13th n i g h t
Dark Shadows shift in the gloom
13 Skulls on The Altar this 13th Night
13 Candles 'round The Pentagram
13th Sign upon the wall
Bloodmoon on the horizon
Hellfires rise to meet the eclipse
Devils through The Black Mirrors pass
The fire gives substance
Robed phantoms come forth to The Center each
Grasp the crystal oracle to view the spheres
Enter in 13 Dimensions, The Demon Eye opens
On the 13th Night
All is not as it seems
On the 13th Night
The Air alive with Magic & Mystery
On the 13th Night
That which should not before your eyes
Hellknell tolls thirteen
Throughout The House's 13 rooms
Accept The Goblet, consecration, condemnation
Affirmation of The Diabolical eternal
Rebirth of the damned thirteen returned
Disrobed, Possession of The Sacrifice!
Craniums aglow, revealing masks & faces
WE HAVE RETURNED... Nightmares come alive!
On the 13th Night
All is not as it seems
On the 13th Night
The Air alive with Magic & Mystery
On the 13th Night
That which should not before your eyes
Let the incense permeate
The Draegon's wings bestow Satanas winds
Thy breath course across the moon
Cobweb veils billow lunalight
A Great Presence is felt, emergent
Seated upon The Blackthrone
Hissing serpents & familiars clairvoyant
Watching Wraithful manifest
On the 13th Night
All is not as it seems
On the 13th Night
The Air alive with Magic & Mystery
On the 13th Night
That which should not before your eyes
Churches burn by The Word
Incense of Hellfire upon the wind
Defilement of The Sanctuary by the possessed
Dash the oil on marbled floor
Sacrilege of the holy relics
Blaspheme the idols divine
Replacing godog, bowing before Baphomet
Death Angel, clerical sacrifice
Blindlight dims in the smoke, extinguished forever

The Ritual. The Shadow Priest officiates before The Black Altar, as 13 robed figures emerge from the darkness into the infernalight of thirteen candles encircling The Pentagram upon the Chamber floor, each taking up a crystal skull. Upon the Wicked Words spoken, The Demons emerge, granted substance by the sulfur & brimstone-laden candle hellflames, from the looking glass and into the cranial oracles, then into the demon eyes opened, reawakening dread incarnations now seated in the flesh of the newly possessed. Demons released, the rite causes reverberations upon nearby sanctuaries defiled & inflamed.
13 k e y s

~ The XIII Keys ~
I. Necromancy {including Necrokinisis} II. Clairvoyance III. Telepathy IV. Telekinesis V. Precognition VI. Enviromancy* VII. Demonomancy VIII. Oneiromancy IX. Vampirism {extracting lifeforce} X. Immortality XI. Omniscience XII. Omnipotence XIII. Omnipresence**
13 Keys...
The Keys to Life & Death
Dare look into The Eyes of The Dragon
The flames of The Abyss purify & consume
Strike down with Death's gaze
Or filled with The Black Flame!

13 Keys of Life & Death
13 Keys of Heaven & Hell
13 Keys of Go/od & D/Evil One
13 Keys of Inferalight & Shadow
13 Keys of Love/Lust & Hate!
Almighty Sorcerer, As Above, So Below!
Take The Sulfur Key & lefturn the Locks to Hell
Forbidden Knowledge pouring forth
Occult chambers of Shadow
Possessing temple flesh!
The Arts & Sciences of The King of Hell
Worship Self & become God
Sacrifice the blinding light
On The Altar of Darkness...

13 Keys of Life & Death
13 Keys of Heaven & Hell
13 Keys of Go/od & D/Evil One
13 Keys of Inferalight & Shadow
13 Keys of Love/Lust & Hate!
Almighty Sorcerer, As Above, So Below!
Black Mass, Apotheosis of Lucifer
Blasphemy liberation
Sacrilege, unholy purification
Guilt absolution
Satan is God is Satan
Baphomet Incarnation
The All is One!
High Mass D/Evilution
Apotheosis Devil God! ∞
* Pyro,Terra,Aero,Aqua/kinisis; Directing Hellements & creatures thereunto.
** These are embarked upon attaining The Infernal Alignment {Dracomeroth}. Additional levels are developed as a result of VI. Magical Omnipotence. While the first 6 are nascent as part of natural instinct/intuition; beyond these, additional structure, discipline, & technique are applied to maximize full potency unto absolute Godhood. By the time one has mastered the first 10, by default in combination with these Keys, one has become Godflesh, Sorcerer. Luciferi Excelsi!
13 s h a d o w s
~ 13 Demons...13 Shadows ~
13 Ghosts turning black
Necromancer's thrall
13 Shadows in the dark
Surrounding The Altar
Appearing on the chamber walls
Brought forth from the 13 skulls
Growing in the candleflames of The Abyss herein
Bring forth the 13 phantoms robed
Prepare the vessels, temples wherein devils dwell
Serpents, shed Thy skin, join Thy kin
Sacrificial awakening of thy true self
Rebirth through pentahexagon angles
Purifying Hades flames, kundalini flight
Immortal, eternal, Ouroboros rise
Basilisk, Phoenix, Melek Taus, Angel of The Void
Soaring through the dreamtide materialization
Awaken the flesh to The Daemon within
13 Shadows...
Those who have been before and always shall be
They who walked the earth incarnate*
Reborn on the 13th night
Ashes to bone to blood to muscle to skin
Feel the Power, The Force enter in
The masks come on, the masks come off
The faces of the Horned One!
* Those infamous who have archetypally personified The Devil one way or another, & dwell in halls of supreme villainy: LaVey, Tepes, Rasputin, Khan, Hitler, Manson, Ramirez, Crowley, Hannibal, DeSade, Bathory, Caligula, Nero...?
13 d i m e n s i o n s

13 Dimensions in your mind
13 Dimensions of Hell
Plunging deeper into The Pit
Descending, floating, falling
Absorbing, projecting, into the dark
Signs, sigils, symbols infernal
Floating before The D/Evil Eye
Possessing, obsessing, haunting the brain
13 Keys to The Gates
Speak the unholy tongues
Gesticulation, genuflection
The Sulfur Key of a Thousand Young
Turning in the Trapezoidoor
Bloodmoon on the rise
Hear them lurching at The doorways's glass
13 Shadows, blackened sun
Eclipse, the face of Satan
Black fog, Lucifer's Magic
13 masks shifting by
Visions of omens manifest
13 Dimensions, timeless forever
13 Dimensions, sight & sound
13 Dimensions, multisensory deprivation/saturation
13 Dimensions, silence of the tomb
Knowledge & Wisdom of The Ages
Through The Books' passageways upon The Sinister Way
Spells of Infernalight & shadow
Omnipotence, Omniscience
Perceive & receive...
What was and is to be again! ∞

The dimensions are microcosmic & macrocosmic, one reflective of the other, recognized by resonance, and projected from the imagination of the mind, brought to fruition in a conducive environment under psychodramatic conditions. Symbols, gesticulations, Words of Power, aesthetics, the multisensory stimulation of the senses and emotions to manifest bio-electromagnetic enervation combined with directive Force & Will to materialize The Is-To-Be reality. Dark Psychology of The Shadow is the complementary mechanism to manifest & experience Parapsychology, in an overall process known as Shadowmancy & Magic.
13 g r a v e s
13 GRAVES, 13 hidden skulls glowing in the night
Each one a crystal ball - omniscient
The graves of the possessed
Calling out from the fog...
The damned returned from Hell to walk the earth
Burning in the tomb, immolation hellfire
Smokes of The Pit, see the signs appear
Moaning, churning beneath the soil
Whispers on the breeze...
Therein lies a treasure
Doubloons, gold, silver & jewels
Exploits from the ancestral land
Soaked in blood & sin
The Sword is there, The Dragon's hilt
From where The 13 Goblets came
Medallions 'neath moonlight gleam
Forged in The Abyss!
Arise! By the words!
Arise! By the verse!
13 Demons from The Pit
13 Shadows going forth
Released upon the winds
There are several graves spread throughout the outdoor property, half submerged into the earth, seemingly festooned therein for decades, all with strange symbols etched thereupon the stones. At some points during the night, it sounds as if the soil is churning from beneath the earth, distant moaning sounds, as the winds whistle about which sound as if whispering words float upon the atmosphere. It is said that one of these graves may contain a secret treasure chest hidden therein, containing not only monetary accumulation, but the real treasures being the rumored jeweled Dragon Sword & 13 silver goblets used by the Cult of The Dragon in dire Rites of Darkness to raise great horros from The dimensional Pits, as well as 13 crystal skulls used by legendary Warlocks & Witches as powerful oracles, granting enhanced telepathy, telekinisis, clairevoyance, control of the hellements, and overall potency. Oddly, at some point in time, the graves erupted in mysterious flames from no apparent source, except from perhaps below... ∞
13 w i n d o w s
Through The Flames...
13 Windows Luciferic
Each one tells a tale
Inlain with what's happened here
13 Windows of Infernalight
Stained glass casting eerie spellglow
Transmutate by Sorath's sight
Fearsome shifting shadowlight
Season to season, down below
13 Windows made of blood, bone, & hellfire
Kaleidoscopic mesmerizing
Wisps through the air
All through the day & night
Symbols, spells, history
Dawn & Dusk permutations
Nightmares & Dreams revelation
All One timelessness
13 windows, 13 rooms
Changing shape within the ornate frames
Figures moving within these worlds
Casting visions through the flames
The Goat of A Thousand Young presiding
The levels of progression...
13 windows, glimpses of Hell
A different scene according to the date
13 Windows, casting a spell
13 Windows to the 'soul'...
If you look closely, you'll find yourself there!
F o r e v e r . . .
In each room, there is at least one stained glass windowpane multi-tinted in flames with transmutating images therein surrounding ornate frames, depicting diabolical deeds upon certain nefarious dates which occurred in that room. Each window is topped with a ramlike pediment recognized by those who know as Amon-Baphomet, The Bucranium of The Sun, the Moon, the stars... ∞
13 g o b l e t s
13 drops into The Goblets each
Awaiting greedy jaws & claws
13 Shadows possessing all who drink
The whirlpool draws you in
Mind swimming in The Devil's brine
Lift high The Chalice, drink deeply of The Wine
The Powers of Darkness are inside!
Infernal Bliss enrapturing, encircling
Devils embracing, enlacing, churning
Lost in The Potion, spinning down
The names & keys are revealed
In the air, in your mind, in the philter's tide
The faces of the Thirteen...
Straight from The Cauldron's brew, The 13 Goblets are filled and lifted towards the ancient sigil, which glows an eerie phosphorescence, joining the candleabras and chandelier in the gloomy room, upon which hangs a serpent. 13 robed forms in attendance, imbibing the Powerful elixir bestowing Strength, immortality. ∞
13 c l o c k s

13 Clocks in each room
Strike 13 o'clock
Witching Demon hours
The oracle swings back & forth
Past, present, & future, one
Creaking doors upon the hinges
Crawling deep within the bowels of The House...
13 Clocks, 13 secret doors descending
Stairways to Hell & back
Leading to The Chambers Black
The Devil's Tritone echoes, summoning the shades
Lamps aflicker in the gloom
Demon winds begin to loom
13 Phantom forms in darkness...
13 CLOCKS, each crowned with horned skulls glaring
Back & forth, the hanged man swinging
13 CLOCKS, Shaped like coffins
Ticking in a heartbeat's pulse
There are thirteen coffin-shaped clocks throughout Bloodthorn Manor. Upon striking 13 o' clock, the "hell knell" emanates The Devil's Tritone, which stirs the demonic ether, effecting the resident lamps accompanied by an eerie wind, as the crowning horned skulls' eye sockets glow with an incandescent illumination. Each ticks at a heartbeat's tone while the pendulum features an inverse cross, and through tinted glass, leads into subterranean chambers down spiral staincases into The Noctuary Shadow Chamber deep below, where the dread rites are performed.∞
13th s i g n
The 13th Moon courses the Seasons in Hell
Every month another face, signs & symbols
Specters move across the face of the night
Draegon Fire, Water, Earth, Air, Flesh incarnate
Mytheological transmutations
Lycanthropic, Anthropomorphic
Through 13th Dimensions
Hybrid legends come alive
Devil's Mark branded upon flesh at birth
Sign of The Dragon
Consuming the others
Sign of The Beast immortal
666 Hellemental
When Luna pairs with Lucifer in the W/Eastern sky
Hecate, Lilith, Sin, Persephone
Baphomet ascends the hellvens
Seated upon the Firmament Majestic
We are the 13th Sign
The Face of The Dragon upon the 13th Moon
Wings outstretched upon the nocturne tide
Draconian Black Blood
Breathing hellfire with words and deeds
Bloodmoon, blacksun, alignment complete
Upon the 13th night...
The alignment coincides above The House as the conditions are right on this 13th night to bring forth the denizens of the netheregions said to reside deep wthin the bowels of The House, where The Gates of Hell part. The 13th Sign reveals itself to be that of The Mighty Black Dragon, corresponding with the race of The Dragon incarnate - those who have been before, are now, and shall be again assemble in the churning shadows 'neath hidden chambers, to enact forbidden rites unknown to common mortals. ∞
13 m i r r o r s

13 Mirrors in the dark
Single candle flame
Flickering shadows come alive
Cold touch upon your flesh
Gazing at reflections deep into your mind
One by one, the masks come forth
Melting into one, the reflection resonance
From the corners of your eyes...
Etch the symbol on the glass with The sinister Horns
The portal opens wide
Pouring forth from the frame
They have been called from beyond
The Grave or The Gates of Hell
Necromancy, Demonology
By The Books, burning words on the page...
Tapping on the glass, scratching at the window
The feeling of dread
The Presence arrives
They are here, they are here!13 Mirrors in each room
13 Mirrors reflect doom
13 eyes to watch you
Passing through the pane
Will you join them on the other side...?∞
There are thirteen ornate mirrors in each of the thirteen rooms in Bloodthorn Manor. Stand-alone, with intricate carving upon the frames, including the face of Baphomet with extended demonic wings, and serpents entwining down the edges with cobwebs supporting the looking glass itself. Thereupon the black glass it etched the Pentagram as key and consecration of this portal gateway to The Abyss.
Each serve as a veritable Portalways for either Demonic summoning, necromantic communication, or clairvoyant devices for Witchcraft. Inscribing The Pentagram thereupon the glass itself activates these for these purposes, which can then operate as a two-way communication oracle as well as pathway. ∞
13 r o o m s
Beneath the 13th Moon...

13 rooms, 13 graves, 13 ghosts, 13 mirrors, 13 spiders on the wall
13 Goblets, 13 Keys, 13 shadows arise
The Séance brought them nigh, on that 13th night
13 Windows of infernalight
Passing through your eyes, into the soul, becoming one
The spiderwebs tell the story
13 Dimensions, reflections of another timeless now
13 clocks, 13 chimes, one for each room
Summoning Them forth
13 Demons unleashed on the 13th ring
Echoing through The House
Inscribe The Oracle, 'neath the crystal ball's looking glass eye
13 drops of blood
13 signs, Black Dragon rise
Show Thy face, Mighty One!
Through the portal's way!
There are thirteen coffin-shaped clocks throughout Bloodthorn Manor. Upon striking 13 o' clock, the "hell knell" emanates The Devil's Tritone, which stirs the demonic ether, effecting the resident lamps accompanied by an eerie wind, as the crowning horned skulls' eye sockets glow with an incandescent illumination. Each ticks at a heartbeat's tone while the pendulum features an inverse cross, and through tinted glass, leads into subterranean chambers down spiral staincases into The Noctuary Shadow Chamber deep below, where the dread rites are performed. ∞
13 n e e d l e s
Pricking needles in your skin
Watch the metal slide right in
Drawing deep, the vampire drinks
Life away in tubes and trays
Drip, drip, drip
Slipping away... Getting paler day by day
Drip, drip, drip
Fading away... Getting weaker as you pay
The wailing and the lights
Spinning in your mind
The bed is moving by itself
The mirror darkens to a door
The faces appear, getting near
13 needles stab... into your veins
13 needles stab... into your brain
13 needles stab... into your eyes
13 needles stab... into your mind
The swirling blood... streaks of white and red
The ghosts are back again!
In shadows and in black
The swirling blood... turning dark, the lights go out again!
Eat the flesh of other beasts
Gain your strength from the feast
Are they needles? Or are they thorns?
Are they spikes? Or are they horns?
Watch the liquid slowly fall
See the bodies slowly crawl
The Devils make the trade ∞
The subject awakens to find the figures hovering above combined with sharp pain in the extremities, and an increasing sense of weakness throughout the body, while the heart begins pumping more fiercely, though it feels like there is fire flowing in the veins. A sensation of falling follows, when the brain is of a sudden assailed with a vision of streaks flowing around consciousness, blending into a scene of slow ebbing bloodrops cascading down a long cone-like spike festooned into the stained earth, while impaled bodies descend down towards the ground, and the echoes of resounding laughter.
Over a table carved with the Seal of The Draegon, a parchment is signed & sealed with the pentagram & 13 hellish signatures, and a final diabolical recompense. All grows black again. ∞
13 g h o s t s
Voices echo down the hall & across the wall
In a white haze, everything's a blur, a white fog
And forms encircling 'round
And forms encircling 'round...
The constant tone of flesh and machine
Giving life...taking life
Giving life...taking life
Then comes the cold, flowing in your veins
Beware The Reaper's face
Making you insane...
You better shake off death!
Faceless GHOSTS twisting 'round
Don't follow the blindlight in their eyes
Or you'll be gone... Forever! ∞
The subject "sacrifice" somehow find themselves in a hospital room, after a bout with a sudden mysterious illness after drinking from a strange goblet unearthed recently on the grounds, thought to be part of a rumored hidden family treasure for centuries. The goblet was cleaned and preserved in a cabinet for display, yet recent birthday celebrations bid partaking from it for the special occasion.
At about 13:00, the lights flicker, buzzing out incrementally until the flashing stroboscopic pulsations reveal forms moving about in the gloom, almost like 'white shadows' moving to and fro... of a sudden, black-holed eyeless, featureless faces appear forwards, overshadowing in a haze, drifting through the walls, out of the mirror, and through slowly creaking doors. As they near, the victim passes out... ∞