You have experienced the horrors of Haunted Devil's Canyon, traversed the terrors of Devil Lake, now finally arriving at Devil's Gate. Your journey is about to begin...
The third horror anthology by Draconis Blackthorne will take you to the Gates of Hell itself, where dire rites were performed to unleash unspeakable horrors upon the world, haunting the land with diabolical forces, pooling at certain blighted locations such as Devil's Canyon & Devil Lake. Verily, by what occurred here so have those accursed spots been possessed.
You have been compelled towards the dimming western sunset, to travel upon Route 666 unto the veritable hellmouth leading to the deepest darkness within and beyond... Once traversing the threshold, there is no turning back. Enter the shadows of The Black Earth...
Built upon an old graveyard, Trapezoid Towers looms ominously as a menacing dominant mass upon the shadowy mountain. Oh, what evil deeds transpire therein...
Written on the night of the June Solstice XLVII by the shadow demon lamp, accompanied by Nero the black cat watching from the window sill, and the sounds of howling coyotes nearby.