hands of forest
predators. Are you the hunter or the hunted?
It just keeps improving with every
release. In this issue, the theme is dedicated to honoring the
Satanimal Beast within man. An inclusion by this Satanic Werewolf
features a rite to being forth the feral one {a-la "There is a beast in
man that should be exercised, not exorcised" ~ LaVey}; "A Werewolf
Tale' scratched up from the distant past by Lady Pagan; "Wolf.s Bane"
by Vlad Dracula; "Naked Ape V 6.66" by Primus; film reviews pertinent
to the genre, and a skimmy review by Honor Noble of Robert Eisler?s
"Wolf Into Man" {with an introduction by Adam Parfry}.
On the cover by Sebine, another
sublime monsterpiece featuring a were she-wolf on the prowl, hunting
and haunting the night 'neath the full moon, luna splenderosa,
approaching a cabin, stalking with a couple of her companions.
"I gaze at the moon with my stomach full, pick My teeth with the bones,
Gaze at Luna?s fading light, intoxicating ecstasy takes My mind away ?
her face grows pale as I sleep?" ? portion taken from "Bloodfeast" by D.B.
Not Like Most #13
A Publication of Satanism in Action
XXXVIII Anno Satanas - $5 U.S./$7 World
This time around in this exceptional publication,
we are treated to "Ego Transference and The Herd", a keen analysis on
the motivations of the herd and the manipulative possibilities thereof,
which should be instinctually well-known by the Satanist; an incisive
and valuable piece on techniques of accumulating currency for The
Satanist {Financial Affluence: the 6th completing level of The Infernal Alignment};
an essay on the unfortunate herd-trend of victim mentality; an
insightful interview with {former} Grotto Master Andrew Watkins,
detailing his various projects {Skratte Magazine,
formerly The Black Star Chronicles - he has since initiated the afore
mentioned described in the following review of said magazine, among
others}; an article on the fine aspects of replications of paintings on
canvas entitled "The Fine Art of Faux"; and in the vein of
"Misanthropia", another great misanthropic occam's razor splitting
cliche's asunder entitled "Absolutes Can Corrupt Absolutely" by Rev.
Paradise; an amusingly incisive inclusion on the Satanic descriptions
and history of facial hair, particularly the moustache and the various
infamous figures sporting them {although the Addams character Gomez was
not mentioned}; and several other misanthropic essays, the humanimal's
Magical birthright, religion in the news, a pleasantly quirky piece on
the foibles of telecommunications and its false securities described
with Tolkien-lore, and a piece on unwilling and unable personalities
even under the mantle of Satanism, which could very well serve as an
extention and expounding of The Satanic Bunco Sheet. Included also are multimedia reviews in "Mediabolica", including The Trident and The Devil's Diary Volumes III & IV. The cover features a heptagonal and pentagonal rendering entitled "Apache Means Enemy" by by Rev. Steven Johnson Leyba. NLM come highly recommended and remains one of the finest Satanic Publications available.
Purging Talon Publishing
P.O. Box 8131
Burlington, Vermont, 05402
Skratte Magazine Volume One
Editor Drew Watkins, vocalist for The Revenants
presents Skratte Magazine, an outgrowth of the currently disbanded
Order of The Black Star, featuring interviews with the likes of Lord
Ahriman of Black Metal group Dark Funeral {new album "Diabolis Interium"; also in Wolfen Society}, Editor of Not Like Most magazine Rev. Matt G. Paradise, Musician Rev. Thomas Thorn {Electric Hellfire Club / Wolfen Society}, & Proprietor Kevin Slaughter, grace this first full issue.
Included herein are essays on the
manipulation of prayer "How To Prey on Prayer" by Donald Swain, which
contains wonderful suggestions for redirecting and utilizing the
submissive psychic energy thereof to one's Satanic benefit. Also
included in this issue are three film reviews by this writer; "Satanism
and Eugenics" by Eroxthis; "Memetic Warfare" by Editor Drew Watkins; a
past orthodoxy with information on the historical Nineveh Grotto by
Magister Jeff Nagy and Stan Moog; the vicious exploits of The Crusades,
a nice bit of misanthropos veritos entitled "So Much Love To Give" by
Joe Berlund; "Kill Them, Kill Them All" by Ambrosius of The Legion of Loki and Editor of The Trident
magazine; and an all-too-true comic depiction of the slobberly populace
personafied in the herd's perceived notion of the lord of the meek and
the king of the weak entitled "A Moment In The Day of The Second Coming
of Jesus..." - conceived by Joe Berlund. Actually, I thought it ironic
that one herd icon was in the hypnotic spell of another "god", The
Letharginator, and there are also ads for finely-hewn and desirable
Satanic Merchandise.
The cover features a mannequin attired
in clerical clothing, which makes an appropriate aesthetic introductory
statement to a featured column herein entitled "Christian Crime" by
Citizen Eric Zollman - a collection of blindlighter xian accounts of
their various crimes, following their bloody history, with a typical
mix of murder, extortion, child abuse, and rape.
Skratte is quite an enjoyable "Satanic
Digest" artfully filled from front to back quite thuroughly. Do add
this journal to your literary repetoire. Highly recommended.
The Trident No. 7  For
this issue we are greeted by an effervescent young lady {scratch nose}
granting a salute while the sparks of the fireworks blaze on through
the night behind her. She dons a hat and collar emblazoned with
Pentagrams - a lovely image.
This is essentially the remmus
Independence Day issue, a time when a self-preserving
Vampire-Werewolf-Satanist hibernates during the repugnant lightmare.
This quarterly slim publication contains essays on suggestive Satanic
Aesthetics for the Warlock, Satanic Genetics, a report on the 2nd
annual Radio Free Satan
Bash, an interview with RFS creator & President of Mephisto Media
Corporation, and the part 3 conclusion to the triune cliffhanger by
Terry 'Horns' Erwin. Another superb unleashing.
The Trident No. 6  Another
delighful aesthetic conjuration by Selene adorns the cover of this fine
Satanic publication - a Gyspy fortune-teller peers into the crystal
ball which reflects the Magic she invokes which is appropriate to adorn
this issue, which deals with Sorcery and Vampirism.
The prolific Rev. Herbert Paulis
contributes a thurough essay on latin etymology; a vampiric rite by
this Vampiric Warlock; a humorous piece called "Fruit Mantra" by
Primus; "All of Them Witches" about sinematick deviltry by the
dalmationative Les Hernandez of The Quintessentials; a part two
continuation of the epitomic "Revival" by Horns, and Justine's Movie
Picks comprises this richly packed lokian issue of deviltry. "The
Difference Between Dogs and Cats" is also included, which is absolutely
right on the money, thus complimenting the definitions of Catism and
Dogism - a must read.
It was also quite a nice touch to pepper the issue with accentuating quotes from Dr. LaVey and Shakespeare.
This Magical issue is a great addition to one's Luciferian Library. Recommended.
The Trident is unleashed quarterly, & remains a quality Satanic publication.
The Trident No. 5
this Winter XXXVII issue of this outstanding publication, is included
three essays, one by this Warlock {'The Dawning of Daemonocracy' - the
impending and inevitable governmental system, inclusive of Lex
Talionis/Satanicus}, one by Honor Noble {'Are you a Good Witch or A Bad
Witch?' - about the basic differences between so-called Black and White
Magic}, and another by Lady Pagan {'A Witch's Tale' - a delightful relation of feline persuation}; great fiction from Horns {'Revival'}, and some selacious poetry from Les Hernandez {'Mistress Damnation'}.
cover features a piece entitled "Balance" conjured by Selene, which
imaginatively depicts a lovely demonesses and a reven-haired angel
comprising The Yin-Yang.
The Trident is unleashed quarterly, & remains a quality Satanic publication.
Not Like Most #12
A Publication of Satanism In Action
Reverend Paradise's literary
manifestation which has experienced quite a tenure of longevity,
remains one of the top Satanic publications on the black market. I was
pleased to have received My complimentary copy recently, & I Am
delighted by what I have beheld & read.
Within this issue is an interview with Satanic Apache Priest Steven Johnson Leyba of The United Apache Front,
aesthetic terrorist & Indian Chief; information on Evilutions
within The Infernal Empire appropriately entitled "On The Infernal
Front"; HP Gilmore's "State of the Church" Address; plus essays on
joining The Church of Satan,
total environments, Religion In The News {amusing & disturbing at
the same time - brutally exposing the blindlighters in all their
hypocritical & deceitful glory}, herd stupidity, some entertaining
fiction, a nice piece on mythology by Rev. Herbert Paulis, an essay on
"poop" culture by Rev. Paradise; as well as multi-media reviews &
Satanic perspectives about 9/11 interdispersed throughut the issue.
Also, NLM celebrates its 9th birthday this past Helloween of XXXVI Anno
Satanas. A horned Salute!

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