Bibliography / Cinematography / Videography / Documentary / Discography
Welcome to My world... Presented here for your viewing pleasure and contemplation, are several lists of recommendations utilizing the sources available on The Devil's Web. This is not a complete list, but does comprise a sizable compilation with recordings I have had in My personal collection that I have found to be either musickally, aesthetically, and/or ideologically valuable to differing extents in one form or another.
This is provided for entertainment purposes, and is not intended to reflect Satanic philosophy in all respects, but instead contain artistic expressions which may be theatrically inspirational.
Here are a few multimedia suggestions that I have found to be sources of entertainment, inspiration, & in some cases, education. Some may be difficult to find at more popular book & record stores, so you may wish to search for these titles, as well as listen to samples on Real Player @ & Yahoo Music;, Internet Movie Data Base; or Barnes & Noble. Otherwise, a perusal to privately owned bookstores & record shoppes will turn up some great results.
Whatever the case, sit back in the shadows of darkness, enjoy your favorite philter, and experience evocations sublime...
Anton Szandor LaVey
- The Satanic Bible
- The Satanic Rituals
- The Satanic Witch
- The Devil's Notebook
- Satan Speaks!
- The Secret Life Of A Satanist by Blanche Barton
- The Church Of Satan by Blanche Barton
- The Devil's Avenger by Burton H. Wolfe
- Satan Wants You: The Cult of Devil-Worship In America by Arthur Lyons
- Descartes' Error by Antonio Demasio
- Occult America by John Godwin {esp. Chapter 12}
- The Black Flame: International Forum of The Church of Satan.
- The Cloven Hoof: Official Bulletin & Tribunal of The Church of Satan.
- Not Like Most
- The Devil's Diary.
- Sinister
- The Black Pun-kin
Frederick Nietzsche
- Thus Spake Zarathustra
- Beyond Good & Evil
- The Will To Power
- The Antichrist
- The Genealogy of Morals
- Rasputin: The Man Behind The Myth by Maria Rasputin & Patte Barham
- The Origin Of Species by Charles Darwin
- Dore's Illustrations for 'Paradise Lost' {Dover Pictorial Archives Series} by Gustave Dore, John Milton
Might Is Right by Ragnar Redbeard
- Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand
- The Art of Selfishness by David Seabury
- The True Believer by Eric Hoffer {Thoughts on the Nature of Mass Movements / A Mentor Book}
- All works by Joseph Campbell, especially The Power Of The Myth.
- Magick In Theory & Practice by Aleister Crowley
- The Necromantic Ritual Book by Leilah Wendell
- Satanic Sex / Everything You Wanted To Know About Sorcery, But Were Afraid To Ask! by Arlene J. Fitzgerald
- Man, Myth, & Magic Occult Encyclopedia by Richard Cavendish
- Lucifer Rising by Irrev. Gavin Badelley
- Lords of Chaos: The Bloody Rise of the Satanic Metal Underground by Michael Moynihan, Didrik Soderland {Introduction}, & Didrik Serlind
- Haunted Houses by Jason Friedman {a Trumpet Club original book}
- Dracula by Bram Stoker
- Frankenstein by Mary Shelley
- The Inferno by Dante Aligheri
- Paradise Lost by John Milton
- Dialogues With The Devil by Taylor Caldwell
- Covenant With The Vampire, Children of The Vampire, Lord of The Vampires by Jeane Kalogridis
- Anno Dracula by Kim Newman
- The Angry Angel by Chelsea Quinn Yarbro
- The Dark Angel by Meredith Ann Pierce
- Vampires Among Us by Rosemary Ellen Guiley
- American Vampires by Norine Dresser {many excellent vampiric contact addresses}
- In Search of Dracula by Raymond T. McNally
- A Clutch of Vampires by Raymond T. McNally
- The Dracula Tape by Fred Saberhagen
- The Tragedy of Doctor Faustus by Christopher Marlowe
- GRENDEL by John Gardner
- Scary Stories To Tell In The Dark & More Scary Stories To Tell In The Dark by Alvin Shwartz & Stephen Gammell
- Halloween Poems by Myra Cohn Livingston, Stephen Gammell
- Candlemas Eve by Jeffrey Sackett
- 666 & The Amityville Horror by Jay Anson
- Lord Satan by Louisa Bronte
- The Silmarillion, The Hobbit, Lord of the Rings by JRR Tolkien
- The Illustrated History of Magic by Milbourne & Maurine Christopher / Foreword by David Copperfield
- Satanis {The Devil's Mass}
- Speak of The Devil {The Canon of Anton LaVey}
- The Devil's Rain
- Rosemary's Baby
- Gone With The Wind
- Pygmalion
- The Omen I, II, III, & IV
- The Exorcist
- The Last Temptation of Christ
- Dracula {original with Bela Lugosi}
- Dracula {Francis Ford Coppola version}
- Interview With The Vampire
- The House of Dark Shadows {& original series}
- The Crow
- The Lost Boys
- Monster Squad
- In The Mouth of Madness
- The Shadow {plus original radio series}
- The Magician
- Metropolis
- The King & I
- Camelot
- Powder
- Vampires {A&E documentary}
- Legend
- The Haunting
- The Addams Family & Addams Family Values
- The Lady In White
- Batman I & II
- Highlander I & III
- Rawhead Rex
- Dragonslayer
- The Devil's Daughter
- Flash Gordon {modern & original versions}
- The Evil Dead I & II
- Necronomicon
- Waxworks
- Something Wicked This Way Comes
- Wishmaster
- Event Horizon
- Nosferatu {original & 1977 version}
- The Hunger
- Dr. Dolittle
- The Mask of Zorro {original Zorro & modern movie}
- Salem's Lot
- It
- Christine
- Heavy Metal
- The Last Unicorn
- Willy Wonka & The Chocolate Factory
- Monty Python & The Holy Grail
- Halloween I, II, & IV
- Phantasm I - III
- Deathwish I - IV
- Frankenstein {Coppola version & original}
- Wolf
- Edward Scissorhands
- The Nightmare Before Xmas
- Beetlejuice
- Jurassic Park / The Lost World
Immortal Beloved
- Amadeus
- The Howling I - V
- The Satanic Rites of Dracula
- Dracula, Prince of Darkness
- Taste The Blood of Dracula
- Dracula Has Risen From The Grave
- Starring Christopher Lee
Spechtreum | Malefick Musick | Satan's Scroll
- The Blood on Satan's Claw
- Star Wars, The Empire Strikes Back, Return of The Jedi
- Phantom of The Opera
- Into The Woods {play starring Bernadette Peters as The Witch}
- Raiders of The Lost Arc, Indiana Jones & The Temple of Doom, Indiana Jones & The Last Crusade
- The Three Musketeers
- Bean
- The People Vs. Larry Flynt
- The Devil's Ecstasy {Satanic Erotica / Stonehenge}
- Midnight Offerings {with Melissa-Sue Anderson}
- Here There Be Wolves...
- The Dark Crystal
- Traci, I Love You {with Traci Lords}
- The Amityville Horror
- Reanimator
- Creepshow 1 & 2
- The Vampire Chronicles
- The Gate 1 & 2
- Troll
- From Beyond
- Evilspeak
- The Island of Dr. Moroeu
- The Car
- The Never-Ending Story
- The Forbidden Zone {Richard Elfman directs / Danny Elfman plays the Devil}
- The People Vs. Larry Flint
- Animal Farm
- London After Midnight {Lon Chaney}
- Ghoulies
- Gargoyles
- Pumping Iron
- Disney.
- Anton Szandor LaVey: Satan Takes A Holiday / Strange Music / The Satanic Mass
- Acheron: Rites of The Black Mass / Lex Talionis / Hail Satanic Victory / Anti-God, Anti-Christ / Those Who Have Risen
- King Diamond: Fatal Portrait / Abigail / Them / Conspiracy / The Eye / The Graveyard / Voodoo / House of God
- Mercyful Fate: The Beginning... / Don't Break The Oath / Melissa / In The Shadows / Return of The Vampire / Time / Into The Unknown / Dead Again/ 9
- The Electric Hellfire Club: Satan's Little Helpers / Kiss The Goat / Calling Dr. Love / Holy Roller / Empathy For The Devil {A Collection of Creepy Covers & Holiday Hymns}.
- Venom: Welcome To Hell / Black Metal / Possessed / At War With Satan / To Hell & Beyond / Calm Before The Storm / Prime Evil
- Deicide: Deicide / Legion / Once Upon The Cross / Serpents of the Light / Insineratehymn
- Morbid Angel: Altars of Madness / Blessed Are The Sick / Covenant / Domination
- Genitorturers
- Iced Earth
- Type O Negative: Slow, Deep, & Hard / Bloody Kisses / October Rust
- Iron Maiden: Killers / Number of the Beast / Powerslave / Live After Death
- Judas Priest: Defenders of The Faith / Screaming For Vengeance / Stained Class
- Candlemass: Tales of Creation / Nightfall / Epicus Doomicus Metallicus
- Insatanity
- Satyricon
- Emperor: In The Nightside Eclipse
- Dark Funeral
- Danzig: Danzig / Lucifuge / How The Gods Kill / Demonsweatlive / Danzig 4 / Blackacidevil / 666: Satan's Child
Black Sabbath {all works; also, obtain "Nativity In Black" by various artists, esp. Type O Negative's moving rendition of "Black Sabbath"}
- Samael: Ceremony of Opposites
- Hypocrisy
- London After Midnight: Psycho Magnet / Music For The End of The World
- Shadow Project: Shadow Project
- Sarah Brightman
- Exorcist: Nightmare Theatre
- Infernal Majesty: None Shall Defy
- Celtic Frost: Morbid Tales / Emperor's Return / Into The Pandemonium
- Bathory: Bathory / The Return / Under The Sign of The Black Mark / Blood, Fire, Death / Blood On Ice
- Possessed: Seven Churches / Beyond The Gates
- Dark Throne
- Slayer: Haunting The Chapel / Show No Mercy / Hell Awaits / Reign In Blood
- Piledriver: Metal Inquisition
- Annihilator: Alice In Hell
- Sabbat: The Clerical Conspiracy
- Deathwish: Deathwish
- Helloween: The Seven Keys
- Roy Orbison
- Journey
- Queen
- Night Ranger
- Foreigner
- Asia
- Boingo {All works, esp. "Boingo" / contemplate the song "Insanity" in particular}.
Atmospheric Noises & morbid tales
- Nox Arcana
- Midnight Syndicate
- Shadow's Symphony
- John Williams
- Richard Wagner
- Johann Sebastian Bach
- Richard Strauss
- Scarlatti
- Felix Mendelson
- Vivaldi {esp. "The Four Seasons"}
- Brahms
- Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
- Danny Elfman {esp., "Music For A Darkened Theater"}
- Wojciech Kilar {Dracula soundtrack}
- Glenn Danzig: Black Aria
- Leatherstrip: Serenade For The Dead
- The 13 Clocks {James Thurber / narrated by Lauren Bacall}
- The Haunted Mansion {A Disneyland Record}
- Chilling, Thrilling Sounds of The Haunted House {Disneyland}
- Scary Sound Effects: Nightmarish Noise for Hallowe'en {featuring The Theremin Orchestra & The Phantom Theremin Orchestra / Rhino Records}
- Hallowe'en Sound Effects: Music & Effects of a Terrifying Nature {Total Recording}
- A Night in a Haunted House & in a Graveyard
- Horror Sounds of the Night {Topstone Records}
- Thriller Chiller Sound Effects I & II {Funworld}
- Demons & Dementia {contains passages from The Satanic Bible (read rather dubiously): "Invocation Employed Towards the Conjuration of Destruction", "The First Enochian Key", "Invocation to Satan", & the chanting of "In Nomine Dei Nostri Satanas, Luciferi Excelsi."}
- Spirits & Spooks for Hallowe'en Summoned Up by William Conrad {of "Cannon" fame / "With this record in your collection, mischief need know no season. Any night can be Hallowe'en. Spin at your
risk." -- Paul Kresh; back cover commentator / Caedmon Records}
 - NOTE: If you wish to possess the following recommendations and/or unlisted items, &/or those otherwise reviewed herein Shadowmantium, through The SHADOWSIDE, contact by EMAIL for further details. Certain rare/out-of-print items acquired upon availability.
- Multimedia formats: [Vinyl/cassette/CD/VHS/DVD] Posters, shirts, stickers, patches options also available.
- SHADOWBOX: Malefick Multimedia combination: Surprise selection of Book, tape, CD, DVD, VHS, shirt, poster, stickers, patches, toys. [$99]
- [paypal] Price includes shipping & handling. Inquirer will be forwarded to Donation option as appropriate. ∞